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Personal coaching. reasons why you don't attract new customers


Has it happened to you that potential clients call you, or are they even going to see you in a first interview… but they decide not to work with you? Maybe they were very interested in what you can offer them, but at some point did they start to back down?

Many therapists, coaches, and consultants take it personally. They think "maybe it is not good for this", "maybe it is because I do not have enough courses done, or I lack experience", or "maybe I look very young"… all kinds of ideas start to appear when potential clients follow saying NO to your services.

But in reality, this has nothing to do with your experience or with you as a professional… but with your client's fears. What is actually happening is that there is a part of them that is afraid of the transformative process that you can bring them.

And they begin to tell themselves stories of why they can't do, have or be what they want, or beliefs that they don't deserve to be better, or that having a therapist or coach is a luxury and not a real need.

Your job is to uncover the stories behind their objections.

Imagine this scenario:

You are in a first interview. You are feeling that they have established a good rapport with your client, they are making progress, and they are talking about how the therapeutic process is going to continue (or about that new program or course that can help them), everything is going well until your client He says:

"I can't afford it"

"I'll think about it"

"I have to discuss it with my… husband, wife, parents, cat, lawyer, etc."

«I don't have the time to do this course»

"Maybe in a few months"

"I'm not that bad, I don't feel like I need a therapist (or consultant)"

And what do you think about this? The self-preservation instincts of your ego lead you to think: «it is for the economy, people do not have the money to invest it in this»

This is the reason… some of the time. But surely you know many professionals who do very well, even when there is an economic crisis.

You need to understand this… your client's objections are valid. That is what is real to them. However, there is a difference between your objections, and the actual belief behind the objections.

So what is your customer really saying when they say NO?

The actual beliefs behind your objections may be these:

• Has the money, but chooses not to spend it on you

• Not convinced that your course or program is worth it

• Can't see the value of what you do

• You have someone else in mind, but they will not tell you

• You don't think you deserve to take that course and be better

• You are simply comparing prices with other professionals before deciding who to work with

• Doesn't think you really "get it"

• Does not believe that what you offer will work for your situation

• Unconsciously, he believes that if he begins the therapeutic process he will have to let go and leave something he wants or values

Precisely, in this last point, it is when they will tell you: "It hurts so much that I cannot exercise", or "I am so depressed, so lacking in energy that my husband has to cook, buy groceries and clean up because I am distressed to have to go out »

And it's difficult to challenge that situation… right? because so far it has brought them some profit. If you take away their pain, you leave them without excuses. So starting a therapeutic process to eliminate chronic pain, or to stop being depressed or anxious, means that you will have to start taking responsibility for yourself. And that scares them!

That's your job. Find out what "stories" are preventing them from saying YES, to work with you. Discover your fears, doubts and excuses.

When you find the real objection, you will be closer to turning that "I can't because…" into a "Yes."

Action to take: When you encounter an objection, see if you can figure out the real reason behind it. And challenge them to make the best decision for themselves.

Would you like to discover how to inspire people to work with you, in a simple, ethical, and confident way? Contact me to find out more about the course: How to inspire and attract ideal clients with confidence.

Personal coaching. reasons why you don't attract new customers