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Keys to improve the quality of service

Table of contents:


Key to good service: Authentic service leadership at all levels of the organization

Qualities of service leaders

  • Service vision Believe in others Business love Integrity

Methods to Cultivate Employee Service Leadership Potential

  • Promote the right people Emphasize personal participation Emphasize the trust factor Encourage learning for leadership

Build an information system on service quality

  • Ways to collect quality of service information Transactional Surveys Global Market Surveys Incognito Buyers Service Reviews Advisory Client Meetings Surveys with new clients, less assiduous clients and no longer clients Interviews with focus groups Employee reports from field.Investigations among employees

Characteristics of a Service Strategy

Principles of the service strategy:

  1. Reliability Surprise Recovery Equity

Defining the service function

  • Lack of service standards Too many service standards General service standards Poor communication of service standards. “No customer” service standards

Symbology of the service strategy

Like service standards, service symbols can communicate a philosophy with strategy ……..

Principles of Extraordinary Service

Companies that provide extraordinary service, whatever the nature of their business, combine the basic elements of service with the art of surprise. ”

Reliability in service

  1. Reliability Tangible Things Response Time Security Empathy

Of these 5 dimensions of service, reliability is the most important.

Service Recovery

  1. Receive a sincere apology. Receive an offer of "fair" compensation Be treated in a manner that demonstrates the company's concern about the problem and its interest in helping to resolve it. Receive an offer of a reward equivalent to the burden they have borne.Receive the promised recovery service instead of one that falls short.

Compete for talent

  • Service Employees Are the Company Service companies must compete for talent market share with the same intensity as they compete for customer market share.

How to compete for talent

  • Become the employer of choice Have high sights Employ multiple recruitment methods Cover and segment the entire market Employ multiple selection methods

Universal capabilities of premium service employees

  • Encourage customer loyalty and trust Show empathy Communicate effectively Manage stress Actively listen Demonstrate an awakened mind

Developing Skills and Knowledge to Serve

  • Focusing on critical skills and knowledge Starting with a solid foundation and teaching the whole picture Formalizing learning as a process Using multiple approaches to learning Seeking continuous improvement

Empower Employees to Serve

An employee with the mental attitude of being empowered

  • You feel you are in control of how you should do your job. You are aware of the context in which your work is done and where it fits into the whole picture. You feel responsible for the product of your work. You share responsibility for performance. unity and organization. Feels that there is equity in the distribution of rewards, based on individual and collective performance.

Embracing Technology

  • Technology is a tool, a means to achieve the desired strategy. Investments in technology that are not linked to the strategy are doomed to fail. Technology fosters teamwork and unity, vital aspects of the strategy of "doing everything whatever it takes to solve the customer's problem. ”

Using technology to improve service

  • Take a holistic approach, Automate efficient systems, Solve a genuine problem, Provide more control, not less, Optimize basic technologies, Combine high technology, lots of personal contact

The role of technology to improve service

  • Multiply Knowledge. Streamline Service. Customize Service. Increase Reliability. Facilitate Communications. Increase Service.

Developing Teamwork

Excellent service is sometimes the product of one person's heroic acts. However, most of the time it comes from the coordinated work of many people who perform related service functions.

  • The imperative of Teamwork.Teamwork by Eliminating BordersUnrestricted CommunicationInternal Commitment to the ServiceEvaluation and Remuneration of TeamworkTeaching Teamwork

Evaluate Performance, Reward Excellence

Extraordinary service companies evaluate the performance of their service employees and reward their excellence, but this is not enough to build an organization that can deliver what it proposes.

  • Establish a purpose, validate the achievement, Common stumbles, Guidelines for evaluating performance.
    • Emphasize equity Measure many times and listen to various sources of information The system should be simple Measure individual and collective performance Include everyone Reward excellence Use various rewards Reward collective achievement

The art of extraordinary service

Extraordinary service is serving. It is defining mutually beneficial goals and showing confidence throughout the process. It is striving to improve the quality of life by creating a work environment that is meaningful to employees, and delivering a true service product to customers.

Good service is no longer enough

Customers today are demanding more than good service, it is about added values ​​and / or extraordinary services that are not part of the basic services they receive…

Keys to improve the quality of service