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Tips to improve relationships with your staff

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Understand the behavioral style of each member of your team. The best way to acquire this information with a self-assessment instrument that enables you and your team members to train. There are various learning tools on the market today, but we have found the Performax Personal Profile to be the most effective.


Appreciate the ethical values ​​and standards of staff; If these values ​​conflict with those of other people in your organization, the different individual will most likely leave to find a work environment more in keeping with their personality.


There will always be conflicts; If they are not handled quickly and constructively, they will become costly in terms of lost time, productivity, future cooperation, or valuable employees. They cannot be ignored.

If an unresolved conflict ensues, it can destroy the company; particularly if other employees take sides and turn a relatively insignificant disagreement into an uncontrollable scandal. Act quickly in response to conflicts that are brewing, before the problems become serious.


Meet regularly with your team to facilitate opportunities for broad communication. These meetings seem to be held weekly at the customary sites of some companies. Other organizations meet their staff daily, several times a week, twice weekly or monthly.

A recommended method is to schedule semi-structured meetings. Prepare a basic agenda of issues to discuss at each meeting; These topics may include information on new products, leads, new or current employees, or other changes in the movement of routine activities.


When something happens that all staff should know, gather it up and share the news or concern; some things should not be answered until the next regular meeting. Spontaneity itself can be positive in many organizations, especially when the normal course of action is to follow an established routine.

Spontaneous meetings can share the good news, problems that need immediate solution, or news that could easily be misinterpreted if spread through rumors.


Help staff understand the best ways to share various types of information or to search for job-related answers or to formulate personal questions they would like to ask. The culture of each company suggests appropriate ways for communications; Get familiar with the existing models in your company and then make the necessary changes.


Certainly, you expect loyalty from your staff and they expect the same from you; Show them that you support them, that you support them.

In normal work development, staff have disagreements or difficulties of one kind or another with members of other work groups, with other managers or even with other companies. When these situations arise, be present; support your staff to defend their position or to persistently seek a subsequent solution, with the knowledge that you support their efforts.


When staff do a good job, they deserve to be recognized for their achievement. A popular management philosophy encourages leaders to "surprise someone by doing well" and congratulate them.

The idea here is to be deliberate, intentional in your recognition of the work that others do. Do not wait until the task is completed or until the annual performance evaluation. Words of encouragement and recognition should be shared regularly and spontaneously when the occasion arises.


A new type of employee is becoming more visible in the work environment; Women are no longer limited to office tasks, production or similar routines as many of them ascend to administrative positions in a very competent and confident way, demonstrating that this new generation of women in the workforce is different from its predecessor. This difference creates huge opportunities and at the same time puts many men (and some women) in a difficult position.


Your workforce will likely have, or will soon have, employees with a variety of special backgrounds. How well do you relate to black employees, young people, old workers, mothers returning to work, and others who do not "fit the pattern" of the common employee? Chances are high that these employees will make significant contributions, as will those "nontraditional" with long hair, unusual clothing, and different vocabulary.

Be careful not to allow someone's uniqueness to prevent you from appreciating the value it has for you and your organization. Sometimes people who are "different" can be your greatest asset.


Many people in administrative positions, and even more frequently in the position of owners, are guided by a sense of urgency; there is always much to do as well as great awareness of the pressures to do things efficiently, effectively and quickly. And, of course, if a method or system doesn't work, you need to change it.


Each of the people who work with you is unique, as each has unique qualities, backgrounds, abilities, capacities, potential and feelings. The values, ethics, type of behavior, talents and achievements of each person become an important and integral part in the formation of their team and in the strength of their organization.

Respect and appreciate the potential that each of these people provides and empower them to use their strengths in the most productive and satisfying way, but remember that they also have their weaknesses.


Adults who work for you want to be treated as such, need freedom to make some decisions on their own, and be in reasonable control of their own lives. They enjoy freedom outside the work environment and do not expect to be repressed when they arrive at the place where they work.

Find ways to give freedom and opportunity to choose your staff. Some are very simple and others more complicated when putting them into practice.


If you cannot trust someone who is a member of your team, that person should not work with you.

The first question to ask is very simple. Why don't you trust your employee? Has he done something to make them not trust him? Is it something you are witnessing or someone told you? If you have not witnessed it directly and personally, it is necessary to verify the facts.

When you share inside information with someone else, you also show your trust. Depending on the nature of the information and your reasons for sharing it, you can also send the employee clear signals that you value their opinions and / or judgments.


Probably the most important thing in communication is knowing how to listen because we learn by listening and other people appreciate us when we actually listen to what they say.

Some of our listening skills are part of our behavior. People with certain types of behavior are better listeners than others.

