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The importance of action to motivate yourself and other things


A few months ago I joined a social network called Quora, it is similar to Yahoo Answers but in my opinion it is much better elaborated and with a little more varied and cultured users. I use the English version. Reading there some questions that interested me, I found dissertations on what it means to be motivated, what it implies and when it is motivated, it turns out that motivation is that force that leads you to do something, you provoke it when executing the action, it is short term. Inspiration is long-term, but it has to find you working.

After several days without being very motivated, I discovered that simply by doing a certain action you can change what you want, starting it, of course, and dealing with its results. It happens to me like this with exercise, when I exercise I feel much better than when I don't, I start to feel depressed, my health starts to deteriorate. There is an exercise that I hate, but that feels great when I have been doing it for several days and that is jogging.

A friend has told me that I have very bad jogging and running technique, little by little I learn, that's the good thing about being me; that I have the luckiest of the world and that I have a gift to learn quickly, of course when I want to. Before I was looking to have more strength, to be more muscular and that kept me motivated for a while, then I thought about being healthy, maybe I don't love myself so much because I spent a while without exercising.

Today my motives have matured and the reason is that I want to look good, I want to be healthy and happy. This is an important point of motivation, why. Many times we repeat things over and over again, without meaning, others even get angry and stop doing them out of pride or simply because we do not understand them. Many times we get into a car and do not put on our seat belts, we disrespect traffic lights, we eat without first washing our hands, we sleep with televisions on, we leave bottles in the mountains, we build houses on the banks of rivers, we repeat expressions and phrases that do not we even know its meaning.

It happens to me a lot, and I have many examples. I remember the few times that I paid attention to the classes, or the few times that I dedicated time to study physics or mathematics when I was studying high school, it was very tedious, I was committed, (I am lucky to be able to go) and it never made sense to study to get good grades, I have always thought that I am more than a ballot or a paper I have always thought that the true potential of things is beyond, I quote a phrase from that book that at that time was an annoyance, thank you, Saint Expeury, you were right, "The essential is invisible to the eye." OK When I finished high school, a tremendous curiosity about science, especially physics and mathematics, aroused in me, I dared to ask and find out why I needed them, I looked for an example to follow, an idol,in this case I started reading about Newton and Richard Feynman, to name a few. This is another important point about motivation: In the world ten to ten to eleven people have lived, it is estimated, imagine how many thoughts, actions, lives, events things have happened, of all these there must be exceptional cases or at least the Interesting enough so that one can feel admiration or interest, of course what is interesting for me may not be for another person or it may be, but there will always be something or someone who can catch your attention, you just have to search, the The fact is that if you think something is very boring or complicated, surely there is some genius, mad scientist, unfinished experiment, conspiracy theory, guru, artist, some anonymous or not hero, fictional character,mythical or not that can inspire you to motivate you to inquire more about whatever it is you want to do, especially learn.

Remember that there are people who do what you want to do, or be. Whether they are good or bad examples is up to you. They say that there are two paths, one of the stubborn ones and where you learn by making mistakes and the blows, the other is also long but you learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others, it is something like seeing a stone in the distance and seeing someone bumps into it, you keep walking and avoid hitting it. Going back to Newton and Feynman. Did you know that Newton was around 26 when he invented the differential calculus, Leipiz also has his merit, I know. They say that Newton was autistic, he was born on December 25, I don't know what year, in addition to being a great mathematician and physicist, curious about nature, he described the law of gravity and did many other experiments,he designed the cover of a Pink Floyd record and was the guitarist for Queen (humor).

Feynman gave some very great classes using metaphors and parables that explained physics in a very different way than the traditional way, he did it for MIT, those classes came out very good books, Feynmann played bongo drums, he had somewhat particular musical tastes, He made discoveries in the field of quantum mechanics, nanotechnology and nuclear physics, he was involved in the Manhattan project, he did many other things, when he was about 12 years old I created a kind of transmitter, he died of cancer in the eighties, I think. Remembering this, I mention other people whose life has caught my attention: the ruthless Einstein, a genius but a terrible father and husband, Carl Sagan and his marijuana, Gauss and the tales of what he calculated as a child and an adult, all those scientists Indians, mathematicians and physicists,especially one who had an exceptional talent for mathematics but died poor, suffering from nutritional deficits and related to his customs and traditions typical of his culture, his very specific diet. Now jumping between subjects and fields, I name Cervantes, whose Don Quixote seems to have biographical overtones, the one-armed Lepanto, Santiago Ramón y Cajal for his histological discoveries and his past as a scoundrel, volatile and spoiled child, Fernández Morán and his scalpel, the revalidates that he did in Europe of his career, his command of several languages, Baruj Benacerraf, simply for having had the tricolor nationality and his Nobel Prize for his descriptions in the field of immunology and the major histocompatibility complex, Van Gogh and his depressive motive embodied in invaluable art, his multiple love failures,and friends, his addiction to alcohol and a psychotropic drink, whose name I can't remember, his possible lead poisoning and his only support, Theo. What would that man think if he knew how successful his works are today. I will not name more examples as being negative pertinent, nevertheless interesting. I know that maybe you are the case where a character of the caliber of these does not inspire you and maybe something else as a necessity, and it is valid.and it is valid.and it is valid.

