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Tips to improve your personal and family safety

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Human beings are vulnerable, therefore it is not possible to protect ourselves in an absolute way; But success in this cause is achieved by integrating a family and social team, where spouses, children and neighbors must participate decisively and actively. The only certainty is that you, and only you, can take preventive actions and decisions to reduce your vulnerability.


The physical environment where people, structures, machines, and the environment can be exposed to a dangerous situation or an intolerable level of risk; it could be the effect of a crime, an emergency or a catastrophic event


They are specially protected or designated areas; free from the direct action or impact of a crime or an emergency, in which some people concentrate, in order to protect their physical integrity.


It is the condition of being protected through the use or projection of a series of elements and physical security accessories. The combination of the elements and complements of Physical Security tend to the planning of a series of preventive-dissuasive or repressive measures against eventualities of an illegal nature. These measures contribute partially or totally to crime reduction.


  1. Obtain a real and objective evaluation of the criminal risks present in the environments that are frequented or shared. Identify and analyze individual and family vulnerability. Design and implement action plans, response mechanisms and systems to control or reduce, to the extent possible., identified hazards and risks, and reduce damage or consequences


  • Man (Security Operator), main element of Physical Security Barriers (barbed wire, walls, fences, gates, notices) Sensors or Electronic Readers Alarms Lighting or Lighting Closed TV Circuits


  • From Man: Weapons, police, whistles, radios, telephones. From Barriers: Computer systems, arms, posts, cones, wire. From Alarms: Sensors, batteries, contacts, diffusers, transmitters. Lighting or Lighting: Electricity, lights, lamps, reflectors. Closed TV Circuits: Cameras, recorders / video recorders, control panels.


Crime is an illegal act punishable by a penalty. In other words, it is the act or omission that the Penal Laws sanction. That is, to do what should not be done or to stop doing what one is obliged to do, if these behaviors are punishable by law. In Venezuela crimes are contained, systematized and typified by the Venezuelan Penal Code.

The crime, in general, has a sequel, based on the criminogenic idea. This is known as the "evolution of crime", and is made up of the following stages:

  1. The conception is the emergence of the idea of ​​carrying out a crime or criminal act to reach an end that is believed will not be achieved by lawful means, or that satisfies a low or unhealthy passion. Externalization consists of communicating and involving other people in the criminal idea, for purposes of complicity, or perform acts aimed at preparing the crime, when these are known to individuals other than those who conceive it. Planning, which considers, in the first place, the crime that it has to be perpetrated; the definition of the victim if he is a natural person or entity; observing the movements of the victim if it is moral; the place where the crime is to be perpetrated, the appropriate day, month and week, the road, the companions or in person of the victim; the victim's means or security systems;the weapons to use; the vehicles to require; the perpetration procedure; escape routes and routes; the possibility of taking hostages; and the elaboration of an alternate plan. The consummation is the realization or execution of the crime, attached to planning in its main project, in its alternative project, or both. Exhaustion occurs as soon as the goal of what was the cause of the conception of crimeoccurs as soon as the goal of what was the cause of the crime was reachedoccurs as soon as the goal of what was the cause of the crime was reached


The material element of the offense, which serves to prove the crime, is called “body of crime”. Therefore, when a crime is consummated, all the elements or evidence on the site must be kept intact, to be able to use them as a reliable input in the investigation.


  • Thefts or robberies Robberies or robberies Kidnapping Extortion Threats or harassment Terrorist or subversive acts Industrial espionage


The most serious crimes, due to their frequency and the crimes that may be associated with them, are “Theft or Thievery” and “Theft or Robbery”, to which damage to other people's property, personal injury, and even homicide. They are the crimes that offer the most modalities, and in our country they are practiced against pedestrians, passengers of public transport services, vehicle drivers, parked vehicles, banking service companies, transportation of securities, commercial companies, occupants of family homes and merchants.

