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Labor competencies: model for their evaluation and certification


Training based on labor competence acquires much of its importance in a vigorous current of contemporary social thought, internalized by various entities that are related to work and education. Leaders, technicians and specialists place special emphasis on the link between socioeconomic development and the capacity of the human person to build it as an irreplaceable agent of change and, naturally, as its beneficiary.

There is a nuance that is important to highlight: it is no longer just a matter of creating more jobs but of raising the quality of jobs, as a result of a parallel rise in the quality and capacity of the individual who graduated from vocational training centers or of the instances of learning, reconversion or improvement in companies. The main objective of a competency certification system is to create competitive advantages for the organization. Allows adaptation to change through linked Human Resources systems.

A Human Resources system can use the competencies to clarify the actions that need to be taken to do the job correctly. Human Resources is becoming the engine of change and organizational direction. Through the certification of competencies, it is possible to link what people say and do on a daily basis with the mission, vision and values ​​of the organization.


In this sense, the research focuses on one of the main companies in Mexico and in the world: PETRÓLEOS MEXICANOS.

Petróleos Mexicanos is undergoing a transformation stage to obtain sufficiently competitive standards worldwide.

In this way, to respond to these approaches, we are directing our efforts towards the detection of high-performance behaviors and the certification of competencies that increase productivity in the NORTH DIVISION DRILLING AND WELL MAINTENANCE UNIT (UPMP) and that take us to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.

It is important to clarify that the model developed by the Pemex Corporate is only focused on professional personnel, and we only take it as a conceptual reference for the model we are proposing, and that it is aimed at operating personnel that comprise a drilling and maintenance crew., because it is a fundamental part of UPMP's main line of business and is linked to its Mission and Vision: drilling and maintenance of wells with high quality standards and within a strict safety framework industrial and ecological protection.


The oil sector, and especially the Well Drilling and Maintenance Unit (UPMP), is in full growth with ample opportunities in the internal world and possibilities of expanding abroad. Our company has had, since 2000, an increase in production with significant leaps towards higher figures that require a different approach in human resource management.

Hence, the conception and use of occupational profiles with a focus on labor competencies constitute a priority in the implementation of the proposed model.

We are entering the stage of weighting the human factor in PEMEX Exploration and Production (Well Drilling and Maintenance Unit); a complex process that must involve, above all, the organization itself, under the concept that human capital cannot and should not be "de-capitalized"; therefore this factor is inextricably linked to competitiveness in absolute terms.

To improve the level of productivity, in addition to smart investments in capital resources and the use of cutting-edge technology, a high educational level is required.

Access to education, from that aimed at the training, consolidation and preservation of operational and managerial staff, to that required by scientific and technological research, including technical training, is a prerequisite for improving productivity.

The core proposal is to demonstrate that it is feasible and profitable to improve productivity and working conditions by giving a boost to lifelong learning of staff through the Proposed Model based on UPMP organizational capabilities, which we will call, from now on, UPMP Integrative Model of the High Performance / High Commitment Skills Detection Ladder for Drilling Crews, supported by UPMP Skills, Business Skills and Specialty Skills, which enhance the multi-skills required for UPMP drill crews, as well as key performance indicators

This model starts from the conceptualization of the PEMEX Competency Model, created by PEMEX Exploration and Production personnel.

The approach itself is not new; What is new is the context in which the proposal is presented and the orientation that is given to learning, taking as a referential framework the Economic Approach to the Firm's Competences, with a modern nuance of the firm, which brings together different disciplines (economics, management and sociology).

We believe that flexibility in the use of pedagogical techniques and content structuring, in time and place, with open access and adapted to specific needs, appear as the new creeds of training for learning organizations and where the Proposal of the new UPMP Integrating Model of the High Performance / High Commitment Detection Ladder for Drilling Crews for the development of human talent will play a relevant role in promoting this change.

Overall objective

Propose a Model for the Evaluation and Certification of the Labor Competencies of Well Drilling and Maintenance Crews, aimed at a significant increase in productivity.

Specific objectives

  1. Identify the Labor Competencies of Well Drilling and Maintenance Crews Describe the working environment of UPMP Drilling and Well Maintenance Crews, in order to determine if it is possible to shift the normal performance curve towards orderly performance Superior.Evaluate the certification of the labor competencies required for superior performance and higher productivity in UPMP's Drilling and Well Maintenance Crews.


