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Consumer behavior. how the mind models consumer attitudes


The consumer today, in my opinion, is smarter, "he is not naive or stupid", he has found that globalization and connectivity are the most powerful sources for cultural and transgenerational change and that his genuine and extraordinary mind will go through high levels between the borders of knowledge and thought with an adaptation in six degrees of separation, acting and feeling the literality of the influence 100% in relation to the brands. And based on this, every day there is more interest in human behavior by the disciplines of advertising and marketing, since today's consumer is not the same as that of a few decades ago: "submissive and rigid", because today it is more open, “selective and participatory” in receiving or exploring complete and detailed information about what most worries, passionate and attracts you, of course,than on your own, without being completely seduced by the advertising messages.

Knowing that there is no computer simulator of human behavior, I see it feasible to develop a standard model of human behavior using the specific variables of an individual's physical and emotional health, combining them with the variables known as education, age, social class, religion, etc., through behavioral software or using the new chip created by the giant American computer company IBM announced worldwide on Thursday August 18, 2011 by Dharmendra Modha, project manager at IBM Research. saying that "this chip, still in the experimental stage, would allow the manufacture of machines that emulate the brain's abilities for perception, action and knowledge, its possible applications, thus imitating the plasticity of the human brain."

This would open the doors to direct the construction of a standard model of consumer behavior - the basis for the study, analysis of the different types of behaviors that are reflected in the day-to-day life of any person when consuming a good, service, idea or philosophy - as an invaluable support and an extremely important wealth for the work of advertisers and marketers in creating effective and efficient communication strategies.

For my point of view, a model is one of the possible solutions to understand the relationship that exists between the mind and the behavior of the human being in conjunction with advertising and marketing.; This is presented in response to some questions that the publicist asks himself when preparing to develop an advertising campaign, specifically a graphic piece looking for an appropriate style / tone of communication, etc., for a specific product and target group. It is also the form of useful and effective help to improve their work and performance as a marketer does when developing marketing strategies with defined guidelines and / or when concentrating on creating new products and / or services aimed at heterogeneous niche markets.. And it is incredible that the answer to this task is embedded in our minds and is very easy to develop as will be discussed below.

The consumer behavior model is generated by the mind in seconds and without realizing this process, just as the mind is moldable to our capabilities and is the key piece to our creations; because this situation can be described as tangible and complex over time, because every minute, second of our time, we are causing thousands of thoughts to change our behavior by two by three and we adopt new forms of behavior taking different positions and / or at the same time positive or negative attitudes affecting emotions and feelings, manifesting as a cyclical process and which will later be the beginning for the development of a behavioral model of consumption.

If we go beyond analysis to structure a behavioral model of the consumer, it is important to base ourselves on the objectivity exposed on ethics, since it indicates the initial perspective that triggers any human behavior. Ethics that comes from the Latin word ehica and the Greek word thiká is a philosophical concept that studies the moral valuation of human acts or is also the set of principles and moral norms that regulate human activities, and is used in grammar as an indirect adjective or complement in the sentence; and it is used to express the advantage, inconvenience or interest taken in an action (according to the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language). According to Savater, the ethical attitude is above all a personal perspective,that each individual takes attending only to what is best for his good life at a given moment and without waiting to convince all others that this is how it is better and more satisfactorily human to live. Instead, the political attitude seeks another type of agreement, agreement with others, coordination, organization among many of what affects many.

Therefore, not only will philosophy find logical and coherent answers to this study, but it will help us to understand other concepts among them, strategy as a verifiable fact that seeks to systematize conjectures and give effective reasons; Furthermore, it requires a strategic, disciplined, responsible, sensitive and above all ethical mind so as not to lose and / or trample on the essence of the concept of this project. Since, the strategy is in itself, the most indispensable part of any process; because everything revolves around it, determines the basis of action and functionality, always answering the what question.

Today's consumer creates strategies to drive their behavior to decision-making, since now there are no predetermined lifestyles as many researchers or sociologists demonstrate, but rather more relevant behavioral traits of society. Man is a consumer of everything that exists in the world and is faced by humanity to assume different roles and react differently, being: employees, managers, entrepreneurs, students, colleagues, friends, parents, grandparents, nephews, uncles, cousins, etc. For example, in the workplace there is evidence of multiple human behavior at an organizational, personal and professional level in constant evolution.

In today's world, we have become consumers of ourselves, of our profession, of our attitudes, of our behaviors, and of our own personality. According to the circumstances in which we find ourselves, we develop new behaviors and we are forced to take multiple personalities and without realizing it we manifest favorable or unfavorable attitudes.

We observe in our daily life that the frequent need to apprehend the different behavioral changes reflect in our personality and character a renewal of behaviors, making us grow at different levels because life is pedagogical according to Phillipe Cruellas, because every day something new is learned about one himself, the world and others. Each event, suffering and obstacle can help us discover our limits such as: the difficulty to love and to succeed…, etc., and that one of the senses of life is to cross the barriers that prevent us from fully utilizing our inner riches for the refinement of personality. And it seems that we use only about fifteen percent of our brain.

Consumer behavior. how the mind models consumer attitudes