Tips for not being surprised by a criminal

1. Be suspicious and suspicious

  • Always be alert to any suspicious person. Check for the presence of strange individuals standing on street corners, in unjustified places, sitting on walls or sidewalks, or gathered in dark places. If you are going to enter your home or another place, and have doubts about the people around you, try to communicate with one of those inside the site where you are going. If you have keys to the doors of the place, do not use them, nor prove to possess them. Always be wary of any unknown person who approaches you, especially to ask you about something (this is one of the most used "modus operandi"). Contact the police if possible. Be wary of any individual who is nervous and constantly looks to the side. Take a good look at any unknown or suspiciousand memorize their particular characteristics or signs such as: Hair, face, lips, nose, forehead, beard, eyes, shirt, pants, footwear, particular signs or gestures, as well as scars and body defects. areas of safety or possible shelters, and mentally plan your actions or bodily responses, so as not to be aggressive or provocative with the offender, and to be able to get in or stay safe; Visualize the sites or organizations that operate 24 hours a day, such as: Hotels, service stations, private security posts, police booths, transit posts or others. Before opening the door of your residence or garage, make sure that there are no strangers or suspects in your environment;Also check that there are no vehicles following you from several blocks behind. Avoid as far as possible through deserted streets. If you consider or notice something out of place, suspicious people, or other elements that make you suspicious, do not stop and continue moving, do not open the doors of your vehicle either. Make use of your cell phone to notify everyone you can. Repeatedly play the horn of the vehicle to attract attention; but if you go on foot, continue walking and ring all the bells and doors of the houses where you are moving, remember that when there are witnesses, the criminal usually inhibits herself. Very important, do not despair, reason, plan and act coldly and objectivelymake you suspicious, don't stop and keep moving, don't open the doors of your vehicle either. Make use of your cell phone to notify everyone you can. Repeatedly play the horn of the vehicle to attract attention; but if you go on foot, keep walking and ring all the bells and doors of the houses where you are moving, remember that when there are witnesses, the offender usually inhibits himself. Very important, do not despair, reason, plan and act coldly and objectivelyDo not be suspicious, do not stop and continue moving, do not open the doors of your vehicle. Make use of your cell phone to notify everyone you can. Repeatedly play the horn of the vehicle to attract attention; but if you go on foot, continue walking and ring all the bells and doors of the houses where you are moving, remember that when there are witnesses, the criminal usually inhibits himself. Very important, do not despair, reason, plan and act coldly and objectivelykeep walking and ring all the bells and doors of the houses where you are moving, remember that when witnesses are present, the offender is usually inhibited. Very important, do not despair, reason, plan and act coldly and objectivelykeep walking and ring all the bells and doors of the houses where you are moving, remember that when witnesses are present, the offender is usually inhibited. Very important, do not despair, reason, plan and act coldly and objectively

2. Be unpredictable

  • Get used to varying your daily commuting routes; using different routes, if they are safe, or using alternative stops or visits in safe places. Vary your departure time and return time to your work, home, or home, if possible. Be moderate in your clothing and the style of your clothing. Control your behavior and manners in public. Do not carry articles or items that may attract the attention of strangers. Inform your closest family and friends about your work routines, your social routines, your business routines and your fun places. If you are armed and have your papers in order. If you know how to use a firearm, dispose of this device “passively” when you arrive at your residence, when you get off the vehicle and when you open the door of your house; especially during the night hours.Consider every firearm as a tool: "Deterrent, for malicious persons who steal or steal", "Precautionary, for users who carry it legally", and "Reactive and Effective, for extreme situations or emergencies in which his life or his family's life is threatened ”.

3. Precautions when leaving any site

  • Before leaving a building, or boarding a vehicle, check your surroundings to determine if there is anything suspicious in nature. Do the same before leaving a car. Before entering a private vehicle, check and rule out the presence of any suspicious objects on the seats, on the floor, or under the unit. Always vary your ways or ways of traveling, and avoid going out at night. On unknown roads or desolate roads, try to travel with your unit or in a caravan with other vehicles. Always avoid lonely roads and dark places. When traveling with your car, keep the door locks closed and, if possible, close the windows. Always look at the rear view mirrors to indicate if you are being chased. follow:Cross multiple corners consecutively (without accelerating too much and without showing any nerves) and check if they are still behind you. Once the persecution is proven, never go to your home or destination, never stop or take individual actions that can give Place a confrontation. Try to visualize or obtain a description of the vehicle that is chasing you and its occupants. When observing a safe place with the presence of several people, stop and then play the bugle to get everyone's attention, get off the vehicle and join them asking for help. It is very important that you do not leave your vehicle crossed, because this would prevent your persecutors from continuing, being able to unleash their anger and irrationalityOnce the persecution has been verified, never go to your home or destination, never stop or take individual actions that could lead to a confrontation. Try to visualize or obtain a description of the vehicle that is pursuing you and its occupants. safe place with the presence of several people stop and then play the bugle to get everyone's attention, get out of the vehicle and join them for help. It is very important that you do not leave your vehicle crossed, because this would prevent your persecutors from continuing, being able to unleash their anger and irrationalityOnce the persecution has been verified, never go to your home or destination, never stop or take individual actions that could lead to a confrontation. Try to visualize or obtain a description of the vehicle that is pursuing you and its occupants. safe place with the presence of several people stop and then play the bugle to get everyone's attention, get out of the vehicle and join them for help. It is very important that you do not leave your vehicle crossed, because this would prevent your persecutors from continuing, being able to unleash their anger and irrationalityWhen observing a safe place with the presence of several people, stop and then play the bugle to get everyone's attention, get out of the vehicle and join them for help. It is very important that you do not leave your vehicle crossed, because this would prevent your persecutors from continuing, being able to unleash their anger and irrationalityWhen observing a safe place with the presence of several people, stop and then play the bugle to get everyone's attention, get out of the vehicle and join them for help. It is very important that you do not leave your vehicle crossed, because this would prevent your persecutors from continuing, being able to unleash their anger and irrationality

