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Holistic knowledge

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He is honest, rational and independent. He does not like routine, but he needs to be close to his affections. It is intuitive and has a great initiative to start new projects. Jan Christian Smuts (1870-1950). In 1926 he published Holism and Evolution.

Holistics has its tenure in the knowledge of how the human being can see things, from an analogical point of view it makes us know the way of seeing things, it is a way of understanding analog knowledge.

It gives us a definition of what holitism is and mentions to us that it is important to know the word holistic from a philosophical point because we as professors will be useful to us throughout our career.

To speak of such changes, it is inevitable to go deep with holistic knowledge. It is important to check what holistic means to have a better understanding of how important our daily life is. And giving us to know how important extreme holitism is in the situations that are currently experienced within the legal area.

This is due to the growing needs of society coupled with acculturation or foreignness, which invariably invade our environment, our society and therefore our legal system.


The following essay represents a personal point of view on the subject in question, by means of which it is intended to make known a point of view that so important we play within society we always use holistic knowledge suffering the Mexican legal system.

It is important that we know holistic knowledge as one of the most important knowledge within the legal area.

One of the topics mentioned that the holistic realizes as knowledge could be implied as the study of criminalistics in which holistic knowledge is interpreted.

What is holistic

The holistic one alludes to the tendency that allows to understand the events from the point of view of the multiple interactions that characterize them; it corresponds to an integrative attitude as well as to an explanatory theory that guides towards a contextual understanding of the processes, the protagonists and their contexts. Holistics refers to the way of seeing whole things, in their entirety, as a whole, in their complexity, since in this way interactions, particularities and processes can be appreciated that are not usually perceived if the aspects that are studied are studied. they make up the whole, separately.

The Greek voice holos is expressed in Spanish as a prefix, holu holo, and means whole, complete, "all"; it also indicates complete and organized. Holos means totality, relationships, context or any event, aspect, circumstance, quality or thing that is being studied or taken into account at the time, as "one", as complexity or as a whole.

For example, when the conceptual aspects have been specified in any investigation and, consequently, the investigation has been defined - it has been focused and delimited -, for the purposes of the investigation, that context corresponds to the holos of the investigation.

Holistics has been present in the development of universal thought. Philosophical understanding, from its beginnings, is holistic, that is, part of a universal, global, whole or integral understanding of processes and appreciations, to progressively derive towards aspects of the realities included in said processes.

The written by the South African philosopher Jan Christian Smuts (1870-1950), born in Malinesbury, who had active political and military life in his country, is recognized as one of the most significant texts in holistics. In 1926 he published Holism and Evolution.

Any look will allow us to appreciate that the world is made of sets, Smuts stressed, clarifying that these are contained within other contexts or holos, and this in turn is contained in others, configuring the cosmos and integrating realities and processes in a constant way, dynamic and interactive. Seen reality in this way, it can be perceived as dynamic, interactive and creative, since "this global cosmic process, when deployed in the cosmos, is nothing but evolution" (Wilber, 1989).

Consequently, natural processes, growth, relationships, intellectual activities, everything, would be influenced or carried out within holistic considerations; This means, as part of a process in which the determination or precision of things is achieved by multiple relationships, dynamic events, synergies and expressions of context.

The process towards globalization, inclusive understanding, and transdisciplinary development are known as expressions of holism. Things in themselves make up a reality through their own interactions, through intersecting fields of action.

Importance of holistic

Every historical epoch entails contradiction: while forces of diverse nature confront each other, fragmenting the human, powerful ideas enhance integration, as well as a totalizing and integral vision of processes. Humanity is torn between clashes over individualistic interests and the needs of regional collectives; and between the currents characterized by radicalized self-differentiation and the global orientation of society and human evolution. The tendency to unify is presented as an integrating experience due to its own synergy, and is oriented towards the understanding of social, cultural and political phenomena from the point of view of unity, unification, integrity, integrity, and integration. totalization.

This attitude implies "overcoming" the paradigms, the ways of seeing things, to promote the figure of the phrase, which can be understood, simply, as the integration of paradigms. A syntagmatic attitude fosters convergence, knowledge, openness towards other ways of seeing things, and this is achieved with holistic criteria. When you say "overcome the paradigms" you mean to know them, study them and integrate them into broad notions. That is what holistics consists of: tendency, movement, psychological and social attitude, rooted in the different human disciplines, oriented towards the search for a worldview that is based on common precepts for the human race.

