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How to know how much you should charge for your work

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Am I charging too much? It is a question that every enterprising woman who is a mentor, coach or consultant to others, asks herself when placing a price on her services. At the bottom of this question lies the fear of not being able to deliver what is expected. That fear can eat away at your income, consume your time, and even sabotage your business. Discover 3 key steps you can take to beat him once and for all!

Am I charging too much?

It is a question that every enterprising woman who is a mentor, coach or consultant to others, asks herself when placing a price on her products and services.

It is a question that comes - often unconsciously - from a place of fear: the fear of not being able to deliver what is expected, of not living up to it, of feeling inadequate and too inexperienced.

You know that you have that fear when you refuse to take actions that force you to evaluate the value you deliver and that can increase your business, such as public speaking, establishing your own platinum group or talking to a new market that you have never contacted and that could benefit from what you do.

Other symptoms that demonstrate your doubts about the value you deliver are:

  • Charging too little. Delivering too much. Enduring and not “scratching the court” for problematic clients. Do not set clear limits with your team. Deliver additional services to those agreed with your client initially. Give excess discounts and run the deadlines of the discounts you offer temporarily. And the list goes on and on.

How can you change this situation once and for all, so that it stops eating away at your income, consuming your time and even sabotaging your business?

1. Connect with your intrinsic value

One of the things that will most help you value what you deliver is knowing with certainty that you are in your business for a divine purpose.

It may be that you are comparing yourself to others and, externally, you seem to be “one more of the bunch” that is fighting for its place on the web. Or that you come from a family situation that left you with a poor image of yourself.

The truth is that YOU can decide if you are going to perceive your value in this way or not, because it is not how God sees you. When he created you, he had a plan for you and gave you the talents to walk in it. That plan never changes, regardless of your past or current circumstances.

God sees you as a unique and precious creation, who is perfectly capable of accomplishing wonderful things. Come to Him and rest in how much He values ​​you.

Once you decide no longer to allow your internal conflicts to prevent you from evaluating what you really are worth, you are ready for the next step:

2. Write down the benefits your customers receive

Focus on your services from a different angle: evaluate them according to the benefits you deliver.

Make a long list of at least 30 benefits that your clients have achieved or can achieve with what you teach them.

You will see that, as you compile this list, your perception of your work will change rapidly and you will no longer have regrets when placing a worthy price that really reflects the value of what you do.

3. Publish the benefits that your clients receive

But it is not enough that only you know! Use the list to communicate your value to your customers: when you talk to them on the phone or in public, when you offer your products, when you write your sales letters, etc.

You will see that you will start to receive a price that makes you happy and that you will feel a new security that will attract customers who really know how to value what you deliver as a coach, consultant or mentor!

How to know how much you should charge for your work