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Democratic science and science journalism


Scientific discipline is a source of gloom in today's society. Circumstance that is accentuated in Spain in a special way, taking into account that the media report little on matters related to the field of knowledge, and when they do so, they are often ambiguous.

Borrat affirms that the sources of a scientific-technical nature sometimes become "resistant". This feature, says Borrat, in turn gives them the need to find a journalist who has credibility. Well, following his theory, we could deduce in this way that Science needs Journalism and vice versa, with the clear purpose that the citizen has knowledge of subjects in which he is the true protagonist. By this, I mean that the dissemination of the scientific field should not be limited to offering a few brushstrokes on the newsworthy fact, but that the transmission of this information should be done in depth, with the consequent explanation of the development of the research.

That is, it would not be enough to explain that the Scientific Foundation of the AECC (Spanish Association Against Cancer) has launched a research project called "Dissecting the generic basis of hereditary cancer", led by Doctor Javier Benítez, but rather It should be argued to the public that this plan is based on the study of samples derived from patients suffering from the disease, in order to know the causes of the disease. But it must be emphasized that it is not only about knowing the origins, but that this project will conclude with the idea of ​​establishing some parameters of prevention against the disease. And this, truly, is the essence of the dissemination of scientific information, its direct impact on society. Likewise, it would be interesting to carry out a continuity of information in this regard,with the idea that the public is aware of the way in which such research is carried out. In this sense, it is worth highlighting a phrase from the scientific communicator Daniel Prieto Castillo, who in an interview stated that what should never be done in science journalism is forgetting the public. Words are unnecessary.

On the other hand, and in matters of organizational communication, there are many institutions and companies related to the area of ​​Science, Technology, or Health that have information provider cabinets. Here, in a special way, the journalist at the service of that organization has a fundamental task, and that is to deliver complex information to the media in the simplest possible way, with the aim that they use it to offer it to the reader of same way. But for this, and following the scientific journalist Valeria Román, it is essential to convey this news in the most attractive way possible. In this sense, he adds, it is essential that the words used in a certain jargon are "well explained, since nothing can be taken for granted". This circumstance is further accentuated in the Public Administration,that in recent years the number of journalists dedicated to certain sectors of it has increased, which forces it to be rigorous and in turn "seductive" in the disclosure of its actions, as it influences, more directly if possible, in the citizen.

In his work "The New Science Journalism", Manuel Calvo Hernando, expert in Scientific Journalism, speaks, following Almodóvar, of "de-dramatizing Science" as an effective method to unite it to society. It is interesting in this section of his work his statement about the "need to reconcile democratization with selection", that is, to convert that unknown information into knowledge lacking rigor and seriousness, bordering on why not humor.

Returning to the specialization in the knowledge of Science through Journalism, it is increasingly necessary for the young promises of the profession to be architects in the matter, since the development of our current society and the enormous scientific and technological advances require a informed and formed society. Thinker Peter Drucker stated that "knowledge will be the greatest determinant of wealth." Well, for that wealth to generate its fruits it is necessary to produce it, and then, the origin of it is in the hands of those who must generate it, first, and then those who are in charge of distributing it to humanity. For this reason, at the present time, universities should train students in the dissemination of news of complex origin for ordinary citizens. For his part,the teacher has to "recycle" himself to be able to transmit the new trends to that future journalist, motivate him and encourage him to be a lover of information that only he has, and therefore, solely responsible for his reader's understanding.

When a citizen understands what nanotechnology is, or what the properties of renewable energy are, and that continuous progress is an achievement for everyone, then the professional has discovered the secret of Scientific Journalism: the mystery is to convert Science in Literature.

Democratic science and science journalism