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What is an occupational profile and how to prepare it?

Table of contents:


An occupational profile consists of the description of the skills that a worker must have (or has) to efficiently perform a job.

How it is made

The occupational profile is made up of a set of standards that describe:

  • The results that a worker must achieve in the performance of a job function, the contexts in which this performance occurs, what he must know, the skills he must possess, the attitudes he must show and the evidence that he must apply to demonstrate his competence.

This set of standards responds to what would be the optimal performance of the worker.

As elaborated

To build an occupational profile, the following stages must be attended:

  1. Identify the function or functions of the position, for which the description and analysis of positions can be used Describe the basic competencies required, vocational training and other types of education Describe the general competencies regarding:
    • job content: what you should know how to do, what problems you will solve and how. job requirements: work experience, certification, age, physical effort, languages, social and participatory attitudes, methodological attitudes, what is lacking in your training, psychophysical, adaptive qualities and skills. Environmental conditions: work location, risks, climate, atmospheric conditions, environmental pollutants, employment situation, remuneration, among others. Relationships: with other people, with bosses, supervisors and subordinates.
    Describe the specific technical competencies of the position

If it is you who wants to prepare your occupational profile to apply for a job opportunity, the basic process would be:

  1. Analyze and identify your skills and competencies, personal, interpersonal and intellectual Make a list of your academic and / or professional achievements in specific areas and make a match between the achievement obtained and the main skill / competence used to achieve it Write a paragraph that summarize your achievements, skills and competencies, expressing how you can help the organization by fulfilling the position to which you aspire.

The occupational profile in education

The occupational profile is also used to describe the job opportunities that will be opened to those who obtain a certification, upon completing and complying with all the requirements of an academic program, generally technical and / or professional.

For example:

The Industrial Engineer from University X is trained to perform successfully in any of the following positions: General Manager, especially of industrial companies, manager of production units, director of logistics…

What is an occupational profile and how to prepare it?