Obtaining the behavior development modules to detect and certify the high performance competencies of well drilling and maintenance crews should be the guiding principle of the Well Drilling and Maintenance Unit strategy for the comprehensive development of its staff, focused on strengthening the skills required by the company and adapted to the new conditions in which the knowledge, skills and attitudes of its staff allow it to improve its productivity, profitability and positioning in its markets.

In this project, we will approach training from an integral perspective of the organization and not as a discrete effort aimed at training individuals. It is related to knowledge management approaches and learning organizations, where the concept of training extends to the entire organization.

Forms and instruments of training management will be analyzed that will make it possible to influence productivity improvement at UPMP, starting from the synthesis of the bases established by the main certification body for labor competencies in Mexico: the CONOCER (Council for Standardization and Certification of Labor Competencies).

The most specific actions defined as strategic priorities are aimed at business organizations having to design their basic system of preparation and development of Human Resources. This is a responsibility of the managers of the organizations, who must promote the learning capacity by means of the certification of competences to design an intelligent organization that allows change in all areas, much faster than the competitors. This is the true and almost only sustainable competitive advantage.


A job qualification is the set of competence units and their elements. It specifies the criteria and the ways of evaluating, through efficient performance, the knowledge, abilities and skills required for the competition.

Table 1

Labor Competency Certification System

The novelty of job skills, contrary to what may be believed, it is not its theoretical support (dates from the 70s), nor is the conception focused on results rather than on educational credentials. Many training institutions issued (and issued) certificates of professional aptitude indicating that the worker could achieve. Its basis in job analysis is the first new aspect, focusing on driving results over tasks and operations. However, the best thing behind the approach is its encouragement to create certification systems.

By retaking the certification not as a credential awarded at the end of an educational cycle but as evidence of the competence of its owner, you are ensuring the relevance of your knowledge, skills and understanding with a job.

Competencies such as analytical skills, unforeseen solutions, commitment to the job objective and also their knowledge and skills are being recognized in the worker.

A certification systemIt will facilitate the portability of workers from one job to another. It is clear that there are more and more transversal skills focused on "portable" skills between different jobs and that workers are not recognized in traditional systems.

Certification of compliance with a performance standard that everyone knows, facilitates market transparency, generates an increase in the quality of training actions and therefore of training programs. The literal explosion of actors in a market in which the demand for training exceeds the supply, can be efficiently exploited with the language of quality in training, starting from the certification of competencies.

On the other hand, in the new management of organizations, a crucial element around results, performance and, in short, productivity; The revaluation of human talent is taking place. This is expressed in the advent of new competences that, although they require higher levels of education; they also contain content that is closer to the knowledge and skills that are in the worker, are recognizable, certifiable, and therefore portable.

Training based on work skills, is presented as a benchmark to consider to achieve that purpose, because:

  • Focuses its focus on demand It develops the concepts of education and training as continuous processes; It enables better institutional coordination between work centers and the offer of training and education; It provides the labor market with accurate and timely information; It favors the application of training programs and training with the required quality, flexibility and relevance; and Allows to reach more quickly the adaptation and updating of the Education and Training System to the needs of technological and productive change.

The skills approach, in addition, can help to respond to an issue pending effective resolution in the country: instituting mechanisms that allow evaluating the various ways in which men learn to perform on the job and grant them recognition in the market through certification.

As Mitrani (1992) points outThe fact that an organization has developed and differentiating competencies on its staff is the only guarantee that the company achieves organizational competitiveness.

Research questions

  1. Why is the implementation of Competency Management necessary in the Well Drilling and Maintenance Unit of the North Division? Could the productivity of Well Drilling and Maintenance Crews be determined by the Management of Competencies in the Drilling and Maintenance of Wells in the North Division - Will it be possible to shift the Average Performance Curve of Drilling Crews towards the Performance Curve of High Performance and High Commitment?

Strategic Alignment through Competency Management

In order to understand the handling of the subject and its importance, it is necessary to specify what this model proposes to allow us to carry out alignment, sustainability and competitiveness in organizational management:

The following table will facilitate this analysis:

Table 1: Benefits of Competency Management

Model Management objective Focus Input Benefits


Lead the organization to success Plan, Process, Result Achieve greater organizational competitiveness Guide organizational success and increase productivity

Source: self made

Units of analysis

For the purposes of this investigation, the units of analysis will be the drilling crews of the North Division, which are described in Table 2.

These 63 analysis units in Table 2 belong to the North Drilling Division, where the crews are distributed as follows:

Table 3. Types of Drilling Crews



TOTAL 3. 4 29
Total Crew it is: 63

Source: UPMP Organization and Integration Manual.