4. Family safety

  • Always restrict the possession of your house keys. Immediately change locks when they are lost and also when moving or occupying a new residence. Try to place solid and secure doors at the entrances of your residence. Educate your family to always keep the doors or access points tightly closed. always locked doors: The single anchor pin, which most door locks have, is highly vulnerable and can be opened using a rigid sheet or flat tool. For this reason, it is recommended to make full use of the locks, activating all the passes on the main doors. Be careful not to put names on the door of your house or in the mailbox. Never give your name or family identification when answering the phone.Destroy, before throwing or discarding, all envelopes or other objects that reflect or reveal your name or that of any of your relatives. Your name in the hands of a criminal is a passport that facilitates the crime. It is advisable to know and count on the neighbors, as well as develop friendly relationships with them. Check well the packages or packages you receive, especially if they have not been sent or ordered by you, someone in your family or by well-known people. Provide good lighting throughout the exterior of your residence. Analyze and try to eliminate those vulnerable points of fences or trellises, placing barriers that prevent jumping or violating them. Control the vegetation around your residence or work site, to prevent it from being used as a hunting hideout by criminals.When you are away from your residence, leave a radio on, leave some lights on inside, hide everything you consider of value, and notify a trusted neighbor of your absence. Have a list of phone numbers for emergencies, near your phone (Police, Fire, Civil Defense, Hospitals or clinics). Never leave children alone or neglected, and keep them under the care of a person of absolute trust. Educate all your family members so they know how to contact by phone to relief agencies or to call neighbors.Reject offers or objects from strangers, and above all, let your children know. Currently, the delivery of pamphlets impregnated with substances, or the sample of perfumes with sedatives, is popular.that provoke sleep or unconsciousness and facilitate the offender's action. Make a monthly family meeting to analyze, discuss and adapt the recommendations in this text or recommendation. Review your resources regularly and make sure that each family member knows how to respond or act for the indicated cases.

5. Vehicles

  • Every vehicle must be in good condition, to respond in every way and in case of an emergency. Try to keep at least a quarter of the fuel tank. It is advisable to always have an additional key in your wallet to open the doors of the vehicle.Make sure you do not have smooth or defective tires. Always try to park in well-lit areas. Be wary of anyone who comes to you for help when you have an accident with the vehicle. When parking, always close and secure the vehicle, even inside your vehicle. During night hours, never leave the vehicle parked on the street. Always drive with the door locks activated or closed. Never stop if you break a glass or hit your vehicle with an object, especially if you are driving in a dark or desolate area.Continue to a safe place where you can stop to assess damage. At night, always be suspicious when stopping at stoplights and corner stop signs. Never stop your vehicle when it is slightly struck from behind at night. or other part. Accelerate and continue to a safe place. Try to see and write down the plates and characteristics of the vehicle that attacked you, but do not confront it. If you are stopped by a police officer or authority at night, do so with caution and if you are located in a well-lit place. Remember that these uniforms are easy to obtain or imitate. Be completely suspicious of street vendors, especially when they approach you without requesting them. If your vehicle has a fault, or a tire has emptied, try to park in a populated place; and if it is night,Look for a well-lit place (it is better to damage the rubber than to lose your life). Try to avoid any public demonstration or street disorder, using alternate routes. Write down the plates and memorize the description of those vehicles that you consider suspicious (it is preferable to be paranoid than Finally, we suggest never taking your vehicle to controversial places; try to visit only reputable establishments.try to visit only reputable establishments.try to visit only reputable establishments.
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Tips to improve your personal and family safety