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Cetes, invest or not?


The latest trends in economic markets and globalization have prompted people to invest additional or unused money so that in the near future they will generate profits with which to acquire goods or services. To carry out this type of financial procedures, it was necessary to transact through third parties in the physical facilities of a bank or a stockbroker, nowadays through the internet these transactions are reduced to a few clicks and some phone calls. Smart investments haunt the minds of different people across the globe, in a world where money is making less and less and stocks are becoming more volatile, the need for conscious investments has been created.

For some people, it becomes difficult to make investments in the style of Carlos Slim or Germán Larrea, the richest men in Mexico, who manage millionaire transactions; therefore, different options have been opened, from banking that can be contracted from the bank's portal or application to government instruments that require investments from three-figure amounts.

Banks often request initial amounts of $ 10,000 or $ 15,000 Mexican pesos to initiate transactions on low or moderate risk exchanges, and considering that the salary of an average Mexican is between $ 5,000.00 and $ 7,000.00, according to INEGI data, there is little probability of carry out this type of transactions with waiting times of between 6 months and one year up to 5 or 10 years.

This is where the Certificates of the National Treasury (CETES) come in, which are the oldest stock debt instruments that Mexico has issued, since they have their origins since the 1970s. They have an important characteristic that an investment in CETES It can be done from 7 to 365 days.

In order to better exemplify what CETES are and how they operate, we must think that Mexico is a company that needs to make improvements or implement infrastructure services in different parts of the Republic and part of its income is obtained from the taxes it carries out. the citizenship. In many occasions, to carry out these projects, the money obtained from the contributions is not enough for him, so he needs “private investment” that finances part of the work in exchange for profits from it. In this context, we find that the government sells "assets" that citizens can acquire by way of "loan" shares to the government so that the latter occupies the money in order to grant profits to the former. CETES securities generally have a nominal value of $ 10.00 Mexican pesos and are zero coupon bonds.

The CETES are characterized by being a “safe investment” in which there is no opportunity to lose the investment made, since from the beginning it is possible to know what the yield obtained will be; An example of this would be as of November 2018, the investment of $ 100.00 over a period of 30 days gives a return of $ 0.56 cents.

CETES is available to anyone who wants to make an investment, from individuals with or without business activity to legal entities from all areas.

Among the main reasons for investing in CETES we can find security, since being the government itself who issues the certificates, it is practically null to obtain a loss, Nacional Financiera manages the transactions in CETES, regular domiciled investments can be made, they allow make very low investments and are recommended for inexperienced or basic investors; likewise for those people who require money quickly, they have very low investment terms and allow the early exit of the investment without penalties as in banks.

Among the main disadvantages, it should be mentioned that CETES can have variations during the investment time but it does not benefit the investment made since the yield is not given by the fluctuation of the market, but rather by the moment in which it has been contracted without variations. positive or negative over time; there are low returns as there is little risk, also considering the time in which the investment is made; It is not valid for long-term investments since the maximum term to which an investment can be made is one year (with the possibility of reinvesting profits), likewise a great disadvantage is that inflation is higher than the interest earned.

The question regarding whether it is worth making an investment in the Treasury Certificates of the Nation is completely varied, despite the fact that the benefits of investment times and the minimum amounts for the acquisition of certificates are striking, there are disadvantages of greater weight that should be generated by any beginning investor noise: the investment risk is very low and the profit is safe, but the money invested will lose much of its value when returning to the investor's account.

Although on many occasions it is preferable that the potential investor keep the additional or extra profits that he is obtaining and invest them in a much greater amount in a bank or in a financial institution to obtain higher returns in longer terms and with a slightly higher risk. That of CETES, it is very possible that in what joins the minimum investment amounts, it decides to see in CETES an option to keep the money "protected" and generating pennies to later invest it in a medium with higher returns.


Bank of Mexico. (1999). Technical description of the Treasury Certificates of the Nation. Recovered from

The Economist. (2010). What are CETES? Recovered from

Fernández, D. (2010). What are CETES? Recovered from

Macías, S. (2017). Is it safe to invest in CETES? Recovered from

Marcos, L. (2017). Investing in CETES, is it convenient? Recovered from

Migueles, R. (2017). Who earns more than 12 thousand pesos in Mexico? Recovered from

Rankia. (2015). How do I invest in CETES? Who invests? Why invest? Recovered from

Cetes, invest or not?