Holism and superholism

Holistic stimulates the intellectual initiative towards the acceptance of phenomena and scientific work based on an understanding that considers the different aspects, phenomena and characterizations of any context. However, the "holistic whole" must be distinguished from superholism. In the holistic "whole" it seeks to apprehend various aspects that make up any one holos -which in turn is related to a greater or lesser degree with other holos in a multirelational set, where in various ways the events that compose it are affected-. This holos, be it context, complexity, or situation, can be studied, known in the integrative parts, taking into account, if you will, that it is in turn linked to other contexts, with other complexities,and those relationships are expressed through multiple synergies.

In the line of superholism, it is intended to believe that everything, absolutely everything, is part of the same holos -which is probable to a certain extent, as a unit, but this approach presents serious risks-. In superholism, the "holos" corresponds to everything possible, in every consideration, otherwise absurd; In this perspective, the key to the matter is to perceive the absolute totality in order to understand the "totality of the total whole".

This position is confusing because the whole, seen in this way, is incomprehensible, vastly incomprehensible due to its incommensurability. Furthermore, when trying to encompass the "total whole", it would disappear since it would no longer be the whole because it is considered within another continental whole, superior to superholism (at this point, any memory with Cartesian discussions could induce one to read his Meditations or the Method Discourse).

Consequently, the search for the whole - that is, the definition of events, circumstances, characteristics and manifestations of a context - as a way of approaching the understanding of any reality, in its different aspects that They make up, it becomes necessary, especially when it is clear that "things are or can be according to who perceives them" or, even more, according to the theoretical or epistemic framework that underlies the assumed understanding, or the context to which this understanding adheres.

There are multiple ways of approaching an event or understanding a phenomenon, and not necessarily one of these forms -prospectivism- is or should be the correct one or the one taken as a mandatory reference for everyone. In holistic terms, it is necessary to have the integrating capacity, sufficient expertise to perceive the various relationships of an event, and in turn the possibility of scrutinizing the derivations, especially if one is able to appreciate the set, the complexity, which in a certain way it constitutes the orientation of the different "parts" or synergies that make up the holistic corpus.

Stages of holistic thinking

Holistics has to go back to the history of human becoming in all its phases, as well as to the process of evolution of knowledge. From the anthropological point of view, the abstract nature of the brain is holistic, since cognitive processes come from relationships and interactions, in a context in which things, seen in this case as "events", occur in the space time.

At the origins of human knowledge, the existence of myths demonstrates the human tendency, capacity and orientation towards holism. Any Egyptian, Greek, Babylonian, Brahman, Chibcha, Inca or Aztec cosmogony and theogony seek to respond to concerns arising from experience, some the fruit of inferences and others more culturally learned as a historical legacy. The evolution of thought is marked by the holistic perception of reality.

From a holos, from a "totality", from a context, knowledge is generated and through its multiple relationships thought, ideas, science are expanded. Intelligence, as has already been emphasized, is relationship, the ability to establish dynamic, interactive links, in also relational contexts. Knowledge is abstraction, it is "reduction of the holos". To understand any notion, the context -of the holos-, to which such consideration is due, is required.

Knowledge has its phases. The intellectual evolution of humanity -beyond the positive discourse (Comte, 1884) that reduces the intellectual progression to three states-, develops various moments of the development of thought that configure a process of intellection, whose access is obtained by each one according to his personal history, and is expressed by humanity as a holos, based on synergies and events that express the states of consciousness of society or the level of knowledge of a people, a culture or an institution. These stages or stages are:

Natural stage

A first stage or instance of knowledge is phenomenal. It is deeply related to situations, with the facts and circumstances of becoming. It is a naive stage. Knowledge is expressed and assumed with the naturalness of the event, and simple interpretations are produced. It is the child's thinking: natural and candid. It is the learning of those who discover new things, novel situations.

Within these circumstances, knowledge occurs spontaneously, the result of events, everyday life, contexts, and as such occurs. Its characteristics are amazement, surprise, amazement.

Religious stage

Another stage is associated with the structuring of religious thought. It corresponds to the consolidation of myths, of fictions, which acquire real force.

In the religious stage, amazement and naivety are integrated, with mystery and myth, in a doctrinal phase: what is religiously exposed is valid, it is absolute, because it is the truth.

It is a reductionist stage, in the theoretical, in the mythological, in the esoteric and in the magical, which fosters the vision of reality with generalizing and exclusive criteria, since it is insisted that "this is the only true way of seeing things". The religious stage is dogmatic.

