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Organizational communication as a factor of success in companies


Simon Sinek, renowned writer and motivator introduced the concept of "Golden Circle", where he explains how current leaders must face organizations basing their strategies on three levels; What, How and Why.

"Every organization knows what it produces, some in it know how it is produced, but few know why" (Sinek, 2011), and that is why those who consume do so for the reason that you sell it.


As an example, he identifies Apple, in which his philosophy of being lies in “Thinking differently”, and that is the message that he transmits; Regardless of the quality of their teams, consumers feel part of a sector that does not belong to the average, and makes them connect with the organization.

Today, there is a technology revolution, which allows to shorten distances, which in theory should improve our interpersonal and organizational communications, however, it is an unknown aspect how to incorporate this new wave to impact the results of an organization.

There must be a clear vision or purpose, which accompanied by a defined strategy provides the company with the structure to achieve its objectives, with strong leadership and supported by a motivational scheme, success will be imminent, however, this entire approach must be globalized. in an effective communication strategy, so that, as it is proposed (Sinek, 2011), the why is known, and the objectives of the company become the objectives of the personnel that comprise it.

If this does not happen, then you will only have collaborators doing the day-to-day work, routinely, with a limited control environment, aimed at fulfilling a life cycle.

In order to be carried out, the following model is structured.

Illustration 3 Source: Andrade, H. (2005). Internal organizational communication: process, discipline and technique. Netbiblo

The research process in this model is at the beginning and end to establish your prior knowledge and subsequent measurement of results. At this level, the areas of internal and external opportunities of the organization are detected to establish the communication strategy to follow.

In the Identification aspect, it is sought that the collaborator establish empathy with the organization, it may be through its philosophy (mission, vision, values), or visual elements placed to accompany the collaborator in the process.

The Information element specifies all the data that must flow into the organization.

The Integration of the collaborators is essential for the achievement of the objectives. All towards the same direction multiply the efforts.

Image is that there is congruence between the message of the organization and its actions, this in order not to disappoint the trust of the collaborators.


The set of intelligences proposed by Howard Gardner, plus the concept of emotional intelligence of Daniel Goleman (1946) that requires effective communication applied to the organization is what influences its results.

Effective communication is obtaining what you want by delivering the message and its correct understanding, however communication is not flat, it is limited by the mental scheme that each member of the organization has, which is why communication must be developed as one more intelligence, that allows to cross these existing barriers, and make it part of the organizational culture, with the conscious and efficient use of the means to carry it out.

Organizations are extensive and complex, regardless of size, so if an efficient communication policy is established from the beginning, considering the control structures for the correct flow of data, the efficiency of resources is increased and losses are expected to the organization.

Thus, it is also possible to obtain improvement proposals originating within it, and that these reach higher levels of management in the organization, thus, the company will be in constant innovation.

The internal communication of an organization has an impact on 5 aspects such as the management of its processes, the motivation they receive from the company, promoting the collaborator's sense of belonging, integration, and the relationship with other institutions.


Sinek, S. (2011). Start with why: How great leaders inspire everyone to take action. Penguin.

Giral, F., Giral, A., & Giral, J. (2017). Culture of effectiveness 2.0. LID Editorial.

Robbins, SP, Judge, TA, & Brito, JE (2009). Organizational behavior (No. 658.01 / R63oE / 13a. Ed.). Mexico: Pearson Education.

Gordon, JG (1997). Organizational behavior. Prentice Hall Hispanoamericana,.

Gardner, H. (1998). Multiple intelligences. Barcelona: Paidós.

Bertrand Regader. 16 of September. 2017. Recovered from

Andrade, H. (2005). Internal organizational communication: process, discipline and technique. Netbiblo.

Yanna Stefanu September 15, 2017. Recovered from


Sinek, S. (2011). Start with why: How great leaders inspire everyone to take action. Penguin.

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Organizational communication as a factor of success in companies