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Organizational sports climate of the global tahuichi team. bolivia


The sports organization climate

Organizational climate refers to the set of measurable properties of a work environment, as perceived by those who work in it.

Organizational climate is the name given to the environment generated by the emotions of the members of a group or organization, which is related to the motivation of the employees.

To the same extent that an organization can be analyzed and described in terms of its properties, its structure and its processes, it is also possible to identify the different dimensions of the perception of the working environment in which the individual collaborator finds himself. and investigate its influence on individual experience and behavior. The perception by the organization and the work environment represents the filtering or perceptual structuring system. By virtue of this perception, such person makes a description of the multiplicity of the stimuli that act on him in the world of work and that represent his work situation, and this environment, is called the organization or company climate for a individual.

The Organizational Climate is: A personalistic construct, a series of global perceptions on the part of the individual regarding his organization. These global perceptions reflect the interaction that occurs between personal and organizational characteristics.

The individual perceptions of the climate of the organization consist here in an interaction (and combination) of objective characteristics and facts that integrate the evolution of the organization, on the one hand, and individual and personal characteristics of the individual who perceives on the other.

Importance of the organizational sports climate

Talking about culture in administration not only implies a greater wealth in organizational studies by adopting the knowledge and methodologies of other disciplines such as sociology, anthropology and psychology, nor the mere positivist analysis of variables, in the search to increase productivity and the quality; the question goes further, it involves reformulating the series of ideas that have governed the organizational paradigms and that turn out to be, most of the time, homogenizing, universalistic and linear. Without a doubt, by making the best use of this reformulation for organizational development, we will be talking not only about a substantial improvement in the company, but also in society.

It is important for companies to measure and understand the organizational climate, since it can significantly impact the results. Numerous studies have indicated that the organizational climate can make the difference between a high-performing and a low-performing company.

Climate measurement sports organization

The measurement of the organizational climate is usually done through surveys applied to the workers of an organization, or of some area within it that you want to measure. Although there are different instruments, methodologies and surveys to measure the organizational climate, almost all agree on the need to measure the properties or variables in two parts: one, the current organizational climate, and another, the organizational climate as it should be. The gap between both measurements is very useful to diagnose organizational problems, which could later be explored and corrected.

Some of the variables relevant to measuring work climate, and which have been shown to make an important difference in the results of an organization, include flexibility, responsibility, standards, how to reward, clarity and team commitment.

Measurement data

Tahuichi Aguilera Mundialito Team

Professor Leandro Cabrera

Date September 14

Elaborated Lic. Edilberto Lazarte C.


It is made up of 36 questions subdivided according to the measurement sector.

Query 1

The team in general:

Do you like your team?

Do you feel proud to belong to your team?

Do you feel part of your team?

Are you aware of what you bring to your team?

Do you consider it as your own?

It is observed in the data that 74% percent agree with the team's membership, 15% are more or less and 11%, do not feel the team as their own.

Query 2

Environmental conditions:

Do you have enough spaces in your workplace?

Are there tools that facilitate your workouts?

Is the training court to your liking?

The table shows us that 45% have environmental conditions, 40% are more or less, and 15% say that there are no working conditions.

Query 3

Do you consider that..

… Do you have sufficient initiative in your position?

… do you have enough freedom of play in your position?

… Are your ideas taken into account by the technical staff?

Athletes tell us that 57% participate in the team, 29% sit more or less, and 14% consider that they do not participate in the team.

Query 4

Your position in the team…

… Is it related to the experience you have?

… is it in relation to your usual position?

… Is it valued enough?

Would you like to stay in your job within his team?

Would you like to play another role on your team?

The survey reveals that 64% have a relationship with the team, 23% feel more or less, and 13% consider that they have no relationship with the team.

Query 5


Do you get along with your peers?

Do they help and support you within the team?

Do you consider that you have a friendly environment among your teammates?

If you left your team to go to another, would you feel sorry for your teammates?

Do you work as a team with your colleagues?

The players tell us that 50% have a good relationship with their teammates, 40% tell us more or less, and 10% consider that they do not have a good relationship with their teammates.

Query 6

Technical body:

Does the coaching staff treat you well, with kindness?

Do you consider adequate the level of demand from your technician?

Do you consider that your technician is communicative?

Do you think your technician is fair?

Is there good communication between the coach and the players?

Is there good communication between the players and the coach?

Does the coaching staff listen to the opinions and suggestions of the players?

The results of the survey tell us that 80% of the players agree with the coaching staff, 19% or so, and 1% disagree.

Query 7


Do you think you do useful work for your team?

Do you have a certain level of security in your position, for the future?

Is it possible that you are a holder based on your good returns?

Are there equal opportunities for everyone?

The survey results tell us that 82% of players are in high esteem, 16% or so, and 2% in low esteem.

Query 8


Do you think you will live from soccer?

Do you think your teammates will live from soccer?

If you want to talk about a particular problem?

Any suggestion from you?

They tell us that the projection of his future as a footballer is only 35%, more or less 29%, and 35%, that he will not depend on soccer in the future.


Constantly monitor results and improve the team's organizational climate

Greater care will be taken with the results of consultation 5, since it shows us lack of team cohesion work, for which we will advocate with the necessary tools.

Care will be taken with the results of the survey in query 7, as we will define whether they are too high, or too confident.

In the same way with query 8, projection in soccer, for two topics, first personally, 29% undecided and 35%, they say that they will not live from soccer, this referred to in the subject of personal conviction towards tomorrow, and second because of the qualification issue towards their peers since they say that 16%, say that their peers will not live from soccer, and this leads to a lack of trust and camaraderie.

Appendix 1

Organizational sports climate of the global tahuichi team. bolivia