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Knowledge and intellectual capital as a business asset

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How do companies defend themselves and behave in this difficult and changing market?

Speaking of HR, the human factor in companies, the heart of great machinery.

Currently, human resources have been considered as essential in the growth and productivity of the company. What are the competitive advantages today?

Knowledge is the most important asset of organizations.

Those companies whose objective tends to favor and constantly increase knowledge will be able to access our competitive advantages.

Today we talk about Intellectual Capital.

Like individuals, organizations must acquire knowledge, seek to understand it clearly, assimilate it in depth, and use various means so that it will last over time and be useful, until it is finally replaced by others.

Organizations are made up of people, they are a structured combination of resources where the human being is the key piece. Therefore, if people learn, organizations also.

Intellectual capital is defined as the systematized set of competences that each individual is in a position to compromise with the organization in which they collaborate, as well as the knowledge that each organization has achieved by its staff. When the individual commits these competences to the company, they become part of his assets and are found in the personnel or in the "products" they develop for the company as well as in its results.

What are the benefits that each organization acquires when it favors the development of intellectual capital?

It is a subject to be able to think from the place of each decision maker and person in charge of each company.

It is also important to think about them from the employee's place. How does this acquisition of knowledge favor you?

Continuous improvement and the acquisition of new skills is a way to acquire and promote intellectual capital.

We cannot ignore the aspects that involve leadership as such. The empowerment that generates a space and a favorable climate for the development of new ideas, new processes and generates a necessary aspect that is creativity.

It is important to keep in mind that these aspects only occur in those flexible companies where the leadership style is more participatory and democratic.

The issue of benchmarking is an aspect to consider as long as the contextual aspect should not be neglected. We can improve different processes and models for carrying out tasks, but it is necessary to take into account where I stand, what my cultural reality is, and how my organization is.

Competences is another aspect to consider. Its development and its monitoring. Intimately related to the motivation that the leader can generate in his people.

Developing these competencies through training is one of the ways to be able to adapt to the reality of professionalizing the human resources of organizations.

Organizations must be able to be flexible. And what does it mean to be?

Be adapted to permanent change and with the ability to quickly adapt to those changes.

As Peters says, "companies open to a passion for learning and adaptation."

The idea of ​​an employee should approach that of a business agent.

An entrepreneur who can have the correct perception of the role he represents.

This type of employees, entrepreneurs and business agents, should have the following aspects: Talent, commitment to work, need for development, desire to be the best.

How can you do to change an employee and become an entrepreneur?

Through training, strengthening its strengths, incorporating it into the strategic vision of the company's business, making it participate.

Organizations that want to survive will have within their objectives to develop, leverage knowledge continuously.

Through Organizational Counseling you can work on issues that have to do with those obstacles that companies suffer in this improvement path.

In the different areas the guideline can be established to resolve the conflicts that affect the Labor Climate.

A more objective reading, from the outside, can then evaluate these aspects.

Come to understand that the more you study the behavior of people in the organization, the more evidence can be gathered to prove that social organization is a complex system that must be studied as such, with its own characteristics.

Faced with the prevailing crisis, businessmen are in a stage of restrictions and are becoming increasingly conservative.

Is that the solution in this case? Reduce staff, keep the most capable.

Or maybe, take advantage of each other's strengths and apply the best resources, getting the best from each employee?

The systemic conception applied to organizations offers the advantage of favoring the clarification of many questions, obscure until now.

Knowledge and intellectual capital as a business asset