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360 ° organizational communication


When we talk about 360 ° communication, we refer to the intelligent, strategic, comprehensive and harmonious management of communications that are directed towards the different audiences of the organization, whether they are internal or external.

It is supported by a dynamic, permeable and flexible intervention model that creates synergy between the organization, the strategies and the audiences in such a way that each of them has a coordinated and timely participation in each initiative.

It is an integral model, in which the organization is seen as a moving system, a changing system, energized by the environment, globalization and new technologies, among other factors, and therefore it adapts and adjusts to respond to different requirements, aligning each communicative action with the objectives of the organization.

Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize that it is not possible to disaggregate these actions inside and outside the organization as if they were dissimilar entities, since both have their genesis in the objectives and strategies of the organization, are constantly interrelated and are part of an integral whole that must always communicate the same message. A consistent and coherent message that guarantees the achievement of the goals set.

In the internal communications scenario, maintaining a constant dialogue between the organization and its collaborators allows each member to be informed, motivated, leveraged, aligned, maintained, updated and involved around the objectives, goals and evolutionary processes of the organization., in order to increase and facilitate their sense of belonging, commitment, identification with the corporate culture, adoption of change processes and alignment in order to achieve the objectives, among other factors.

Gestionar la comunicación con las audiencias externas, exige de las organizaciones un profundo conocimiento de sus clientes y consumidores, incluyendo sus necesidades, sus hábitos de consumo, la afinidad que tienen con cada uno de los medios y con las marcas, para así posicionar cada uno de sus productos o servicios y comunicar efectiva y asertivamente las bondades y beneficios de los mismos, teniendo siempre en la mira el cumplimiento de las metas comerciales establecidas.

Communication in 360 ° proposes the integration of all these actions, internal and external, in a harmonious and consistent way, joining efforts, opening spaces for careful listening and feedback with each audience through an effective media mix, which allows for profitable relationships with customers, suppliers and collaborators, while aligning each audience around the organization's objectives and business goals.

Additionally, the synergy given between internal and external communications allows organizations to generate a coherent and consistent discourse vis-à-vis their audiences, which leverages the love and memorability of brands, products or services, by allowing a projection and natural relationship with companies. themselves.

360 ° organizational communication