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Consequences of mobbing in the organization

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The human being is a changing being, of moods and ideas, this usually causes that he does not always agree with the majority around him, which causes that sometimes there are disagreements, these disagreements can become in assaults or arguments that can even end with violence.

Societies today cause or cause certain groups of people to form, both urban tribes and groups of people who manage their lifestyle in a particular way, who are viewed by others in society in strange ways and as beings human that we are all, usually what we do not know we fear and at the same time we attack.

This is why groups violate each other, either through bullying, which is the way to annoy or harass another person, this is becoming an act that is beginning to charge many victims since it is usually used between young people, even among children, and has even claimed fatalities, either from young people who commit suicide by not finding affection and support in their school and family environment, as well as from young people who murder those who bully them as they do not They found another way to stop that harassment.

Another term used for this type of harassment is "mobbing" which is used in the workplace and during this article we will talk about what it means, how it affects both organizations and people and the factors that they make this act detestable as people.


According to (estreslaboral.info, 2018) Mobbing means the following:

At the same time we can find another definition of workplace harassment as follows:

(Silva, 2014) quotes Rojo and Cervera (2005) who cite Leyman (s / f), who defines workplace harassment as:

Origin of the term.

The term mobbing was first used in 1966 by Konrad Lorenz (1903-1989), a zoologist of Austrian origin, who specialized in the study of animal behavior. Lorenz discovered that in the presence of a predator some animals reacted by attacking it in a group to defend themselves (what is known as animal mobbing).

In 1972, the Swedish doctor Peter-Paul Heinemann (1931-2003), used this concept to refer to the destructive and abusive behavior that some groups of children presented against another partner (what we currently know as bullying or bullying).

The first application of the term mobbing in the workplace came during the 1980s from the German psychologist and professor Heinz Leymann (1932-1999), who began research on this type of behavior in the workplace., based on some cases of suicide attempt that had occurred among nurses and whose origin appeared to be occupational.

Leymann discovered that mobbing caused post-traumatic stress disorder relatively frequently in his victims and managed to successfully treat many affected by the chronic stress syndrome in his clinic in Sweden.

Thanks to his research, Leymann achieved that the study and research of mobbing achieved wide dissemination at the international level. In addition, he developed what he called the Leymann Inventory of Psychological Terror (LIPT), a 45-item dichotomous questionnaire (yes or no) that analyzes the 45 possible causes or forms of mobbing. (estreslaboral.info, 2018)

We can say that workplace harassment can be carried out by a superior towards a subordinate or between collaborators. Harassment is a form of abuse of power experienced by the victim through humiliation or mistreatment. It also consists of promoting a constant conduct to get some personal interest or cause discomfort or demotivation, which can cause the resignation or underperformance of a collaborator.

According to (Oviedo, 2012), there are several behaviors classified within workplace harassment. The most common evidences at least in Guatemala are:

  • Devaluation of the tasks performed, Frequent detection of errors in the job role without justification, Disqualification of the employee's opinions, proposals and useful ideas for work activities, Public humiliation and threat of dismissal, Verbal abuse such as insults, yelling and outrages for reasons Race, nationality, political inclination, job title, gender, economic level, among others. You make fun of your physical appearance or way of thinking. Physical aggression. Professional discrimination. Blackmail related to the privacy and intimate matter of the employee. related to job title, heavy and difficult activities or frequent work overload for no apparent reason. Unjustified sanctions and scolding, late payment, denial of permission, and vacation without reason. Sending written threats, anonymously,calls or e-mails with offenses and intimidation. Hints for physical attraction or persecution with sexual interests.

Symptomatology of the victims of mobbing

The symptoms presented by the victim of bullying are very diverse. The main psychological alterations that the harassed presents are:

Symptomatology of the victims of Mobbing

Psychological and occupational consequences of mobbing

  1. Slow deterioration of self-confidence and professional abilities on the part of the victim. Process of personal devaluation. Development of guilt in the victim (the family itself often questions it about their behavior). Belief that they have truly made mistakes, mistakes or noncompliance.Somatization of the conflict: physical illnessesInsomnia, anxiety, stress, irritability, hypervigilance, fatigue, personality changes, relationship problems with the partner, depressionInsecurity, clumsiness, indecision, conflicts with other people and even family membersLow The harasser often takes advantage of against the worker. (security forum.com)

Human Resources must always be aware of its workers, demonstrating their support in any given situation within the organization.

