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Interpersonal communication and communication skills. presentation


Communication is an increasingly strategic and important issue in the fight for the democratization of society. * Alternatives for the Americas: Chapter on Communications

The new economic and cultural framework, which arose as a consequence of the scientific-technological revolution, leads companies and institutions towards the reorganization of their traditional work systems. This translates into the creation of cross-functional management models, which facilitate more flexible corporate leadership and the ability to create new wealth.

To manage and take advantage of change as an opportunity, developing and redirecting the potential existing in people and organizations, COMMUNICATION appears as a working tool.


Communication: Transmission of information and meaning from one party to another through the use of shared symbols.



  • One-way communication: A process in which information flows only in one direction, from the sender to the receiver, without a feedback loop. Two-way communication: A process in which information flows in two directions: the receiver provides feedback and the sender is receptive to feedback.


  • The message sent by the sender does not always "reach" the receiver. There is a fact that expresses the ambiguities of communication and the possibilities of misinterpretation. Perception: Process of receiving and interpreting information. Filtering: Process of retaining, ignoring or distorting information.


A common point in the debate so far is that people's perceptions can affect people's attempts to communicate. People don't pay attention to everything that happens around her.


  • Communication can be sent through various channels, including oral, written and electronic. Each has advantages and disadvantages. Oral communication: involves face-to-face debate, telephone conversations, presentations, and formal speeches. Written communication: includes memos, letters, reports, computer files, and other written documents.


  • A special category of communication channels is electronic media. Managers use computers not only to collect and distribute quantitative data, but also to "talk" to others through email. Advantages: The advantages of electronic communication technology are many and impressive. Within companies, the advantages of electronic communication include distributing more information, speed, and efficiency in delivering routine messages to large numbers of people across vast geographic areas. Disadvantages: Among the disadvantages of electronic communication are the difficulty in solving complex problems, which require more extensive face-to-face interaction and the inability to grasp subtle cues,nonverbal or inflectional about what the communicator is thinking or transmitting. Virtual office: Mobile office where people can work anywhere, while having the tools to communicate with their clients and colleagues. Electronic cargo management: Electronic means of communication seem essential these days and people wonder how it ever worked without them. At the same time, the volume of communication can be overwhelming. The advent of self-directed and cross-functional teams demands and inspires tremendous volumes of communications.Electronic Cargo Management: Electronic media seems essential these days and people wonder how it ever worked without them. At the same time, the volume of communication can be overwhelming. The advent of self-directed and cross-functional teams demands and inspires tremendous volumes of communications.Electronic Cargo Management: Electronic media seems essential these days and people wonder how it ever worked without them. At the same time, the volume of communication can be overwhelming. The advent of self-directed and cross-functional teams demands and inspires tremendous volumes of communications.


The volume of communications a person receives depends in part on their position in the decision-making structure. Decentralized and independent decision makers have the lowest communication needs. Given the spectacular increase in the need for communications and the distances that information must travel, its effective distribution and good decisions would not be possible without information technologies.


  • Wealth of the media: Degree to which a communication medium transmits information. Some communication channels that a medium transmits are called wealth of the media. The more information or clues a medium sends to the receiver, the “richer” it will be. The richer media are more personal than technological, provide quick feedback, allow a lot of descriptive language, and convey different kinds of ideas.

Efficiency and Efficiency What does efficiency consist of?

In the successful implementation of the team approach there must be 4 requirements:

  • Team members should be given the opportunity to demonstrate what they know how to do, they should be allowed to make a significant contribution based on their own strengths. Team members should have the possibility to solve real problems and make real decisions. Not laboratory, as they often quickly lose enthusiasm for this approach. Team members should always feel supported by senior management. Provide ongoing training to those related to the approach. Training should be a permanent proposal.

There is effectiveness in a team when employees honestly believe that the team initiative is real and that management has taken this team adoption and continuity seriously.

The focus of the work teams has to do with doing things better; This approach is infinitely superior to traditional management styles. But it requires a great initial effort, and is time consuming.

Improving communication skills

Once you have become effective at sending oral, written, and non-verbal messages, you are halfway to becoming a complete communicator. However, you also need to develop adequate reception capabilities. Receivers need good listening, reading and observing skills.

Basic technique that helps the Manager to listen effectively

  • Nowadays, listening better is called REFLECTING. Now, reflecting: it is the process by which one person tries to repeat and clarify what they consider the other person is saying. Listening begins with personal contact. When a manager takes the time to listen and get to know people, they think "she is showing interest in me" or "she is letting me know that I matter", or "she values my ideas and my collaborations".

