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Team concept and definition of leadership


1. Team

Once the team with which to try to achieve the objectives has been selected and the rules of the game have been established, the manager must lead it, this being the most complex task that must be faced and it will require interpersonal skills.

Before approaching the subject, I will formulate some reflections regarding the team:

• The manager will achieve the objectives that the team achieves, that is, the manager will go as far as the team, under his leadership, takes him.

• The manager will lead the team trying to get the most out of it, but if he mismanages it he will not reach the objectives. It is the same as having an excellent car and a bad driver, you will not reach the destination.

• The team will be permanently observing the manager's facts to see if they correspond to his speech.

• The members of the team who have potential, pretend to be leading actors and not supporting actors. It is with the leading actors that the great works are composed.

With these initial reflections, I want to highlight the importance of the team in achieving the objectives, for which it is imperative to lead it properly, motivation being one of the most important aspects of leadership.

2. Leadership

The excellent definition of leadership allows for a very rich and detailed analysis of each of its parts:

" Leadership is conquered only through the leader's intellectual and moral ascendancy over his team, through which a real authority is founded to achieve the team's common good."

This definition provides several concepts that deserve to be analyzed, the most important of which is that leadership is conquered.

This means that being a boss or manager does not give "the title of leader." Leader is much more than manager, but I cannot be a good manager if I am not the leader of the team. Leadership is a "tacit appointment" that the team gives the manager and makes him a leader.

Leadership is conquered through an intellectual and moral ancestry, that is, that leadership must be conquered with differential attributes, in the field of intellectual and moral honesty.

It is then that through these attributes the real authority is acquired in front of the team.

The leader will exercise that real authority "delegated by the team" to lead them towards the common good.

This excellent definition is the one that will be taken into account to address the issue of motivation.

Team concept and definition of leadership