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How to create a quality culture in the strategic training process?


Often, company managers invest high costs in training their collaborators or employees. Sending them to participate in open or closed workshops and seminars of different training centers. Without taking into consideration any strategy that guarantees the organization, the return on the financial investment made, the increase in the quantity and quality of the desired customer (the one who actually buys your product) and the learning or training of all the participants that ensures a Quality Culture in the training process received.

It is time for the managers, managers, leaders and executives of the Human Management departments and the companies to reflect, stop and ask themselves some key questions that will serve as a starting point or foundation to CREATE A CULTURE OF QUALITY IN THE STRATEGIC TRAINING PROCESS.

And what would some of those questions be:

1. Do you have a Strategic Training Plan that is part of the Strategic Plan for Human Management and the company for which you work?

2. A Training Needs Detection (DNC) process has been carried out, so that the workshops, courses, seminars and talks in which the personnel of a company participate, are in accordance with the competencies required in the job descriptions, results of the process of performance evaluations and interviews. Have these interviews been conducted with the directors or managers of the institution's departments, based on the training needs detection surveys?

3. After the participation of the collaborators or employees in these workshops, has the return on investment in training been measured, the improvement in their attitudes and skills, the increase in the quantity and quality of customers in the company?

4. All employees receive exactly the same message through the same facilitator or facilitator or training school to ensure a single strategy and direction of the same towards the same organizational goals; Or has the instruction received been through different channels, so the message that must be received has been distorted most of the time, hindering the creation of an organizational culture directed towards the same end?

If most of the answers obtained in these questions have been negative, it is time to re-start, re-start a process of continuous improvement in strategies to train staff.

Well, if you continue with this refusal, you will only continue investing a lot of money, without clear or unanimous goals that will generally hinder commitment, loyalty and the creation of a culture of strategic training in the organization. Only the employee will be guaranteed to win an improved resume, which will prepare them to be a better qualified candidate for competition in the labor market and therefore all this will result in loss of money and clients.

But how to create the Culture of quality in the strategic training process, since this is the key to guarantee that unanimity in the staff towards the goals set by the company's senior management in their business plans?

We can take some steps that would become the beacon of light that would guide us in the midst of the seas that we have traveled so far without reaching the desired place, and those would be:

1. Give the participation and importance of the Human Management Department in the stellar role it plays in this process.

2. Guarantee teamwork between senior management, the Human Resources manager and the leaders of the different departments that make up the institution to incorporate training strategies into the organization's business or strategic plans.

3. Prepare an annual Strategic Training Plan.

4. Include the annual training plans as part of the plans of the Human Management department.

5. Carry out a Training Needs Detection (DNC) process based on the competencies required in the job descriptions of the employees and the results obtained in the Performance Evaluation process.

6. Use effective communication campaigns of the goals of these plans, through facilitators and unique training centers, so that their variation does not detract from the achievement of these goals. Through teamwork of this facilitator or facilitator with senior management and department executives of the company.

Based on the aforementioned, we can conclude that all these strategies guarantee a training process that every day is really aimed at achieving the creation of a Culture of Quality. Whose main objective will always be to invest less money, win more customers who buy your product and a teamwork culture aimed at achieving common goals, to the benefit of the company for which you work.

How to create a quality culture in the strategic training process?