(Bosqued, 2005) describes six characteristics of the company that are promoted for the further development of workplace harassment, among which are:

  • The philosophy of the company is worth more the performance and production that are above the human resource. Strict bureaucratic hierarchies, which are more common in public administration. Competences that are not clear or are not defined for each of the professionals that make up the company. Stimulating competitiveness sometimes hurts employees as a way to increase productivity. Abusive management practices can foster authoritarianism and fear, as well as communication gaps that are poorly structured.The promotion of employees not based on the merits that each achieves, but on the relationship of affinity.

Mobbing stages

According to (Morales, 2017) mobbing is a process that evolves and goes through different levels or degrees of development. The stages of mobbing are as follows:

  1. Critical Incidents: are the specific actions that can generate harassment events. Not all coexistence problems in the workplace create harassment. Unresolved and complicated problems can lead to a future harassment situation. Harassment and impregnation of the same: at this stage, the victim or harassed begins to receive psychological attacks from the harasser. The companions of the victim can also be amazed by this scenario and not pay the required attention, downplaying it and even denying what happened. Intervention of the authority (superiors):the management area or the heads of the organization begin to realize the seriousness of the situation, so it is necessary to intervene. Interventions can focus on the solvency of the problem or on the other hand, they can ignore and hide the problem. Ignoring problems only makes a person's problem situation bigger, as well as their discomfort. Exclusion or abandonment of work:Due to the ongoing bad situation, the victim may be classified as a difficult or problematic worker or with mental health problems. These prejudices against the victim, generate that this one is expelled or that she leaves her job. It is usual for the worker to find himself in the need to ask for sick leave due to the inability to continue carrying out the activities that he usually did, in other words, the deterioration of the mental health of the victim, conducive to the victim starting to miss work.

Types of mobbing

Mobbing has 3 aspects that can be as follows:

Ascendant: one who is exercised by one or more subordinates over the person who holds a higher hierarchical rank, someone more external and who has a higher rank than the organization enters the company, his methods are not accepted by employees.

Horizontal: a group of workers is constituted as an individual and acts as a block in order to achieve a goal, for example it occurs when an employee is harassed by a colleague of the same hierarchical level.

Descending: it is the most common situation, the person who has the power realizes it through contempt, false accusations and even insults that seek to undermine the psychological field of the harassed worker to stand out in front of his subordinates, to prevail in the labor hierarchy or it is simply a business strategy whose objective is to get rid of a person by forcing them to voluntarily abandon them without proceeding with their local dismissal.

(Mazahua, 2016).

Consequences of mobbing in the organization

The negative consequences of mobbing extend beyond the victim and can seriously affect company performance in the following ways:

  • Lower productivity and competitiveness. Increase in absenteeism, sick leave, etc. Possibility of legal problems (for example, if there are no action protocols). Increase in staff turnover. Increase in the risk of workplace accidents. (estreslaboral.info, 2018)

Mobbing phases

Conflict phase: In this phase, it can arise that its origin is during a discussion and that later it rose in tone.

Seduction phase: The victim can give all the trust to her and his stalker; Later, with the intent, she can make use of all the information she obtained from it to harm her.

Exploration phase: At first the stalker only tests the victim and determines the capacity of his defense, he begins with small disrespect, jokes, innuendo.

Systematic attack phase: The stalker seeks to destroy the victim's self-esteem, reputation and emotional health, enters into a game where everything comes to light both his private life, his incompetence at work, the performance of his work, many times his colleagues They put her at work not as a victim but as someone who sought their own harassment, saying the famous phrase "he / she asked for it".

Resolution phase: Many times after several unsuccessful attempts to want to accept that it does not affect the victim in any way, he gives up, and can cause him to quit his job, voluntary resignation, if it goes to an extreme can cause attempt on his life, post-traumatic stress. Many of these times the people who receive this treatment are traumatized and find it difficult to regain the trust of someone else and can harm the way they function in a future job. (Zopiyaxtle, 2017)

Tips for dealing with harassment (mobbing).

Don't react violently.

Of course, if your physical integrity is threatened, it is your legitimate right to defend yourself, however, in general it is not a good idea to react violently to provocations, since it would only be giving more power to your harasser, by appropriating of the role of victim in front of others.

Don't waste your energy on arguments.

