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Keys in sales management

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After establishing the link that allows the development of an interview with a potential buyer, the following steps are determining what will happen in the remaining time of the interview.

This is so evident that, depending on what is done and said, it will determine if we are in the lane that leads to a good destination or if we turn onto a dead end.

In those first moments of the sales interview, many representatives usually start arguing about the benefits of their products and services. Perhaps because it was effective with many previous interviewees, they start by being surprised to find an effect very far from what they really expected or wanted to generate.

With this, not only do they lose a potential sales opportunity, but they also cause a loss of image of the representative who incurs in this typical error of a "traditional" sale.

This is because no one likes to be offered something they did not request. In addition, the same product or service can be beneficial in different aspects according to each potential buyer in the market. (one)

Instead, they feel very comfortable and willing to talk when they are concerned about their problems or needs and especially when they discover that solutions and satisfactions exist through an inductive analysis process generated by the representative.

Management keys

To avoid this negligent situation, deep knowledge of the offer itself is essential, prior to any professional sales management.

This is only achieved through the analysis of each and every one of their own products or services and of the competition in terms of sale (characteristics-benefits). Otherwise, not only will you not be able to exercise a true and efficient advisory role, but you will also miss opportunities to respond to the most common objections in your management. (2)

The other indispensable tool in all sales management, and especially at this stage, is mastering the Techniques for the Analysis of Needs or Problems. (3)

According to the 10 Fundamentals of Professional Sales ©, it follows that the professional salesperson "does not make false steps or leaps into the void": first he is informed and, "if applicable", he will offer what truly impresses him favorably and "to the extent" of what each potential buyer states needs or resolves.

This way of selling is neither accidental nor a special gift reserved for a privileged few; on the contrary, it is simply adopting an honest and sincere advisory attitude in generating benefits to others with professional intervention, applying a highly effective technique that is very easy to learn.

Leading every interview in a natural way and under a consultative modality, leading the interlocutor through the five stages of the professional sales process, requires mastering this technique. Its proper application is so crucial that we can affirm that without it, it will be difficult to induce anyone towards what they really want to share and analyze in the interview. (4)

Once we have obtained the key information on what really relates to the needs or problems detected with what our offer provides, we will be in a position to begin to professionally argue our product or service.

This will be what we will develop in our next article in this series, and it is related to how to get the potential buyer to visualize the benefits that they will obtain and accept them one by one, through effective sales arguments.


  1. La Venta Profesional, 4th Edition, Part I - Cap II p.25; and also in The Professional Retail SaleThe Professional Sale, 4th Edition, Part I - Chap. III p. 29; and also in The Professional Retail SaleThe Professional Sale, 4th Edition, Part I - Chap. I p. 13; and also in The Professional Retail SaleThe Professional Sale, 4th Edition, Part II - Cap. X p. 69; and also in The Professional Retail Sale

SALES COURSES. See modules 1, 2, 6, 7 and 7.2.

© Copyright 2003, by Martín E. Heller

Keys in sales management