There are some listening techniques that we teach in the workshops; Although we cannot dedicate much space to this topic it is so important, you examine things that can be done.

• Eliminate as many distractions as possible

• Face the listener

• Use your eyes, ears, and your "sixth sense" as you hear

• When appropriate, take note of what the other person is saying

• Control your emotions and the tendency to respond before the person who is speaking finishes talking to you

• Your goal in listening is to understand personally what the other person shares.

• Practice a technique known as “active listening” whenever the emotions are very strong, the subject under discussion is delicate or when you are not familiar with what is being communicated to you.

• Active listening is a cooperative process of mutual communication. It ensures that the two participants perceive the messages in a clear and understandable way.


Its team of high-performance personnel is made up of a wide variety of people who most likely have different backgrounds, have gone through various formal education classes, have original combinations of talent and skill and are motivated by private individuals.

If the members are very homogeneous, you will have fewer opportunities for healthy conflict and creativity.

The variety is healthy, encourage your people to be themselves, don't try to be someone else within the organization.

Accept each member of your team as they are as each will contribute something different. Your opportunity, as a team leader, is to mold diversity into something with which each

This necessarily, they need more of your time and your ideas and will be able to give you suggestions regarding the personnel of your company that can be more receptive to what is proposed in your communications.

The people who work for you are the most important in your business life because without them you could not achieve the desired results.


To the extent that you provide feedback to your staff, be careful to strike a balance between praise and criticism, because if some believe that more of one aspect is heard than the other, your employees can form impressions that affect the achievement of what that you are trying to achieve.

If you do not find something that can improve the employee, this is worthy of criticism. Interact with your competent staff in a way that lets them know that you want them to continue to progress… especially when they relate to their lives by working for you.

For employees who are vulnerable or sensitive, even very little criticism without a dose of praise that restores balance, will make them feel humiliated.

If staff are satisfied with themselves and then experience a lot of criticism at work, they quickly associate their negative feelings with the work environment. In such cases, these individuals will take the first reasonable alternate employment offered to them.

For employees who are vulnerable or sensitive, even very little criticism without a dose of praise that restores balance, will make them feel humiliated.

If staff are satisfied with themselves and then experience a lot of criticism at work, they quickly associate their negative feelings with the work environment. In such cases, these individuals will take the first reasonable alternate employment offered to them.


The worker naturally performs better when he is satisfied with himself. When that feeling is associated with your employer, a stronger bond is established between the employee and the employer.

Self-assessment should not be confused with self-image since the concept of self-image refers more to good looks (external) in front of others. Self-assessment should not be confused with self-image since the concept of self-image refers more to good appearance (external appearance compared to others). Self-evaluation is an intimate feeling of personal pride, self-image without evaluation is a role, a facade because evaluation is the foundation.

The following things can be done to help your staff build their self-worth to achieve this:

• Create opportunities for personal development and self-confidence

• Reinforce people for who they are

• Accept people as they are

• Highly appreciate the worth of each person

• Self-worth is the identity, strength and success of the organization.


Malicious comments and rumors easily have a negative effect on the organization and the result may be a feeling of unease, suspicion among members of the organization.

It is very difficult to be productive and to think positively in your position when you are constantly worried about what other people say about someone. The need to protect oneself from what is perceived as a personal attack interferes both in the execution of a good job and in the satisfaction derived from it, because when you have to take care of your back it is difficult to look forward at the same time

The moment you establish and maintain an open work environment, the closeness and positive feelings among your team members will naturally limit potentially destructive gossip.


It's easy to appreciate the negatives of any situation as finding things to criticize doesn't seem like a problem to most people, but discovering the positives is sometimes more demanding and perhaps not so much fun.

When it seems to you that everything you see is negative, deficient, your staff classifies you as a very critical person and not as someone who provides support.

Saying nothing or doing nothing when positive things are evident (or so it is believed) is the same or worse than saying negative things)

So the message is: Look for positive things in everything you see, even when there are negative things and even if you have to comment on the negative make sure to strengthen the positive. Let the staff feel important and proud of the good things.

• Employees may tire of not hearing the positives they need to hear; Hearing negative things wears out the staff which we do not want to happen.

• No one likes to live in a negative environment all the time.

• When communicating with others, be realistic.

• As soon as possible make your life and your environment more joyous with a positive environment.


Employees are sure if they are more productive because they feel better about themselves, with what they do, with the place and with the value they give to the work environment.

As a result, they are more likely to continue employees where they experience security.

Employees generate their sensations of security from two sources: an external and an internal one. You, as the leader of your staff and shaper of your environment, can have a fairly significant positive impact on these two significant sources.

