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Consumer behavior and purchasing decision


The decision to purchase a product is marked by multiple factors that will influence the final choice. Companies must therefore study them thoroughly to best satisfy consumers.

It has always been an obsession for most of us, sometimes knowing that a certain person is thinking at a specific time. We would like to penetrate someone's mind to know their thoughts, their ideals and how they differ from ours. The topic to be dealt with in this article is everything concerning how a person makes a purchase decision and what goes through their mind when carrying out said process.

Within the concept of consumer behavior, the purchase decision process by a person is closely linked. By carrying out this activity, an individual can play different roles that will be explained below.

A role can be the initiator, that is, the first person to suggest the idea of ​​buying a product. I could be your father feeling the need to buy a car or your mother having the idea of ​​buying clothes or your brother thinking how good it would be to buy that CD that he likes so much.

A second role is that of the influencer, who gives opinions and advice that will influence the purchase decision. She is your sister by recommending another color when trying on a shirt or your friend by telling you that buying these new sneakers you will feel as if you are floating.

The third role is that of the decisive person, who finally makes the purchase decision, how and where to make it. She is our mother when deciding which TV to buy, the fees to pay and the shopping center where she will buy. Next is the buyer who is the person who makes the purchase. It is you when you buy the walkman you dreamed of so much or your father when negotiating with the seller, the TV your mother chose…

Finally there is the user who is the person who will consume the product that has been purchased. That is, your sister when putting on the blouse that you gave her on her birthday or your brother when he borrowed the walkman that you just bought.

As Simple as it seems? Purchase decision, consumer behavior, initiator, influential, decisive?

Likewise, there are certain stages that a consumer goes through when making a purchase decision process. The first of these is the recognition of a need; It is when we realize that our shoes are already very worn or our fridge is completely empty, that is, there is a latent need that must be met.

Then there is the search for information where we try to define what would be the best to buy, how, when and where. We can resort to advice from well-known people who will give us references of the product that we want to acquire or look for information in advertisements. The idea, therefore, is to acquire the best proposal available.

A third stage is the evaluation of alternatives where we study the benefits that acquiring a product will bring us and its attributes. It is when we buy a video camera and we know that it will serve us to save very special moments and that its characteristics such as image quality, ease of use or size are the best of all the cameras that were seen when purchasing it.

The fourth step is the purchase decision as such. Previously, this stage may be conditioned by 2 factors that are the attitude of others (when your father tells you to buy the cheapest Jean) or by unexpected factors (when you are robbed on the way when shopping). For this reason, after overcoming these "obstacles", the product is purchased.

We always seek the best and it is an obligation, for the success of companies, to provide us with everything necessary for a good choice

Finally, the behavior is found after the purchase has been made since, either we are satisfied with what we acquired or we feel disappointed.

It is therefore the task of any company to satisfy the customer who will continue to buy items from it, resulting in benefits for the company. You need to monitor your concerns and minimize your dissatisfactions.

As we could see, when buying something we enter a world of decisions that sometimes we do not even realize, it is therefore necessary to make the best choice and surely our purchasing process will be easier and why not, fun.

Consumer behavior and purchasing decision