Currently, the sources of competitiveness are located in the globalization of markets and in the ability of companies and individuals to insert themselves in this process, as well as in production oriented by changes in demand and in the administration of human resources in networks and high-performance teams, where people are considered the main asset of organizations


The operation of the Standardized Systems and Certification of Labor Competency in the Well Drilling and Maintenance Unit of the North Division will allow the following benefits, among others:

  • Have indicators on the level of qualification of the workforce, which allow to specify the needs of the company and guide its training strategies, as well as reduce the costs of hiring and induction of personnel. Have common criteria of job performance of the drilling crews, which allow recognizing and accrediting in each individual the labor competence achieved, regardless of how it was acquired.

drilling crews at Pemex. Case: Well Drilling and Maintenance Unit North Division

Table 2. Distribution of Drilling Crews

  • Increase the levels of productivity and competitiveness of the UPMP Drilling Crews, through the strengthening of the quality of their human resources, the reduction of accidents and work risks, the efficient use of available resources and the improvement of the work environment.Facilitate the transferability of labor competencies in the same organization, which in addition to stimulating productivity and competitiveness of the economy as a whole, reduces costs caused by staff turnover, since widely accepted performance criteria are available and recognized by the market. Train human resources that respond to advances in technology and productive transformation, by establishing a common language between the offer of education and training and the productive sector.Have technical and methodological resources for the development of training based on Labor Competency Standards and its certification, of the processes and operations of Well Drilling and Maintenance Crews.

To develop the UPMP Competency Model, related to the problem exposed in our project, we have detected 10 technical competencies associated with drilling crews and well maintenance, and which we mention below:


SOURCE: Preparation by the project's leading group from the PEP dictionary of competencies.

Each of these competencies requires specific skills, and they are the ones that will be analyzed in the research project to determine each one of them as well as the degree of mastery required by the personnel that make up a drilling and maintenance crew, with the in order to achieve the certification of these competencies.


The main reasons why this research project is proposed are the following:

  • The convenience of reducing the gap between knowledge and productivity The need to increase the productivity of the operating personnel of the Drilling and Well Maintenance Crews, in order to achieve the degree of competitiveness that is required in the current global environment. business, particularly due to the difficulty of having information such as organizational knowledge. Having results from the application of a Competency Certification model that can be considered as best practices for this line in PEMEX Exploration and Production, particularly in the Drilling Unit and Maintenance of Wells of the North Division of Drilling. Contribute in the conceptualization,development and application of a knowledge management model for UPMP in the North Division.


Derived from the nature of the research, the design will be carried out according to the proposal of Kerlinger (1979, p. 116) and Hernández Sampieri (1991), which consists of a non-experimental study, since no situation is constructed, rather, existing situations are observed that occur in their natural context and then analyze them. Here we will explain and describe the variables Emotional Commitment and Training Based on Strength Detection as determining factors for productivity in the Well Drilling and Maintenance Unit, in the North Drilling Division of PEMEX

The data will be collected over time in a period of 1 year (January 2005 to December 2005) in order to make inferences regarding Emotional Commitment using the Engagement Index tool developed by Gallup and its effects on labor productivity.

The type of research is correlational, causal, explanatory, and descriptive.


Descriptive Design Research

Non-experimental Transectional (1 year) Correlational Main Hypothesis

The faster the certification of labor skills is achieved in the different competencies related to UPMP Drilling Crews through the proposed model, the greater increase in productivity will be reflected in the workers of the UPMP North Division.

Secondary Hypotheses

  • The Certification of Labor Competencies of Well Drilling and Maintenance Crews will allow the development of sustainable competitive advantages for the company. The more training of Human Resources derived from an adequate planning of the learning process focused on the competencies with a lower degree of mastery, the greater the It will be the economic and productive development of the Well Drilling and Maintenance Units, supported by the drilling and well maintenance crews.

Competency Certification Methodology

We will study the Certification of Competencies mainly with a focus on change based on the training of the actors that make up the UPMP, under the light of the Certification by Competencies of the Well Drilling and Maintenance Crews, using the proposed model.

Competencies, as a basis to stimulate the continuous training of human resources for work, are a key factor in successfully facing the challenges of the environment in which the Well Drilling and Maintenance Unit (UPMP) competes.