Internal sources of security include your personal relationship with other team members since you consciously and unconsciously send clear messages that express your feelings. When you have confidence in someone it is prudent to express it:

Other external sources of security include coworkers, administrative staff of the supervisors' own, customers, vendors, and colleagues employed at other companies in the same industry. You can contribute to the security that your employees have in themselves by informing them of the thank you notes and expressions of trust received according to the occasion from the client or suppliers.

When people appreciate and feel close to others because they share the same feelings, they become more integrated into the team. The more cohesion there is in the team because attitudes, respect and experiences are shared, the less desire the staff will have to leave it.

How can this be done in a pleasant way?

There are various methods.

The first is to express our feelings as an example for others to follow.

A second way is to bring together people who work together from time to time: it can be a project team, a group of colleagues, cooperating department staff, or facility managers at various locations.

A third method of sharing trust and appreciation is to have staff write short notes that describe their respect and trust for others.


Strengthening relationships through social contacts, encouraging people to get to know each other so that they can carry out a joint project or simply to speak, can influence in a positive way. As a leader, you can use some activities to make it easier for your staff to get together, feel more comfortable together, and function better as a team. You usually don't have to force staff to meet, as most appreciate the opportunity you have. It provides to establish better communication and interaction.


Sharing a meal can strengthen the bonds of friendship and cooperation

You can program meals individually or for small groups


Each of the employees who work with you is a person: while they are part of the company, their main distinctive features highlight you as an individual, not as a fragment of an organization. As human beings, each of us wants to have his own identity and be different from others and we want to be known for what we are personally not exclusively not as part of a common group because most of us do not like anonymity we do not like to be confused.


A repeated complaint is that the bosses are not affable with their subordinates, part of the problem is real and part is imaginary.

The first concern is the attitude of the bosses and the way they express themselves to others, his staff believes that he is hiding that he deliberately becomes difficult to find if his employees do not see him in a more or less regular way they are likely to take for granted. Given that you evade them and that is an impression: There are bosses who want little contact with their staff, the attitude, attitude and expectation can easily affect the opinion of the staff, even if that is not the situation in the company.

Visit your office, do it as a routine activity; Conduct meetings and discussions in your office with staff from all branches of your organization.


Take your job seriously but don't take yourself too seriously this old adage is significant enough for us in today's work environment as we must take seriously what we do due to the philosophy of hiring in most of the companies, all staff have a lot of important work to do.

Relaxed and happy employees are more productive because they work well in a less stressful environment and within great camaraderie, unfortunately many employers do not tolerate their staff enjoying their work time. Great emphasis is placed on production so much so that it makes employees feel like robots, emotionless walking slowly and heavily throughout the workday.

Businesses with vision can get through this barrier of negativity by making work more fun as employers and managers show their sense of humor and encourage enjoyment of working together to achieve satisfactory results. Their employees will develop better attitudes toward their jobs and how This will reduce absenteeism and increase productivity and job satisfaction.


The people who work for you will see you as a model if you are a leader, by position or reactions, others will consider someone special to observe your movements, your reactions and thus follow your example.

If you are enthusiastic, your staff will be too. If you are a bummer, so will they. If you wear attractive clothes to get to work and smile at everyone, they will follow suit.

In order to prepare employees to be the best, to be highly productive, and to feel good about themselves and their employer, you have to lead by these behaviors and attitudes.


Many people like to be guided by the head of the organization. While workers look for a variety of intermediate leaders or to give examples they also look for the traditional leader or leaders to give them guidance and direction, senior managers play a vital role as entrepreneurial leaders in our company, government, educational institutions, non-profit organizations and other groups. Traditional leaders set the direction and set the tone for when the team and this is a role that cannot be delegated or rejected as responsibility is part of the position as supreme leader.

The staff depends on their leaders to show them the way. If they have no one to show them the way, the employees feel as if they are adrift at sea on a rudderless boat.

Executives who want competent personnel faithful to the company, have to repeatedly show that they handle the situation firmly, because if the personnel do not carry out that control and a defined central point, confidence in their leader begins to be lost. Failure by middle managers to stop erosion can affect competent personnel at all levels of the organization, with unavoidable judicial consequences.

Senior leaders must ensure that they deliberately exercise clear direction and that they inspire their followers. Equally important, executives should convey this leadership to all staff within the organization.


Control anxiety to stay alert. Psychologists tell us that there are 2 types of stress: negative and positive. We are all under the effects of stress since there is some tension in everything we do, in all aspects of our lives. The only stress-free human body is a corpse.

The stress we experience through the positive events of our lives such as marriage.

Negative stress is what we mean when we use the word stress, it is that we feel when things don't go well. To maximize productivity and keep high-performance staff alert, there must be positive stress in the org environment. When there is stress working for the good of the organization, we experience a competitive sense with another company or with previous achievements.

