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Tips to prepare for a successful job position

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We want to offer you some tips that can make it easier for you to study the job position you want to prepare for. Study techniques will provide you with correct learning strategies that will allow you to optimize your study time.

When you start preparing for a job position, you should be aware that you will compete against other opponents, but also against yourself. It is essential to follow some guidelines and that is why we give you some tips below to prepare for a successful job position.

You must pay special attention to the environment where you are going to carry out your study. Creating a correct environment is essential for you to achieve good concentration and attention. Lighting, temperature, noise, posture and furniture are factors to consider.

  • It is recommended that you study in a room that allows natural light to enter, with a temperature between 17º and 21º C. Take care of your posture. Keep the trunk stretched and the back resting on the back of the chair. Stand at a distance of approximately 30 cm. from the book.

It is important to keep in mind that there are other factors that influence your study process: motivation, concentration, attention and memory.

  • Organize study material, upload it, create side notes etc. The more visual it is, the better you will remember it. Make outlines and establish categories. Your acquisition of the material will be better. Review and recite the material. Repetition increases the likelihood of transferring information from short-term memory to long-term memory, creating a large imprint on your memory. When you finish your study session, do a completely different activity than this one. The more similar the task you carry out, the more interference there will be with what has been learned and the worse the imprint stored in your memory. You must help your memory by exciting emotional affects through surprising, comic, deformed images.. Your evocation will be faster.The information you don't use tends to decay as a result of the passage of time. Therefore, it is necessary that you distribute your study sessions throughout the day. You should not focus your entire study in a single session with a longer duration. Take breaks of 15 minutes per hour studied. You will allow to generate a footprint in long-term memory.

Likewise, you should not neglect your diet or alter the rhythm of sleep. You must follow a balanced diet, as well as consume certain foods that due to their characteristics will favor the processes involved in the study.

  • It is important that you achieve an adequate quality of sleep, sleeping continuously and soundly. This will prevent or slow down your physical exhaustion. Avoid consuming stimulant substances such as alcohol, caffeine or nicotine. They can cause sleep disturbances. It is not recommended that you eat foods rich in protein since it reduces the synthesis of serotonin in your brain and increases alertness. Try to take foods with magnesium (mineral waters, whole cereals, nuts). Its consumption favors the reconciliation of sleep. Make a dinner rich in carbohydrates (rice, fruit, legumes, vegetables, etc.). Its consumption improves your quality of sleep. Eat foods that contain phosphorus (fish, eggs, cheese, almonds). They favor your concentration and allow fluidity in the transmission of information between your neurons.Eat foods rich in potassium (banana, carrot, potato, tomato). They collaborate in your muscular strength, good mental performance, elevate your mood and improve the health of your arteries, veins and heart.

Planning both study time and the subject to study is another key factor that will help you improve your study habit. You must follow some phases and meet certain times.

  • Phase 1: Reading Phase 2: Underlining Phase 3: Scheme Phase 4: Summary Phase 5: Review

You must learn a wide range of techniques that allow you to improve your skills. The continued practice of certain exercises will allow you to exercise processes such as attention and concentration. Likewise, putting into practice a set of basic mnemonic rules will favor and expand your memory capacity.

  • Verbal Elaboration - History creation When you have to learn a list of elements, for example, it is very useful to create a history with the elements to retain. It is essential that we imagine these elements in the most crazy way in such a way that their memory is easier Once you have built the story, it is very easy for you to remember the list of words. You have generated a sequence of events, not only related to each other, but also very striking.

Loci method

  • The first step is to print a series of loci or locations in memory. To do this, you must remember a place and provide each of its instances with a distinctive mark. You must use a place that you know well and have a clear image of. A good place would be your room. You visualize it with its bed, its television, the table, a guitar and the door. Now you have to associate each term with each object displayed in your room.


  • This technique is based on distinguishing the first letter of each word to be learned and joining them with the first letter of each remaining word, in such a way that you achieve a common word.

Exercise mind and memory

  • Mental calculation: You can consider different arithmetic operations to solve, trying to increase their difficulty. Exercise your reading habit. Exercise your concentration and attention.

Obviously you should not forget that the whole process you are carrying out has an end, the exam. It is convenient that you pay attention to various factors that may affect you at this time, as well as learning different relaxation techniques that allow you to decrease the level of anxiety that may emerge in you in this situation.

Jacobson's progressive relaxation technique:

  • Through this technique you learn to relax by alternately tensing and relaxing different muscle groups. Its purpose is that you learn to tighten only those muscles related to an activity, keeping those that are not necessary relaxed. You must carry out this model of relaxation in a calm environment, without anything or anyone to disturb you. The temperature must be adequate and the light must be dim. The most suitable posture is lying on a bed with your arms and legs slightly angled and away from the body. You should pay attention to the sensations you have each time you tense or relax in such a way that you can identify these sensations when they occur to you and you can relax more easily.

Autogenic Training according to Schultz:

  • In this technique it is you who must provoke the sensations that accompany relaxation.

Breathing Control:

  • When you find yourself in an overflowing situation and start to notice small symptoms of anxiety, it is very useful to take deep breaths, noticing how the air reaches your chest. Subsequently, you should slowly exhale the air. It is also very useful to focus on your own breathing. In this way we make you more aware of its rhythm and make it slow down.

Finally, it is necessary to carry out certain automations regarding the type of process you must face. It is necessary to make certain distinctions if you are going to embark on a labor opposition. It will be appropriate to emphasize this case and see its peculiarities.

It is necessary that you know the type of exam that you are going to face, the time that you are going to have to carry it out and how it will be scored.

In a test type exam your analytical capacity will have to be greater. The questions will be more specific and you should be attentive to the small details. In an exam in which you have to develop a subject, you will have to put more emphasis in the summary phase. It will not be as necessary to attend to the details as to the whole. An oral exam will require you to introduce a phase in our study called recitation.

Another important factor is knowing the duration of the exam. It is very useful to do mock exams to reduce the anxiety generated by the initial moment of the exam. The realizations of these drills will allow you to structure the exam time in the most appropriate way for your characteristics and capabilities.

It is very important that you pay attention to both the questions and the proposed alternatives. Many of the responses that count us as errors are the cause of a lack of attention to these aspects.

The use of adverbs of time is very normal, as always, never, sometimes. These nuances are what make the difference. They occur in both the questions and the answers. Be aware.

Once you have finished the exam, it is recommended that you review it. You may think that you have answered in one way, but when you review you realize that you were wrong.

The last factor to assess is the way in which the exam will be scored. You must know if the wrong answers will score negative or not. If so, you should have planned a strategy on this aspect and not hesitate in the exam about how you are going to act. It is advisable to leave blank those answers of which you have a high level of doubt. Try to ensure the maximum number of correct answers because it will be these that will raise your score. Do not think that luck will lead you to correctly answer the questions you doubt. Keep in mind that normally there are 5 alternative answers, so the probability of failure is much higher than that of being correct.

Now you are ready to embark on this great job project. Pursue your ends with diligence, think and feel that you are going to achieve it and every day try again. And, don't forget to follow these tips to help you prepare for a successful job position.

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Tips to prepare for a successful job position