You may be hungry and want to cook and find what to eat or if you don't have it, buy it, or failing that, steal it or steal it, it may be that you are afraid and somehow do one thing or another simply to not feel bad about it. In an unpleasant way, you might be doing something motivated by some primal or instinctive feeling, perhaps satisfying some sexual need. But let me say that what I have been talking about goes beyond that, I am talking about something great, about that motivation that I seek, which is that to fulfill your dreams, the one that I have been studying for years and have given myself Note that sometimes you have to sacrifice those "primitive motivational impulses", that livid, -thanks Freud-, to leave energy for other better impulses,neither fear nor immediate pleasure look good when they stop being visitors and start to be your pets, or you the pet and they the owner. Fear is good when it protects you, it is totally natural to feel afraid of doing something foolish, think, if you are going to jump off a cliff without having any protection, if you are going to make some unsafe financial movement, if you are going to put chlorine in your coffee. instead of milk… of course yes, when your intentions are to commit suicide or harm yourself, it is another matter, but this is not the case! The fear of failure is fatal for motivation, one must dare to take risks, not to stay thinking what would have happened if such a thing… you can have your own pace and do it little by little, but doing it is the important thing.Fear is good when it protects you, it is totally natural to feel afraid of doing something foolish, think, if you are going to jump off a cliff without having any protection, if you are going to make some unsafe financial movement, if you are going to put chlorine in your coffee. instead of milk… of course yes, when your intentions are to commit suicide or harm yourself, it is another matter, but this is not the case! The fear of failure is fatal for motivation, one must dare to take risks, not to stay thinking what would have happened if such a thing… you can have your own pace and do it little by little, but doing it, is the important thing.Fear is good when it protects you, it is totally natural to feel afraid of doing something foolish, think, if you are going to jump off a cliff without having any protection, if you are going to make some unsafe financial movement, if you are going to put chlorine in your coffee. instead of milk… of course yes, when your intentions are to commit suicide or harm yourself, it is another matter, but this is not the case! The fear of failure is fatal for motivation, one must dare to take risks, not to stay thinking what would have happened if such a thing… you can have your own pace and do it little by little, but doing it, is the important thing.if you are going to put chlorine in coffee instead of milk… of course yes, when your intentions are to commit suicide or harm yourself, it is another matter, but this is not the case! The fear of failure is fatal for motivation, one must dare to take risks, not to stay thinking what would have happened if such a thing… you can have your own pace and do it little by little, but doing it, is the important thing.if you are going to put chlorine in coffee instead of milk… of course yes, when your intentions are to commit suicide or harm yourself, it is another matter, but this is not the case! The fear of failure is fatal for motivation, one must dare to take risks, not to stay thinking what would have happened if such a thing… you can have your own pace and do it little by little, but doing it, is the important thing.

It is natural that in the beginning it is more difficult to carry out an activity that is new for you, that there are difficulties, but they are always overcome with perseverance and effort. You do it since you were a cell with half the genetic load, when you entered the ovum first than a lot of others similar to you, they had other luck, or if you are in vitro, you were lucky to overcome all those environmental and statistical factors that could make you think you wouldn't make it. You do it from the moment you learn to walk, you fall and eventually you make it.

You do not have to be afraid of failing when what you want to do has to do with improving yourself and fulfilling your dreams and goals, with some humility, common sense and love for others you will go far. Every time I mention these examples my mind creates exceptions, it is as if a screen appears saying "IF"; "ELSE". Some will think, but what if a person's life depends on my actions, the answer is, use common sense, a sense of love for humanity, respect for others by organization and the proper functioning of society with a view to to progress and collective well-being. If you are a surgeon and you are operating, thinking all the time, “I am afraid of being wrong”, you probably will, be aware of it, but do not allow fear to have you as a pet.Finally the other point for the motivation to go big to call it somehow and from my little analysis, is the sacrifice. Not like Abraham did with one of his sons, but a little more towards self-denial, the spontaneous sacrifice of one's own will to accomplish something greater.

This self-denial must be selfish. I confess that currently I do not like anything that has to do with sacrifices for political ideals, La Patria, for example, an ideal that seems to be the archetype of a government, I would not sacrifice my life for it. Nor do I think wars, much less military subordination, with this I mean that you should not make sacrifices for things that are not tangible, that are not people, do not sacrifice your life to defend, for example, communism, (or the capitalism). Whenever you make a sacrifice, an effort, an investment of that human capital that belongs to you, remember to do it to obtain some result that you can measure quantitatively or qualitatively and that if possible is not evil, but is beneficial for you in some way. I end by saying that for "Animal motivational drives,"Remember that you are what you eat, you are what you think and the average of those around you, there is no normality, but a lot of people who are very similar but never the same and to motivate yourself, start doing something, do it to build and grow, the motivation is within you.

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The importance of action to motivate yourself and other things