Many times the harasser chases to irritate the victim with absurd arguments. It just isn't worth playing along with. Try ignoring him and find something more interesting to waste your time on.

Don't be irritated, use a sense of humor.

A sense of humor is your ally. Something that tends to irritate all bullies is that their actions seem to have no effect on you, and even more so that you find them funny.

When you arrive in the morning and say good morning, no one answers you? Keep doing it, and if it's with a smile, the better. When faced with other types of situations in which you are disrespected in a more obvious way, you can answer with a sharp phrase of the type: "Well, I see that someone forgot to take their pills this morning", or "well, it seems that someone has not has (whatever) in a long time. ' But above all, don't say it in a tone of voice that makes you look irritated, just say it as if it seems funny to you and follow suit.

Try to talk to the stalker in front of other people.

In some cases, talking to the stalker in front of other people can be a good idea. For example, if the harasser has spread a false rumor about a mistake you have made, ask him for specific details about that ruling, if he incurs contradictions, he will be exposed to others.

Don't keep it silent.

Although it is not always easy, try to find allies among your peers and even seek support from a psychologist to help you express and release your emotions.

Learn how to channel your anger.

Hate is an emotion that can have very negative consequences for our health. A good way to channel hate is through sport. There are certain sports, such as martial arts, that are especially useful in channeling anger and learning to contain our impulses. The simple fact of knowing that we have the necessary resources to defend ourselves if necessary, allows us to act more calmly in the face of situations that previously surpassed us and triggered our aggressiveness.

Learn a relaxation technique.

Another good idea that you should put into practice is to learn some relaxation technique, such as meditation or yoga. These are practices with numerous health benefits that will make us feel better, with a greater sense of control and energy. Some of the benefits of relaxation techniques:

  • Improved self-esteem and mood. Improved immune system. Increased productivity. More restful sleep.

Be moderately suspicious.

Do not place your total trust in anyone unless you are completely sure of the type of person they are. The typical example is that of someone who treats you with extreme sympathy and hardly knowing you at all, and who somehow manages to keep a constant smile on your face. (estreslaboral.info, 2018)


Harassment is a problem that grows day by day and worsens, since far from eradicating it, it has remained an immune and stealth disease since we all know that it exists, however little or nothing is done to eradicate it from all areas. from school to work.

It is necessary and pertinent to eradicate it from schools and organizations, to achieve this, respect, nobility and other values ​​must be inculcated in the smallest, in children who still do not have that malice so to speak and who can still conceptualize correctly what is right and what is wrong.

It should start with the smallest generations but at the same time emphasize it with the largest since adults are the parents of those children and those who must educate and reinforce that knowledge for children because what would be the case of giving that knowledge to children? children if at home their parents do the opposite.

Thesis proposal.

Make an app to report mobbing anonymously.

Overall objective.

Through the use of ICTs, create an app that allows registering and reporting mobbing at any time that it occurs and a history of the recurring people can be made.


I thank my mother who is the strength to continue every day and who has made me get to where I am, my teachers who have given me their time and knowledge to continue my studies, Doctor Fernando Aguirre y Hernández since He has given us all his experience and knowledge in this matter of Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering, as well as CONACYT since he gives us his support to motivate us to get ahead in our adventure for masters.


Bosqued, M. (2005). Mobbing: How to prevent and overcome psychological harassment. Spain: Paidós Iberica.

estreslaboral.info. (2018). http://www.estreslaboral.info. Retrieved on May 22, 2018, from http://www.estreslaboral.info:

securityforum.com. (sf). http://www.forodeseguridad.com. Retrieved on May 22, 2018, from http://www.forodeseguridad.com:

Mazahua, NR (April 13, 2016). https://www.gestiopolis.com. Retrieved on May 22, 2018, from https://www.gestiopolis.com:

Morales, EH (November 2017, 2017).

Retrieved on May 22, 2018, from https://www.gestiopolis.com:

Oviedo. (2012). http://www.tecoloco.com.gt. Retrieved on May 22, 2018, from http://www.tecoloco.com.gt:

Silva, EG (January 2014). http://biblio3.url.edu.gt. Retrieved on May 22, 2018, from http://biblio3.url.edu.gt:

Zopiyaxtle, YP (October 26, 2017).

Retrieved on May 22, 2018, from https://www.gestiopolis.com:

Consequences of mobbing in the organization