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Radical innovations. the vision of a master in administrative engineering

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Talking about innovation is exciting for those who are in contact with electronic devices, they immediately associate it with a new technological development, such is the impact of the concept that a generation has been called "Millenials" for placing technology, within several characteristics, as a directional element of human behavior.

Innovating is not always a product, although that is the first thing we think about, it is also possible to innovate the process, the way an organization works, even the way an individual thinks, however, the innovation that generates the most impact at the society level and economics is undoubtedly one that changes the existing schemes for completely different ones.

And it is that if it were not like that, today we would not be in the era of technology and information flow with such accessibility, starting with Apple, a forerunner in the research and development of products that go beyond what was required at the time., they taught us the basis of an innovation; Today the world would not be the same without the graphic environment that we use in computers, and that, although popularized by Bill Gates, revolutionized and promoted a generation.

It is not the only example of this; Companies such as Netflix TM, which when starting to operate (1997), with the intention of improving a tedious and restrictive film rental process, undertook the task of locating options so that the same principle could occur in a more natural and achievable for society, they did not imagine that in its wake they would eliminate Blockbuster TM, the market leader until that moment, and that with such a response from a generation inclined towards technology, it could not withstand the fluctuations of the market.


(Schumpeter, JA, 2002) conceptualizes innovation as: the “formulation of a new production function; This production function describes the way in which the quantity of the product varies when the quantity of its factors varies; by modifying the factors involved, an innovation is obtained ”.

In this theory called Innovation Theory, it establishes that there is a cycle for each product, within which it will be necessary to modify the factors implicit in its production, in order to change the results obtained.

According to Álvarez, BE Á. (2009) in his article “The concept of innovation” summarizes its development over the years, from Schumpeter to Oslo, the latter arising from the need to structure the changes that arise.

Schumpeter in his work "Economic Cycles: Theoretical, Historical and Statistical Analysis of the Capitalist Process" (1939). He divides innovation into incremental, and Radical or Disruptive, which is the one we will deal with in more detail in this article.


Incremental is interpreted as an improvement to what already exists, that is, there has already been a previous development and improvements are made to it.

It is not better or worse, it can be considered as a reliable option for companies to ensure their income, and the most common style of innovation today, why? Due to the administrative styles implemented over decades, which to some extent It is understandable, since it has not been many years since we began to structure the work.

The mere fact of making an improvement is positive, it means that there is involvement in the organization, maturity to recognize its opportunities, As a way of being clear about the concept we can exemplify Kodak, the photography company, which managed to adapt to technological migration while preserving their quality proposal in lenses and cameras, modifying their role in their printing.

So fundamental is this process in organizations that (De Oslo, M., 1997) includes four aspects within the organization to innovate; product, process, organization and marketing. Providing a guide for the gathering of information and its processing in order to structure internal innovation.


In 1997, Clayton Christensen, a Ph.D. graduated from Harvard University, published his first book called "The innovators Dilemma", where he introduced the concept of disruptive innovation as a way to innovate not the product, but the business model.

Such is the success of this book, that it was only the beginning of another 8 more, with the same essence applied to various disciplines. It revolutionized the approach to innovation in organizations.

Within the model, as a value proposition it specifies the difference between a problem and a need, since the problem is something that exists and is solved in a technical way, contrary to a need; It is a personal and always present desire, in which we will have the greatest opportunity of impact for the creation of our product.

All the work done through the canvas, also known as the Canvas Method, is an assumption, a hypothesis, which allows the Star up to test their ideas without the financial risk they face.


A fundamental aspect of innovation comes from the creative process, that is, to innovate you must first think that there is a different option for what you are trying to propose.

The issue then is, how to get to that point of creativity, are you born creative? Or get creative.

Goleman, D., Kaufman, P., & Ray, M. (2016). Mention as ingredients for being creative the following:

  • Skill at what you do Imagination Passion

And as a process for creativity the following phases:

Preparation. In this phase (Goleman, D. 2009) indicates “immerse yourself in the problem”, in order to understand your environment and visualize it. Losing the fear of the ideas that arise at that moment and not allowing the rationality of our mind to give up.

Incubation Once the problem has been given time, he recommends moving away from it, to let the unconscious absorb and generate the alternatives we are looking for.

Daydreaming It refers to stopping thinking about the problem to be solved, focusing on other activities and waiting for our mind to wake up with the proposals.

Illumination. The moment in which the idea that we hope appears appears, although it is not the solution to the problem, it is the result of letting the mind connect with our unconscious.


Being original, using the imagination to build beyond what we know, questioning why they exist like this, and if that is the only way available, they are the basis for awakening creativity, it is true that there are skills that you have and others that are develop, but if not, as a professional in administrative engineering it is a necessary skill, especially because it seeks to solve situations, propose, innovate, create, and for this the structures that allow success in organizations are known, but also You should try what is not yet written, awaken the imagination to visualize, project, break paradigms that allow us to grow.

Whether as an entrepreneur, or as part of an organization, a Master in Administrative Engineering goes towards what is not yet known, investigates it, disseminates it, is aware of its environment to improve and change.


  • Schumpeter, JA (2002). Business cycles: theoretical, historical and statistical analysis of the capitalist process (Vol. 5). University of Zaragoza. Rodríguez Vargas, JDJ (2005). The new phase of economic and social development of capitalism Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México). Retrieved from http://www.eumed.net/tesis–doctorales/jjrv/8b.htmSalgado, CM (2016). Millennials their way of life and streaming. Management and Strategy Magazine, (50), 121-137. Retrieved from http://gestionyestrategia.azc.uam.mx/index.php/rge/article/view/570Álvarez, BE Á. (2009). The concept of innovation. Lupa Empresarial, (21). From Oslo, M. (1997). Oslo Manual. Retrieved from http: // manages. com. br / wpcontent / uploads / 2013/06 / Manual-de-OSLO-2005. pdf. Ries, E. (2012). The Lean Startup method:How to create successful companies using continuous innovation. Grupo Planeta (GBS). Goleman, D., Kaufman, P., & Ray, M. (2016). The creative spirit. BM Clayton Christensen Editions. August 08, 2017. Retrieved from
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Radical innovations. the vision of a master in administrative engineering