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Communication, climate and organizational culture in human resources

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Much has been said about how inhumane organizations or companies are, that is, where the important thing is production and profit, but that little interest is given to human management, or rather, to the psychological part, rather than financial of an organization.

It is here that organizational psychology comes into play, one that recognizes each worker as a unit with different personalities and stories, where it is assumed that “People are not machines, nor photocopies of a single model. Each person is unique and unrepeatable ”(www.laimportancia.org) and therefore must be treated and analyzed as such.

In this article we will talk about the three COs of labor relations. Organizational Communication, Organizational Climate and Organizational Culture, trinity that come to be the spirit of Human Resources today.

Maslow, Herzberg, Alderfer, McClelland, Vroom, Adams and Skinner have studied the subject extensively through the years, agreeing in many aspects and distancing in others, but that together you can solve the core of the behavior of the workers, the importance of their study and its influence on the work environment and it is precisely this that has made the issue of human resources increasingly taken into account.

The Financial Encyclopedia determines that CO manifests itself as follows:

  • The ways in which the organization carries out its activities treats its employees, clients and the community in general The degree to which autonomy and freedom are allowed in decision making, the development of new ideas, and the expression How power is exercised and how information flows through its hierarchy The strength of employees' commitment to collective goals.

Like theorists, many of the university specialties have dedicated part of their research time to the same thing. Psychology (deals with the individual individually), sociology (in relation to its namesakes) and anthropology (the individual in society and its evolution).

Thus, the study of organizational behavior, controls and predicts employee behavior, taking strategies to avoid absenteeism, delays or negative behaviors in the workplace, in order to find preventive solutions.

For this, 4 key factors must be taken into account: People: it must be taken into account that each individual has his own history, comes from a different home and therefore has his own imaginary. Structure: it has to do with the organization chart of the company and its different hierarchies. The manager is not the same as the lady who does the cleaning. Technology: the technological use of an organization determines a large part of the organizational climate, since the employee who must feel that the company gives him tools according to his needs. The environment: No company exists in isolation, it is part of a larger system that encompasses many other elements, such as government, families and other companies.

There are also variables to consider when analyzing the CO of an organization, such as age (the older, the less aptitude for achievement and the greater conformity at work), sex (women tend to be absent more), marital status (Marriage imposes responsibilities, therefore the married takes more care of his work).

Organizational climate and culture

In the same way that a climate determines many things in a city, the organizational climate is what makes the environment so that the CO, which we have already talked about, works as it should. This is directly interrelated with the organizational culture, an element that evolves very slowly and is hooked in such a way that they form what could be recognized as the "personality of the company", let us clarify that the latter term is not academic, but very personal of whom subscribe.

Communication, climate and organizational culture in Human Resources

(Taken from www.encliclopediafinanciera.com)


In conclusion

The three COs (Communication-culture and climate) make up the triune of all labor relations, an almost symbiotic relationship between the three COs make possible the study, analysis and application of techniques in an organization in regard to human resources, seeing the individual, more than just another element of production, the fundamental piece to achieve the goals of each organization, a living element, which is literally human, with a different personality and complex due to the breadth of individuals to take into account.

References consulted

  1. http://www.importancia.org/comportamiento-organizacional.phphttp://www.creadess.org/index.php/informate/sostenibilidad-empresarial/cultura-organizacional/16165-comportamiento-organizacional-las-7-teorias- que-explain-la-motivacionhttp: //blogalejandrarcila.blogspot.com/2013/04/comportamiento-organizacional.htmlhttp: //comportamiento-ocumare.blogspot.com/2011/03/definiciones-basicas-de-comportamiento.htmlhttp: //psicologiayempresa.com/%C2%BFque-es-el-comportamiento-organizacional.htmlhttp://www.managershelp.com/el-comportamiento-organizacional.htmhttp://gerenciaignificativa.blogia.com/2012/011505-comportamiento -organizacional.phphttp: //www.gestiopolis.com/clima-cultura-desarrollo-y-change-organizacional/http: //publicaciones.urbe.edu/index.php/cicag/article/viewArticle/483/1197http: / /www.financial Encyclopedia.com / organizaciondeempresas / cultura-organizacional.htmhttp: //cursoco.weebly.com/confecto-co.htmlhttp: //www.bvs.sld.cu/revistas/spu/vol39_2_13/spu17213.htmhttp: //www.revistanegotium. org.ve/pdf/9/Art2.pdfhttp://www.eumed.net/libros-gratis/2010d/777/Confecto%20e%20importancia%20de%20la%20cultura%20organizacional.htmhttp://negociosymanagement.com. ar /? p = 311
Communication, climate and organizational culture in human resources