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Keys to achieving high productivity in sales

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When you have an effective methodology that allows you to achieve a certain result consistently, through productivity we can measure how much you can achieve by relating it to a unit of time measurement.

If we refer to a production or manufacturing process, this represents that the industrial establishment manages to produce a certain number of units that are related to the shift (8 hours), one day (24 hours) or during the week or month.

In order to achieve a higher level of productivity, these data should be compared against the same records from previous periods, being analyzed in whole or in part. This means being able to analyze not only the total data such as the number of finished cars, but also doing the same with productivity in the different sectors that contribute to this happening, such as with the assembly line of electrical installation, doors, upholstery, motor, etc.,

Professional sales management uses the same criteria to measure the generation of operating results, such as: the number of units sold and the money generated per month, as well as the number of qualified leads obtained per day, month and year, which directly contributes to this happening.

In this continuous productive process of generating sales results, various resources and circumstances intervene that precisely make the results materialize in a certain period of time. And this also corresponds to be measured and analyzed against its previous events with the sole purpose of perfecting it and making it increasingly efficient, achieving the highest possible productivity in management.

Within this continuous production process of sales management, several aspects intervene that are interesting to analyze so that the key aspects that contribute to a higher level of results can be established.

The management methodology

Every production process requires the use of a method that specifies those who operate in pursuit of a certain achievement, the action or actions that must be taken to achieve a certain result. And as in industrial production processes, selling in each commercial strategy and for each business requires establishing your own.

Each business, activity or undertaking must have its own that has been previously designed and previously verified in its application effectiveness, so that it can be transmitted to those who must apply it to obtain the desired results in quality and quantity.

In cases where there is no "own effective sales management method" and implemented in the actions of its structure in each of the members of the sector, the activity is subject to the fortuitous individualities of its members, which produces an uncertain achievement of results in each period.

The quality of its representatives

It is said that each organization has the representatives it deserves. This is only a consequence of the profiles and criteria applied in the selection, the way in which they are trained initially and continuously, as well as the quality of their operational management.

The deficiencies that exist in these operational aspects in each business or activity will determine the type of results that will consequently be achieved and that will hardly come close to the goals that are aspired to be achieved at the end of each period.

Among the professional training objectives of each of its representatives are to cover the following key aspects:

Your identification with the company, its mission, its vision and its values

Learning your own sales management methodology and how to apply

The development of skills that allow them to consistently obtain sales opportunities (Prospecting)

Knowledge of the products or services marketed in terms of sale for their most effective argument "tailored" to the true requirements of each potential buyer

Learn to apply the Professional Sales Techniques so that the maximum possible results are achieved in the interviews that you will carry out on each management day with your opportunities

The management

The ability to achieve results through other people in charge, in a consistent way, and framed within a methodology that ensures its operational materialization, we can call it "management".

This important role within each sales structure must be carried out by a person who has the qualities and requirements that the position requires to ensure compliance with the operational goals that the organization needs and establishes in each of its annual periods.

His style must provide his collaborators with vital aspects such as trust, his just resolution of situations and conflicts in the group, provide them with guidance towards better performance and personal and professional growth, collaborate in specific management situations to unlock and resolve them favorably, etc.

A management planning and control system

All the activity that is described in each business must objectively specify each of the actions that are described in its sales management methodology in a way that allows its permanent periodic registration in order to have objective and successful elements to plan, control and properly and timely manage the management of all its members.

It is called "Sales Management System" which allows the daily management to be recorded as well as having all the key information specific to each business, venture or independent activity.


One of the most basic skills of all management lies in learning to access the sources that allow us to clarify the analysis and efficiently solve what hinders us to achieve a certain goal.

Having these elements described above is not exclusive to medium and large companies. By the way, they surely can count on them already.

The SMEs, the microempendimientos and even independent professional activities are most certainly can require them to keep it, growth and development towards the goals you aspire to be supported.

All the entrepreneurial potential they possess should be accompanied by the solidity and objectivity they require to be able to ensure that the effort and resources invested can lead them to the best success destinations they deserve and that is obtained through a simple consultation with the proven specialist. experience in the subject.

© Copyright 2004, by Martín E. Heller

Keys to achieving high productivity in sales