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Congruence in social responsibility in new university students in public technological institutes


ABSTRACT: In this essay, I will talk about how it is that the students carry out their Social Responsibility within the public Technological Centers, and also how the lack of consistency with themselves can interrupt what the students do. In this same way we ask ourselves the question, is there real social responsibility on the part of the students of Public Technological Sciences or is it just one more requirement?

KEY WORDS : Congruence, Social Responsibility, University students.


When we speak of “responsibility”, we are referring to a very large word in all its extension, since not everyone comes to understand the commitment that is acquired with it; however it is not impossible to carry it out. Now, let's talk more specifically about "Social Responsibility (SR)", it is a topic that concerns us all and that to a certain extent it should be mandatory for everyone as an individual, since when being part of a society, we should seek contribute in one way or another to the reduction of problems that arise around us.

Currently when we relate "responsibility" with "youth", the only thing we can imagine or idealize ourselves is the opposite of this, since there are many taboos about how today's young people cope with it, since they are overestimated when they think that they do not There are neither ethical nor moral principles that govern them and help to acquire "responsibility" as a primary value for healthy development within society in general. SR is a play on words for many young people, as they do not have the knowledge or the meaning that it comes to have, and understanding it can be a bit difficult, if to a certain extent, simply being responsible is difficult, now putting Practicing that responsibility without being mandatory is an even more complicated task.

For young women, this topic has been of little relevance, since there are factors that prevent it from being a central topic of conversation; Universities have tried or are trying to implement this concept, and although in many institutes it is mandatory, female students only make this commitment as a requirement, in such a way that an inconsistency arises between what is said, done and thought, for there is an end not exactly ethical or moral, but rather in the interest of receiving something in return. And it is that we speak of ethical and moral, because SR is attached to these and it is impossible not to relate, then, by not making that SR totally voluntary, could it become truly ethical and moral ?, by not being ethical or moral would it count as RS or just as one more obligation?


For the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language in its Ed. Del Tricentenario (2017), Congruence is determined as a Focusing this concept more on our being, I can say then that it is that relationship that exists between what is said, thought or done, thus giving a unique being, a single essence “the same me”, since it is very true that As people, sometimes we do not reach that our acts are what we think and we end up executing them without knowing or being aware of what we do, that is, we do it to be done. Verde Asorey, J., (2014), in his essay "Coherence and Congruence" tells us that <the congruent is what serves to form a homogeneous set>, since indeed as we were previously mentioned we must be homogeneous since sometimes our decisions do not coincide with our behavior and our way of being.

Congruence is a fundamental part for a balance in our life; Garrido R. in his article "Being consistent, guarantee of well-being" tells us that the person who is consistent is not contradicted or justified, and that to be good with ourselves we need this; And it is true because by thinking many times when we are in conflict with ourselves, due to the same lack of it, it can affect us in a very serious way and cause a bigger problem.

Congruence, many times is influenced by people since they unbalance us and we end up doing something that we do not want but that in the eyes of people is the best, that is where inconsistency arises and with it dilemmas and contradictions, ending justifying our mistakes; Well, a clear example is when we are going to eat with someone else, we wait for them to decide, many times this is not a good option because it can end up displeasing us and we will end up with a bad taste in our mouths.

Lack of consistency is one of the most frequent problems in young people, and that for society is normal, but nevertheless, many people believe that synonymous with "normal" means less important, and it is really worrying, since many Young people do not make good decisions and do things without being aware of the commitments that those decisions or acts imply.


Responsibility alone is a word that is often not taken seriously, since it requires great effort to be able to bear it, it is true that acquiring it is a great commitment. According to the Spanish Royal Academy in its Ed. Del Tricentenario (2017), responsibility isIn my opinion, I could say that it is too clear a concept but that being realistic, as people we find it difficult; in the same way, SR is usually attributed to companies and not to something that as people who form the same society should correspond to us. For Rivera N. (2004) RS "is the personal investment in the well-being of others and the planet", we realize that it means that RS does not only include the well-being of oneself, but also of each person who forms part of society, and therefore where it is located.

For young women it is a bit complicated to be able to commit to SR, since it is not normal that from a young age they are introduced to their language and the lessons learned what this entails on the part of their parents, it is clear that it does not mean that all these do not do their duty, but it should be implemented a little more in childhood.


The students, when they are in a youth stage, are usually still in the process of identifying their personality, and many times the change they undergo when going from one institute to another, tends to unbalance their emotional stability a little, and this affects a little their personality, many times when entering a new stage in their life affects them and terrifies them a little, this causes them to not mind knowing the obligations that they have as students who belong to an institute. We were already talking that RS is something that is incumbent on all of us as citizens who are part of the same society, but for new students of public Technologicals it is something that becomes new in their lives, as they had not previously touched the subject, besides that in general it is not a subject that is touched in his circle of friends;young women often arrive without information, and that is not usually something that causes them concern, because they arrive with the mentality that the only thing that matters is passing the subjects with good grades, which is not bad, however it is important that they know them since, as they are part of public technology companies, they have an obligation to society. In their book “Humanism and Social Work”, Domínguez Pachón MJ & López Canseco E. tell us that “The university is an organization that works in your society and generates impacts on both the people who work in it (administrative staff, teachers, students) as about their social and natural environment. Social responsibility is the desire to respond ethically and intelligently to these impacts so that they are, as far as possible, positive and not negative ”, and it is true,because in my opinion I think that as members of the institutes, the students should give something back to society, because they manage to impact in one way or another. In order for the students to carry out SR, it is first necessary that they are well with themselves, in order to be consistent with what they say, do and think, since you cannot carry out a good SR when it does not exist.

As the students do not know their SRs, public Technological institutes usually have knowledge of how important it is that they know them, in this way they implement the meanings that they carry. By implementing these concepts, they make the students carry this out as one more requirement to be able to successfully complete their degree.

To carry a good SR, consistency with themselves is very important, since many times when wanting to do a good act by obligation, it takes them to do it as it is and they do not take it for things to go well, and if we reflect, we will not. they do it from the heart, and they only do it for their own interest, There is a great controversy since to carry a good SR, consistency with themselves is very important, because despite doing what they should ethically and morally, they do it more than anything by obligation, and they do it as it is, not taking enough importance to make things go right and if we reflect they don't do it from the heart, and they only do it for their own interest, would it really count as RS? It is in this way that young women contradict what they do what they think and what they say; we would go so far as to say that they lie to themselves, that is, they are not congruent; Well, this lack of consistency is a big problem because when doing the SR that corresponds to them, they need to "want" them to do it well.


Congruence is a very important factor for the SR to be fulfilled in a good way by the students of the Public Technological Sciences, because when you see congruence you are doing something you want without lying to yourself, and our integrity of one or the other This is a good way, in addition to the fact that there is a good relationship with oneself, thus giving good results, and benefiting both the institute itself and society in general, including the environment that surrounds us.

I can conclude that SR is very important and by working together with the consistency of people, it manages to positively impact the society we belong to and the environment around us.

Congruence in social responsibility in new university students in public technological institutes