Theoretical stage

Another particular moment in the evolution of thought is the theoretical one. At this stage, the meaning and truth of things are speculated, and interpretations are formulated capable of presenting an organized body of ideas. The proposal of ideas is speculative, interpretive and probably autonomous with respect to applications or tests. The theories that are proposed in this phase offer different ways of understanding what it is about, be they events, realities, situations or ideas about ideas, with a speculative character. The consistency of the theory is given by the way it is exposed, the way it is sustained and the relations of ideas that it presents for convincing purposes.

Ideological stage

The ideological stage of thought is characterized by the purpose of organizing ideas, knowledge, in a coherent, structured and "scientific" way. It is a foundationalist, coherentist and systemic stage, associated with «scientific» thought.

It is a paradigmatic stage, that is, the system is built, the method, the resources, the techniques, the strategies and the other aspects that have to do with obtaining knowledge are defined. in officer in structural and organizational contexts.

It is the product of the confrontation of realities and opinions, as well as the search for knowledge through experience, verification or methods that guarantee consistent results with the investigative process. This stage is structural (the structures make up the systems) it proposes the knowledge that has been developed, verified, and organized according to methodological criteria. It has a strong root with experience and can be eminently rational, speculative, empirical and can also lead to eclecticism.

Skeptical stage

Skeptical thinking. It refers to the stage of knowledge characterized by the need to hesitate to obtain principles, as well as to check knowledge to justify its veracity.

Skepticism has various manifestations, such as relativism, pragmatism, and empiricism. Relativism subordinates the raison d'être of things to the relationships and contexts in which interpretations originate. The purpose of pragmatism is to verify by way of facts, utility and benefit or effectiveness, the veracity of knowledge. And empiricism sets out to verify by experience or by experimentation the veracity of knowledge.

The skeptical stage hides the dilemma of uncertainty, it tries to solve it by way of verification, but it keeps the uncertainty active because it justifies the skeptical attitude: if the uncertainty disappears, skepticism is overcome.

Philosophical stage

Philosophical development corresponds to an advanced phase of thought. This stage is characterized by permanent reflection, by the reflexive, historical and situational search of the fundamental aspects of all things, with the purpose of continuing in the investigation, always having as its purpose the acquisition of knowledge, the search for knowledge and the raison d'être of things.

The philosophical stage is instrospective, deep in analysis, methodical, and transcends facts, things and contexts, as it aspires to find the first and last reasons for things… to continue the investigation.

The philosophical stage is dynamic.

Holistic stage

Holistic thinking implies an attitude open to history, to events, to perceiving contexts, ideas and situations within multiple relationships. Holistic thinking is relational: it is able to integrate experiences, relate knowledge, link actions, dimensions, interpretations, inferences, with backgrounds of open possibilities.

Holistic thinking seems chaotic: it is in permanent inquiry, it is open to understanding, it is oriented towards various interpretations and it is willing to appreciate possibilities, to perceive different ways of understanding, of perceiving being and things. Chaos is understood as open possibilities, the context and the metahistorical circumstance in which things can be understood and where abstraction, realities and processes are related.

That is why holistic thinking leads to perceive events with amplitude, with openness, since it interprets that reality is one and it is complex, it is one but multiple, it is the here and now but it has a surprising historical affiliation: it alludes to the past but In turn, it warns of the times to come, and it is transcendent.

Within the three levels of knowledge that are identified, in the third position is Holistic Knowledge, which includes the entire concept of a person or a thing or an idea, since it also includes the values ​​that can be give independently for each of the entities and is what finally distinguishes it from the other levels of knowledge such as sensitive knowledge and conceptual knowledge. The concept of Holistic Knowledge is currently being used or applied, that is, it is fashionable.

Each of man's sensory faculties insofar as they are active. Losing, regaining knowledge According to this definition, it can be stated then that knowing is facing reality. It can be said that knowing is a process through which an individual becomes aware of his reality.

The subject who knows, the object of knowledge, the very operation of knowing and the result obtained which is nothing more than the information gathered about the object. In other words, the subject gets in contact with the object and obtains information about it, and by verifying that there is coherence or adequacy between the object and the corresponding internal representation, it is then when it is said that one is in possession of knowledge.

Depending on the degree of the relationship established between the elements that make up the knowledge process, it can vary from scientific knowledge to empirical knowledge. The latter is made up of products from intuitive uptake, from sensitive uptake.

It is here where the world of myths and superstitions have their place. It is distinguished by its spontaneity, which allows us to conclude that it is the product of the occasion, so it does not result from planning and can rather be subjective.