Ten keys to effective listening

  • Find an area of ​​interest. Even if you decide the topic is boring, ask yourself, “What can I use what the speaker says?” Judge the content, not the pronunciation. Try to learn what the speaker knows. Control yourself. Instead of getting excited right away by what the speaker seems to be saying, stop and evaluate until you understand the message. Listen to the ideas. Don't get caught up in the facts and details; focus on the core ideas Be flexible. Have several note-taking systems and use the one that best suits the speaker's style. Resist distractions. Close the door, turn off the radio, move closer to the person who is speaking, or ask them to speak louder. Don't look out the window or check the papers on your desk. Exercise your mind. Develop an appetite for a good mental challenge.Keep an open mind. Don't let emotions interfere with understanding. Capitalize on speed of thought. Concentrate on listening. Don't just pretend you're paying attention, show interest. Listening well is hard work, but the benefits outweigh the costs.


As a recipient, for your own benefit, read the memos as soon as possible, before it's too late to reply. Quickly examine your reading material, but read important memos, documents, and passages slowly and carefully. Mark the important points to refer to them later. Don't limit your reading to articles related to your particular job skill or technical expertise; read materials outside of your immediate concerns.


Effective communicators are also capable of observing and interpreting nonverbal communications.

A vital source of useful observations comes from visiting plants and other places to get a first-hand look at operations. Many corporate executives rely on field reports and do not travel to remote locations to see what is happening first hand.

Effective supervision

  • Supervisors who receive better ratings exhibit several key characteristics. They communicate more information. For example, they give advance notice of impending changes, explain the reasons behind the policies and rules, and enjoy conversing with their subordinates. Effective supervisors prefer to ask and persuade than to say and demand (but are able to use both styles if necessary).They are sensitive to people's needs and feelings. For example, they are careful to reprimand their subordinates in private and not in public. They are willing and friendly listeners. They respond with understanding to all questions from their employees, fairly consider complaints and suggestions, and are willing to take appropriate action on them.

Organizational Communication

Fragments of information through the organization:

  • Top-down communication: consists of the information that flows from the top to the bottom levels in the organization's hierarchy.
    • Lack of adequate information:
      • Information overload. Lack of openness between managers and employees. Communication filtering.
    Coaching: It is the dialogue with the aim of helping another to be more effective and reach their full potential at work.
    • Coaching requires reaching a real understanding of the problem, the person and the situation; generate ideas together for what needs to be done, and encourage the person to change.

Open book management

  • It is the practice of sharing vital information, previously available only to management, with employees at all levels of the organization, which includes financial goals, income statements, budgets, sales, forecasts and other important data about the behavior and projects of the company.

Ascending Communication

  • It is information that flows from lower levels to higher levels in the organization's hierarchy. On the other hand, people tend to share only the good news with their supervisors and to eliminate the bad news, because:
    • They want to appear competent. They distrust their boss. They fear the boss will punish the messenger. They believe they help their bosses by protecting him from their troubles.

Management of upward communication

  • Generating useful information from below requires doing two things:
    • Managers must facilitate bottom-up communication.
      • Example: having an open door policy.
      Managers must motivate their employees to provide valid information.

Horizontal Communication

Information shared between people of the same hierarchical level.

Horizontal communication has several important functions.

  • It allows to share information, coordinate and solve problems between the units. It helps to resolve conflicts. It allows the interaction between equals, it provides social and emotional support to people.

All of these factors contribute to morale and effectiveness.

Horizontal Communication Management

Among the techniques to improve horizontal communication and integration are:

  • Direct contact between people Integrating roles Task forces Project teams Others

Formal and Informal Communication Formal

communications are official episodes, sanctioned by the organization, in which information is transmitted. It can be moved up, down, or horizontally and often involves paperwork, is ordered in advance, and is required to complete a task.

Informal communication is less official. Gossip and rumors circulate freely in the corporation.

Rumors can be defined as the informal communication network.

Informal communication can be handled in different ways:

  1. Talking to the key person Prevent (explain important things) Neutralize rumors

Absence of Border

  • Organizations without borders: are those organizations in which there are no barriers to the flow of information.
    • An obvious example of organization without borders is the successful GE Workout program where it shows the benefits of open and barrier-free dialogue.


  • The communication process involves a transmitter that transmits information to the receiver. Communication in one direction flows from the transmitter to the receiver, without feedback. Two-way communication, each person becomes a transmitter and receiver. Communication in one sense is more Quick and easy, but less accurate than two-way communication. Communications are delivered through oral, written, and non-verbal means. The key advantages of electronic media are speed, cost, and efficiency, but the downsides are also important, such as information overload. Write, be your own critic and correct yourself, it is a way to improve as a sender and receiver. Use language with correctness and care. Have a command of communications in all directions. Practice the dialogue more that debate.Practice bottom-up communication and vice versa. Informal information flow can help as well as formal communication to improve the organization's efficiency and increase morale. Rumors should be prevented or neutralized as they arise. Barriers, be Psychological or physical, they exist between different organizational levels, units and organizations and external people with interests in the organization. Finally: ideas, information, decisions and actions move to where they are most needed.they exist between different organizational levels, units and organizations, and external people with interests in the organization. Finally: ideas, information, decisions and actions move to where they are most needed.they exist between different organizational levels, units and organizations, and external people with interests in the organization. Finally: ideas, information, decisions and actions move to where they are most needed.



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Interpersonal communication and communication skills. presentation