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How to face the fear of failure in a business


Have you ever been seized with fear when facing new challenges in life? Maybe that's the reason why he still doesn't dare start a business of his own. Fear is one of the most powerful limiting factors when it comes to wanting to start a new business. If it does not expire, it can limit its management or even cause the abortion of your business. Discover the true nature of fear and learn 3 key facts to help you overcome it.

One of the most limiting factors in any business venture is fear. When it comes to taking action and wanting to get ahead with a project, there is always that negative force of fear that holds us back and that can even paralyze us to the point that we choose to abort our mission.

Fear is undoubtedly one of the most damaging feelings of the human being. It limits our actions and keeps us at a level of life much lower than our real capacities.

The human being has many fears:

• Fear of failure

• Fear of death

• Fear of poverty

• Fear of losing a loved one

• Fear of heights

• Fear of not being accepted

• Fear of public speaking

The list is endless. In some cases fear can come to govern our lives in such a way that we live in a constant state of anxiety.

What can we do to overcome fear in our lives?

First of all you have to understand the nature of fear or fear. Fear is equal to faith, but it is a crooked faith. The person who is afraid of a situation is considering a bad outcome rather than believing that things are going to be all right.

In other words, it is a battle of the mind. When facing a new challenge in life, for example a business in which we want to start, a real battle of negative thoughts versus victory thoughts begins in our mind. This battle is even more acute in situations of extreme pressure on our lives.

We use our imaginations to meditate on all the possible bad outcomes instead of imagining the success of our future business.

When imagining a bad outcome, it almost always happens, since our thought patterns function as self-fulfilling prophecies in our lives. It is what differentiates one successful person from another who lives from one failure to another. The successful person is no more gifted and is no luckier. She has only known how to win the battle in her mind.

How can you overcome the fears in your life to achieve your goals and dreams?

Below you will discover three key facts to win the battle of the mind:

Fact # 1: Don't listen to bad news

The media bombards us daily with bad news. Without realizing it, we fill ourselves with negative information that programs us to be afraid and constantly worried.

A good example is economic recessions. Although they respond to the ups and downs of the world economy, their effects are often magnified by the media.

It has been shown that, in most cases, the reasons that triggered an economic recession are solved long before its end, because people continue to think and act as if they are still in a recession, thanks to the media..

When you read or listen to the news, do not absorb the information without critically filtering it before accepting it. Remember that bad news sells better than good news. Many successful ventures are born in difficult times, because someone saw an opportunity instead of adding to the negativism of others.

Fact # 2: Don't surround yourself with negative people

Another important source of negative thoughts is the people around us on a daily basis. Some of them do a lot of damage, as they influence others with thoughts of doubt, fear and failure.

As long as this is possible, kindly withdraw when exposed to a bombardment of negativity. Consider talking to this person, since in most cases they do not realize their mistake. Your mind is already conditioned to think negatively and you need help to get out of that downward spiral.

Find people who inspire you and encourage you to be brave to start. Surround yourself with successful people who see the world through different eyes and be content with their optimistic way of thinking.

Fact # 3: Build your faith

Undoubtedly the best way to end the twisted faith of fear is to develop a genuine faith that moves mountains.

In the Bible it says that faith is the certainty of what is expected, the conviction of what is not seen. (Hebrews 11: 1).

In other words: Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible.

How many times has a situation become good because a person had faith?

Even in the most difficult circumstances, a person with faith is going to be victorious, since he does not accept failure as an option. Faith is the key ingredient that will help you win the battle of the mind against all fearful thoughts that inhibit you in your business endeavor.

How to face the fear of failure in a business