Focus on Competency Modeling

There is a huge variety of methodologies for designing Competency Models. All of them are the result of the single application or the combination of three approaches:

  • Generic Deductive Inductive

Table 2. Variables of the Original Model

Key Features Competences (Basic, Generic and Specific) Relational Modules Evaluation
Activities Organizational Concepts Periodic performance review
Features Corporate Analysis Responsibilities at work
Performance Standards (Productivity) RPG Solution Competences acquired
Limits Position Creativity and innovation Job Expectations

Source: self made

Table 3. Competency Models

1. Generics Based on predesigned models, tools and dictionaries.
Engineered in a targeted way
2. Deductives Based on world class practices
They use standardized tools and / or tests.
Designed in a participatory way.
Adjusted to the needs and context of the organization.
3. Inductive Based on internal practices that show outstanding performance, critical incidents and knowledge bases of the organization.
Designed in a participatory way.

Source: Best People Competencies Method. (1992).


As expected results of the development of the research project, we have the following:

  • UPMP Competency Certification Model for Drilling Crews (Diagram 1). Evaluation of the impact of the Competency Management model on UPMP productivity, by identifying the "technical or knowledge gaps". Fighting for the corresponding position, more than the operational need, its contribution to the Strategic Direction.


High Performance / High Engagement Detection Ladder for UPMP Drilling Crews

Source: self made

Table 5.

Variables of the new theory to achieve excellence and sustainable competitiveness


The management of internal human resources based on labor competencies is a model whose objective is to raise the worker's level of performance by developing the skills, knowledge and behaviors necessary for a given job function. However, throughout this research, carried out initially in order to prepare a doctoral thesis, and later, to take advantage of the results with the aim of applying them in the company, we have found new theory based on recent research in the field of neurology, which give a 360 or to the training approach based on powers by detecting knowledge gaps, and enunciate below:

Most companies do not know how to discover and take advantage of employee talent. The cause of this problem lies in the system of selection and training of human resources, which is usually based on three mistaken beliefs:

  1. People who excel in a job have identical behavior. That behavior can be learned. That behavior should be learned, because success is achieved by correcting the weaknesses of employees.

A clear example of this is that, generally, in the personnel selection processes, after analyzing the applicants' curriculum, it is assumed that two people with the same background will have the same performance potential. Instead, the correct thing would be to take into account the specific talents that each position requires, and try to match them to the strengths of the people who could fill it. Training programs, for their part, do not focus on perfecting what people do well; they consider that it is not necessary to dedicate time and resources to what “works”. Thus, the strengths of employees are taken for granted and the focus is on their weaknesses, with the intention of “correcting” them. The expression "areas for improvement" ends up being a euphemism for "weaknesses".

The main results that can be gleaned from these theories, based on the studies of Harry Chugani, neurologist at Wayne State University School of Medicine and Martin Seligman psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, as well as studies done by the Gallup Organization, They are:

The companies that achieve excellent results are the ones that create emotional bonds with their clients, and also promote a work environment based on the identification of the Q 12 (conditions that define an excellent work environment proposed by the Gallup company), in the which its best employees are dedicated to what they do best and are emotionally committed to the company.

So we conclude that the first step is to identify the talents of the staff; the second, to find the correct correspondence between the qualities of each individual and the competencies that a position demands. Contrary to popular belief, if a person lacks innate conditions for a certain activity, they will not achieve excellence even if they receive first-rate training. The third step depends on the managers (in its broadest sense). It is up to them to encourage the emotional commitment of employees. The consequence of taking these three steps is an emotionally engaged workforce, which becomes the fourth step or level. His passion for the company is transmitted to "clients", thus conquering their emotional commitment, the fifth level on the road to excellence.It is known that retaining clients is more profitable than retaining new clients. Therefore, companies that earn customer loyalty achieve higher growth and profits than others, and ultimately, higher market value, the ultimate level for achieving excellence and sustainable competitiveness.

Likewise, there are critical elements for the Administration of a Successful Performance System, based on the 4 Disciplines of Sustainable Growth, prepared by the Gallup Organization, and supported by a study that included more than 10 million clients and more than three million employees and for reasons of space, we only list them:

Discipline 1: Keep all employees aware of what is expected of them.

Discipline 2: Teach employees to identify, explore and develop their strengths.

Discipline 3: Align the entire performance focus and review systems about identifying, exploring, and developing employee strengths.

Discipline 4: Design and build each position to create world-class performances in the position.


KNOW: Competency Standardization and Certification Council.

UPMP: Well Drilling and Maintenance Unit


Job. Competences. Vocational training. Training Policy. Work market. Industrial sector. Occupational Certification. Competence Management. Knowledge Management. Innovation. Certification Standardization. Labor productivity. Emotional commitment. Sustainable growth.


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Labor competencies: model for their evaluation and certification