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Tips to avoid laziness and accommodation of staff in the company


Most of the losses that occur in a work group are due to the fact that they do not receive a correct and strategic motivation from the company. People without hardly noticing it, lose motivation for the common project and their individual and collective performance diminishes.

Except for the salary, the functions themselves do not attract them much, because they are monotonous, because they no longer bring anything new, they do not find attractive challenges that arouse their interest, their material and emotional gratification is low. They work in an uninspiring environment and are generally not satisfied.

You ask them: How are you doing? and they tell you: "Well, it could be better" or "Well… you have to work, right?" In this situation and under these conditions, their motivation is deficient and negatively affects their performance. They comply but do not perform.

Why is there laziness?

In short, because there are more people present.

When working in a group, the loss of motivation is due to the fact that individual responsibility is dispersed, that is, the person perceives that there is no commitment to it, or has the feeling that "it is not important". And the bigger the group, the more this situation occurs.

For example, if they also hardly count on the company team, if they do not have individual objectives related to collective performance, if they lack defined roles, etc… then, you will not have a person who works and even less who produces.

Laziness manifests itself more in less rewarding tasks, for example, if you have to review some documents in the company and update the papers, or when you have to order a closet shared by several, and none of you decide to do it expecting it. do the other.

How can the manager solve this? Do you lose or win?

Of course you win. As long as that person is a professional and what happens is due to lack of stimulation, and not a bum by nature.

It is very easy to see if you have followed that person's path a bit since its beginning. If you entered as an entrepreneur, if you wanted to, if you were happy… the fault then will probably be with the management of the company.

Spend some interest and some time worrying about your activity, your job, your role or you will be losing money. Invest some interest in this, you will see how it has been a great investment. Do not hesitate.

It is easy to understand that you invest in your work family… When I see these disasters in organizations, the lack of information among themselves and regarding their own position, the phone calls for "doing something", in addition to the psychological anguish that this creates, which makes being and responding in the least appropriate way, and that simply as a client makes you want to say… Where is the manager or manager? Claims sheet!.

You as a group leader or manager must take responsibility for developing a stimulating environment and find ways to motivate them. If you do not, you will have people who will simply comply with the minimum effort.

Laziness can be neutralized by taking the following measures...

- Assigning very specific individual responsibilities.

- Clearly differentiating the responsibility of each member of the group.

- Anticipating and solving ambiguous situations (who should do this, that).

- Directly evaluating each individual contribution, acknowledging it, especially those that are less seen.

- Favoring that people perceive that their individual contributions are essential for the productivity of the group.

- Providing that each individual contribution is appreciated by the other team members.

In other words, this problem can be controlled when aspects that have to do with increasing individual motivation are taken into account, supporting the importance of the interaction between the individual and the collective.

Another explanation of laziness...

Members of a team lessen their effort in the expectation that others will not try as hard. An explanation for this is given by the following circumstances:

- When people do not fully understand or have not accepted that each team member has a different role.

- They have not assumed their own role, establishing disadvantageous comparisons with respect to the role of others, especially when they have to perform the hardest and least recognized roles.

- They do not understand the importance of their role or do not accept it, and consider the position of other colleagues with more attractive roles privileged and unfair.

In short, there are explanations that account for laziness as a mechanism for inhibiting individual effort that have a negative impact on team performance.

The manager, responsible for leading, must take measures to alleviate this problem. Otherwise, there will be a significant loss that will affect the productivity of the group in the company.

Tips to avoid laziness and accommodation of staff in the company