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Management of the internal communication billboard


One of the tools that communicators have at the time of transmitting different types of messages is the institutional billboard.

The institutional billboard or whiteboard is one of the most used communication tools in companies due to the low cost of this instrument and a perception of easy implementation.

From the above, the main problems presented by this communication channel in companies are:

  • Transmission of descending messages: normally the billboard is used only in companies to "download" messages from management or management to staff. It then becomes an eminently vertical channel with a selection of themes that are only of organizational interest. Errors in the location of the billboards: it is very common that the billboards are in spaces that are not optimal for reading messages. For example, the location of blackboards in employees' dining rooms is common when lunch hours are often restricted. In addition to the above, lunch hours are perceived by the staff as free time. It is also common for billboards to be placed in places of passage or spaces that recipients do not frequent.Shortcomings in the construction of messages: the billboard as a communication channel has strict rules for the construction of messages. It shares the characteristics of publicity on public roads regarding the need for the attractiveness of messages, impact and construction of the text. In this sense, graphic design and iconography are essential tools to reach a mobile recipient, who is not waiting to receive our message. Channel saturation: it is very common for billboards to become saturated in their use and transform into spaces for communication that nobody renews nor nobody reads. When this channel is not managed, the immediate consequence is its saturation and the cancellation of its communicative benefits that it presents. Disclaimer of the responsibility to "communicate":there are plenty of examples of situations where the fact of publishing an event on the billboard generates a perception in the issuers of "having communicated" by simply making a publication. In this sense, there are plenty of examples of situations where the recipient is held responsible for NOT READING THE BILLBOARD MESSAGE with the consequences that this implies. The previous situation presupposes the fallacy that the mere act of issuing a message implies an act of communication. Lack of definition of those responsible: like any means of communication, the billboard must MANAGE, and for this the ABC is to define a person responsible. The rationality of the previous statement, resists all logic, but nevertheless it is very frequent that there are no resources assigned to work with this channel,forming part of a lesser responsibility shared by the HR team. Finally, the billboard is transformed into a merely informative process, which does not measure feedback or suggest staff participation in its construction.

The menu of previous areas of improvement, configure a scenario where the billboard is of little value to organizations and becomes a cumbersome task without perceived benefits. However, a well-managed billboard is a very useful communication channel for internal communication processes.

Based on the above, we now have to suggest a list of best practices and concepts to guide the HR professional in the construction of their billboard.

As a first step, we must define the billboard as a communication channel. This conceptualization places it in a place of PROCESS and not of PRODUCT, which necessarily forces us to turn our gaze to the characteristics of the different parts of that process. As such, the communication process requires:

  • Communicate for what: in all management of a communication channel we start from an objective: why communicate? The institutional billboard must have clearly defined objectives and as such must be monitored. Communicate for whom: previously define who are our recipients, what characteristics do they have, what are their codes, what are their places of circulation, what channel preferences do they have, what are they their interests and, based on this, prepare the places of exhibition and the characteristics of the messages. Who communicates: clearly define who the issuers are, which people will be responsible for managing the process. At this point it is interesting to think about holding different actors in the company's operational areas accountable for participating in the management of the channel.The billboard as a communication channel is linked to content of informative types. The billboard should never be used to communicate situations involving relational issues. Say how: the elaboration of the contents of the billboard must contemplate a communication logic of passage; attractive graphics, signage of content types, important headlines. In short, it is about attracting a collaborator who is not waiting to read the message. Complementation: messages on the billboard can be "sold" through otherssignaling of types of content, important headlines. In short, it is about attracting a collaborator who is not waiting to read the message. Complementation: messages on the billboard can be "sold" through otherssignaling of types of content, important headlines. In short, it is about attracting a collaborator who is not waiting to read the message. Complementation: messages on the billboard can be "sold" through othersCompany communication channels that invite recipients to read the billboard. Let us remember that it is part of the management of a communication channel to encourage its reading.

Finally, we must be aware that the responsibility in the management of communication channels cannot be reduced to the instrument we use, but rather that we are the communicative subjects who participate in the act of communication. As an instrument, the billboard is neither good nor bad, it all depends on what we do with it.

Management of the internal communication billboard