High-performing staff generally work well under certain types of stress; If this feeling does not yet exist in the company, the staff can create it for themselves.


High-performing staff enjoy the feeling of independence at work. They want to be given a task or role and be left alone to do it, these people need others to trust their experience and personal motivation for fulfillment, if they don't trust their staff they may have deeper problems On the other hand, if you put your trust in it and in turn want to know what is happening, it is important that you share your interest with the employees, unless they are hiding something, the high-performance personnel will be happy to share their efforts with you..


High-performing staff want to be treated fairly and wants to know that others are viewed in the same way while expecting leadership to be firm in enforcing company policies and organizational standards.

Fairness means that there are honest and open agreements sharing with each other, this implies fair behavior for all members of the group, be it employees, customers or suppliers. This is not a matter of everyone being treated the same, it means that everyone has an equal opportunity to perform objectively.

The best performing staff wants the administrators of the organization to have the strength and inner strength to supervise that things are done and that what is planned is carried out.


1. What is the most used way to detect the behavior styles of each team member?

A.- The best way to detect behavioral styles is through self-evaluation.

2.-Why do the workers leave the company to look for a work environment more in line with their personality?

A.- The workers leave because their values ​​are not appreciated properly, since they want to be taken into account according to their person.

3.- What are the causes that can cause conflicts if they are not addressed quickly?

A.- Loss of time, productivity, future cooperation or valuable employees.

4.- What is the recommended method for scheduling meetings?

A.- The recommended method is that of semi-structured meetings, within which a basic agenda of issues such as information on new products, potential customers, new or current employees, etc. is prepared. In order to discuss them at each meeting.

5.- What should supervisors do when an employee performs his job well?

A.- At least congratulate them, either verbally or in writing or if it is worth giving them an incentive, so that they feel that their achievements are recognized and taken into account.

6.- What are the most recommended ways to demonstrate trust in collaborators?

-Assigning them a task where their confidence is an obvious prerequisite.

-Share privileged information.

7.- What are the techniques that can be used to listen?


- Eliminate as many distractions as possible.

- Look directly at the person listening.

- Use your eyes, ears and your "sixth sense" as you listen

- When appropriate, take note of what the other person is saying.

- Control your emotions and the tendency to respond before the person who is speaking finishes addressing you.

8.- How do you define active listening and when is it recommended to use it?

A.- Active listening is a cooperative process of mutual communication that ensures that the participants perceive the messages in a clear, concise and understandable way. It is advisable to use it whenever the emotions are very strong, the subject under discussion is delicate or when you are not familiar with what is being communicated to you.

9. Why is the variety in the characteristics of the work team healthy?

A.- Because working life would become monotonous, due to the overwhelming similarity and this would lead to mediocrity and apathy.

10. Why is it important to strike a balance between praise and criticism?

A.- Because too much criticism can be harmful, so those people who receive too many negative opinions about what they do, begin to harbor negative thoughts about themselves and even for employees who are very vulnerable or sensitive, little criticism without a compliment that restores balance, will make them feel humiliated.

11. What can be done to help build staff self-worth?


- Create opportunities for personal development and self-confidence.

- Reinforce people for who they are.

- Accept people as they are.

- I highly appreciated the worth of each person.

12. What are the external sources that demonstrate personnel safety?


- Co-workers.

- Administrative staff.

- The clients.

- The sellers.

- Colleagues employed in other companies in the same industry.

13. What are the methods that can be used to retain your staff and help them feel part of the team?


- Express our feelings as an example for others to follow as a role model.

- Gather from time to time those people who work together from time to time.

- Share trust and appreciation by having staff write short notes that describe their respect and trust in others.

14. What is the way to prepare staff to be together?

R.- Strengthening relationships through social contacts.

15. What is one of the reasons why it is difficult for the worker to have a relationship with his workers?

R.- For the attitude shown by their superiors towards them.

16. In what way can the workers of an organization be more productive?

A.- Working relaxed and happy in their position, without neglecting their obligations.

17. As a leader, to set a good example and to be a role model, do you have to be?

R.- Enthusiasm and a good sense of humor, so that their workers take it as an example to follow.

18. What are the main causes of stress that occur within an organization?


- When the things we do don't turn out the way we want.

- Family difficulties.

19. What is the way for high-performance workers to give their best?

A.- It is through the trust that their superiors give them.

20. What does the leader of high-performance workers expect?

A.- You expect them to be fair and fair and to enforce the company's policies.

21. What does a leader need to be firm and fair with his employees?

A.- You need to keep your word with stability and not change your mind when making a decision.

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Tips to improve relationships with your staff