When we refer to scientific knowledge, this concept is related to that of science, since it has elements inherent to it, such as its content, its field and its method, in addition to the fact that it is presented as a qualified manifestation, which distinguishes it from other types of knowledge.

For Hesse a knowledge could be considered as scientific, only if it is free of prejudices and presuppositions, in addition, the judgments of facts must be separated from the judgments of value. He maintains that calm, impartial and objective neutrality must be achieved.

In the same order of ideas, there is another version of knowledge, which is commonly called COSMOVISIÓN, (or conception of being), assuming it as the principle and presupposition of all things, the essence of this conception puts perception before knowledge, It is based on the fact that before identifying the object of knowledge within a category, we perceive it as something, a being, and this being takes precedence over things that the logic of language calls species, genus, or categories.

According to Alexandra Ramírez, knowledge is a process by which we raise consciousness, reproductively, a reality that is already existing, ordered and structured.

He also points out that there is currently talk of three different levels of knowledge: Sensitive, Conceptual and Holistic.

For Benito Al maguer Luaiza holistic knowledge is to intuit an object capturing it within a broad context, as an element of a totality, without clearly defined structures or limits.

The Holistic concept means: Relative to Holism and this is the Doctrine that advocates the conception of each reality as a whole distinct from the sum of its component parts.

To start working on the development of holistic recruitment, you must take all the possibilities that are presented to you and work them thoroughly. A very important part of this holistic uptake is the help that other people with whom you interact on a daily basis can offer.

It should be borne in mind that many of the ideas that other people give have as a backing an accumulation of knowledge and experiences that are not had or are partially owned and have in the exchange the valuable opportunity to achieve knowledge that would otherwise be difficult. could be obtained.

Alexandra Ramírez explains that in Holistic Knowledge, also called intuitive, there are no colors, dimensions or universal structures, as is the case with conceptual knowledge. Intuiting an object means capturing it within a broad context, as an element of a totality, without clearly defined structures or limits. The word holistic refers to this totality perceived at the moment of intuition. The main difference between holistic and conceptual knowledge resides in structures.

When a scientist dazzles an explanatory hypothesis of the phenomena that he studies, we can say that this moment has a holistic knowledge, that is, he captures the object studied in a broad context where he relates to other objects and explains the phenomenon, its relationships, its changes and its characteristics.

For Julio Fuentes Chavarriaga, Holistic Knowledge is a way of knowing that has always been available to the freest, fittest and most capable. A knowledge that leads us to get rid of paradigms, complementing scientific knowledge with tradition and other ways of searching for science and knowledge.

The three levels of knowledge.

The human being can capture an object on three different levels, sensitive, conceptual and holistic. Sensitive knowledge consists of capturing an object through the senses; such is the case of images captured by sight. Thanks to it we can store in our minds the images of things, with color, shape and dimensions. The eyes and ears are the main senses used by humans. Animals have powerfully developed smell and touch.

Second, we have conceptual knowledge, which consists of invisible, immaterial, but universal and essential representations. The main difference between the sensible and the conceptual level resides in the singularity and universality that characterizes, respectively, these two types of knowledge. Sensitive knowledge is singular and conceptual universal.

Thirdly, we have holistic knowledge. At this level there are no universal colors, dimensions or structures, as is the case with conceptual knowledge. Intuiting an object means capturing it within a broad context, as an element of a totality, without clearly defined structures or limits. The main difference between holistic and conceptual knowledge lies in the structures. The former lacks structures, or at least tends to dispense with them. The concept, on the other hand, is a structured knowledge.

When a scientist dazzles an explanatory hypothesis of the phenomena that he studies, we can say that this moment has a holistic knowledge, that is, he captures the object studied in a broad context where he relates to other objects and explains the phenomenon, its relationships, its changes and its characteristics.

The capture of values ​​offers us the best example of holistic knowledge.


This research concepts that for me are essential in the Mexican Legal System, which have mainly taken holistic knowledge through time, which all graduates in any area will always use holistic knowledge.


Association of American Law Schools, Section on Clinical Legal Education, Report of the Committee on the Future of the In House Clinic, 42 J. Legal Educ. 511 (1992)

James W. McElhaney, Trial Notebook 78 (3d.ed.1994).

Aguádelo María, Spanish and literature. Bogotá editorial Bedout Editores SA Técnicas Grupales, Bogotá 1995 Pág. 29-39

Rafael ranzio

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Holistic knowledge