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Topgrading and talent management concept


Today it is notorious, how organizations focus their efforts on improving their human capital, thanks to awakening to reality, which are precisely the members that make it up, who promote or decline their levels of participation in the markets and therefore their success..

It is there that in the order of modern management topics, topgrading appears.

According to Bradford Smart and Geoffrey Smart, in their article "Topgrading the organization", due to its impact on the value of the shares, the advantages of building a talent over its competitors should be a number one priority of the board of members and managers..

The term topgrading emerged in the 1980s as a result of CEO Bradford Smart's concern regarding the critical state of the hiring and promotion process within American companies.

Smart studied thousands of companies that failed and thousands of others that were successful in implementing strategies; and then asked what factors were causing this behavior. It was when he concluded that the strategies as such were simple to design, how difficult it was to execute them, and that mainly depended on the talent of the people involved.

Smart then focused on measuring the talents of the members of each organization, and classified them into type A, B and C players. Type A players or first-class players, would be optimal for each job, who were characterized by being leaders, proactive, with the highest performance and therefore essential for the organization. To her surprise, less than 25% of the employees were top players.

In this situation, Smart identified that the problem was in the recruitment and promotion processes of these top players, and it is there when he develops the methods and best practices, among which is the "Topgrading Interview".

This method involves the rigorous selection of the best talent, through a series of structured, chronologically guided questions whose depth covers all the successes, failures and relationships of the interviewee's working life.

According to Bradford Smart and Geoffrey, Smart (Brad's son), creators of the topgrading methods, the topgrading interview is actually the best talent identification, hiring and promotion tool as it produces a clear outline of how the person evolved through dozens of competitions. With the effective implementation of topgrading, you can achieve up to 90% success in recruiting and promoting top players.

Although talent is the potential that each person has in the development of their skills and competences; It is also true that this potential may or may not be improved since it depends solely on the person's interest in optimizing it, and on the tools that this person may have for it.

All people can become top players, the important thing is that everyone knows himself, identifies his potential and develops his skills to an optimal level.

It is there when personal growth comes into play. When it becomes necessary to establish where we want to go. Know what are my strengths and what are my weaknesses. In which areas do I excel and which ones could I excel. How is my self-esteem. How is my relationship with others: with my family, my friends, my coworkers, my bosses.

It is necessary to feel better as people to invest time and dedication in the development of our potential, work on our weaknesses, make time to enrich our spirit and our professional life, to give our best in whatever activity we let's perform.

The future shows us a world of opportunities when the globalization process encourages talents to expand the areas they want to enter, and borders are not limiting. Hence, the tools to develop our skills and make them shine in the best settings become infinite.

The new generations are awakening in terms of quality and productivity, developing on the topics of modern administration. Topics such as leadership, self-esteem and assertiveness, motivation, coaching, neurolinguistic programming, human relationships, emotional intelligence, happiness, self-fulfillment, and others, have taken root in organizational settings in view of their intimate relationship with success of the same.

For a company to remain competitive in the markets, it must adopt quality and productivity as a lifestyle. The selection of talents, and the assignment of people in those positions where they can shine positively influences the organizational climate, job satisfaction, effective teamwork, motivation and recognition, high performance, success in the implementation of strategies, the generation of better products and services, customer satisfaction, and therefore the profitability of the company.

The nascent Venezuelan management has realized the importance of the recruitment, retention, promotion and development of talents and what this means in their permanence in competitive markets.

Therefore, it is time for our people, our educational centers and our companies to break out of obsolete paradigms, open up to a world overflowing with changes, and prepare for when opportunities come and best cope with the threats that may arise..

Topgrading and talent management concept