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Keys to managing a luxury brand successfully


Eight keys to understand "unexpressed needs" and succeed in conquering the "distinguished segment" with products and services designed with the new definition of luxury in mind.

Producers and marketers of products that traditionally targeted an elite audience, today are faced with the difficulty of targeting a target in the process of redefining their "lifestyle".

These behavioral changes add to the business need to maintain a delicate balance between sales volume and exclusivity.

If a brand is mass-marketed, its image may lose prestige. However, if you fail to expand your sales volumes, you risk disappearing.

This difficult equation is solved from what is usually called “masstige” (massification + prestige), where the common denominator of the products is given by the construction of a strong emotional bond.

The following are eight key points to successfully walk the path of building a response oriented to our target.

1. Generate a brand that is not aware of fashion but defines it, that sets trends. Pay attention to individualization.

2. Promote a sense of belonging based on good care. Separate customers "from the crowd" through actions that distinguish and reward them, conquering them from a more intimate relationship with the brand.

3. Articulate the link between communication, actions, product and brand that highlights the consumer as a member of their own target and includes them in the privacy of a circle of reference. That the brand transmits knowledge that can be decoded from the product and transformed into its own knowledge.

4. Modify the way consumers perceive what they buy, providing security. In a world cornered by uncertainty, give them pleasure and confidence. They aspire to belong to the highest category on the market, but their way of entering that segment is not by changing their consumption behavior or their income.

5. Knowing the psychographic profile of our clients, generating a source of marketing intelligence at the point of sale, “you buy the point of view of someone who appears reflected in its creation”. The first step is to understand as much as possible about the category user: how he uses the product, what his preferences are, what he complains about, but trying to go beyond superficial dissatisfactions to discover the underlying underlying discontent. Finally, when the product is launched, always keep in mind a strategy that aims to create links that allow you to understand what they think, respond to their suggestions and opinions, and expand distribution.

6. Be clear that the main mission is to sell a more glamorous lifestyle, the consumer always "buys a dream".

7. Search for ways to please our best customers, our most loyal customers, resorting to increasingly personalize the products that must be created or adapted especially to their needs.

8. Generate a scenographic setting at the point of sale aimed at staging “an emotional space”. Pay special attention to the shopping experience, ensuring that there is a permanent sense of service. Generate an atmosphere based on the layout and trained personnel for particular attention, aimed at satisfying the growing desire of consumers to feel that they are in a place where they can buy products "exclusive to them" and be served in a personalized way.

Keys to managing a luxury brand successfully