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Practical advice to facilitate negotiation with suppliers

Table of contents:


Before starting, it is important to become aware of the role that the supplier plays in our company, he is an "ally", as important as a department or a client could be.

Taking into account the above, we will identify from 4 complementary angles, what should be considered to achieve a smooth negotiation with the supplier.


To begin, we must do a self-analysis and this leads us to ask ourselves the following questions: Are we clear about what our needs are? Do we know what our business is? Having clear the answers to these questions, we go to the PLANNING process.

Planning consists of determining the objectives and goals to be achieved to meet our needs, starting with establishing specific objectives for each meeting with the supplier, although there may be a large number, we must limit them in such a way that they are possible to achieve in the reasonable time of a meeting. Thus, it may happen, depending on how much we know about our "account executive", that the first meeting is to determine how much he knows about the solution and how interested they are in meeting our expectations, we use this to know them better.

Subsequently, we must have the necessary information for each meeting, so we must collect it and organize it according to the objective and goal prior to it. The information given to the supplier must be clear in order to minimize doubts about what our needs are.

The objectives must be realistic, in the sense that the deadlines that we set can be met or the task requested is within its capacity to resolve.

We and the meeting.

Simple, clear ideas, goals and objectives, information at hand. We introduce ourselves, we present to those who accompany us (if there are any), questions of rigor, personal or social and we begin to detail the problem, mentioning why we call them, of course it is because we know that they can solve this one. It is important not to be rigid in the direction of the meeting, since this could tense it, so it is good and healthy to divert the conversation with jokes, even if it sounds informal, it is a good measure to relax them and relax us, opening spaces of trust.

Something very important that we have to consider is that we must always feel confident in both our abilities and ourselves, not depending on the time or place for a meeting, implying that we must always be prepared for it. According to the above, we can say that it does not matter where the meeting is held or when it is held, it is just where we want to be, where we should be and the right time for it. Important, if we do not feel safe or fully, it is advisable to leave the negotiation for later because it could be harmful. On the other hand, it is necessary to put an end to the meeting to encourage everyone to discuss all the proposed topics.

Finally, in regards to the meeting, it is relevant to take notes and especially ask for minutes of each meeting. With the above we will be able to determine where we are in the negotiation process.

We and the provider.

In this part we will use the concepts of ORGANIZATION and CONTROL, this to make it easier for us to remember these tips.

With the Organization, we distribute the functions and resources to achieve our objectives, so we must keep in mind that the solution is the provider's work, we do not interfere in this, let your ideas flow. The brainstorming that the provider has is always good, so we must constantly take it into account, and since we have our clear ideas, we will know how to guide him when he leaves the course, a provider that does not have an active conversation with us and only takes notes and nods, will not be helpful, since feedback simply does not exist. Within the resources, it is important to know what we have and to what extent we can involve, if we get out of this, the negotiation becomes a failure because the solution is already unreal.

Define the responsibilities of each one and keep in mind that our requirements are the basis for the supplier to deliver their requirements to us, with which we must be careful, lest responsibilities that do not correspond to us be passed on to us.

With the Control we evaluate the meetings, improving the shortcomings and strengthening the successes, we must eliminate the insubstantial issues or beyond the control of both, we make the appropriate modifications depending on the previous meeting, to apply them in the next one. We make sure that we are going where we should and above all we know that the provider is going where we need it to go. Let us remember that the negotiations do not end when the meetings do, they always continue by email, telephone or some other form of communication, this is how we must continue with control and above all with feedback.

Free competition is a benefit that we can use to achieve our objectives, that is, not having a single supplier and of course letting them know that they are in competition, this will facilitate negotiation, since they will come willing to negotiate and listen, We will see that they will strive and above all, there will be those who are really interested in our company and in long-term collaborative relationships.

Pressure is a good tool when we apply it in its fair measure, however, we must be careful not to be pressured ourselves, to avoid this, we must follow everything indicated above.

All information that the provider gives us must be organized in a way that is easy to understand and quick to consult; Summarizing, highlighting, will be of great help to us since it will facilitate decision making.

A good way to organize and control is to always keep a log, in which we will write down the activities that have been carried out, mail sent and received, etc.


You can think that the negotiation is very lonely, however, this is not a job of one person, it is a team. In this we will have those who collect the information we need at the beginning, who will analyze the veracity of the information they give us. There are many things that we will not know in depth (technical, political, legal, etc.), so it is necessary to have the right person to help us in this. Having a team by our side, also allows us not to feel alone, it is very important to be backed by people we trust, in this way we will have a firm position in front of the provider.

In summary:

- The supplier is a strategic ally to provide solutions to the problems that arise.

- Clear planning, objectives and goals. When we lose our north, we can read them and know the direction we must take, these will also be useful to guide our suppliers. Information that supports us.

- For meetings, we must have clear ideas, clear objectives and goals, information at hand.

- It is always the right place and time to negotiate. But we must feel safe and whole.

- Organization, we distribute functions, responsibilities and resources efficiently.

- Control, evaluation to improve and strengthen ourselves, not lose our north, nor let them lose it.

- Free competition, facilitates negotiation and opens the mind of the provider.

- Organized information, easy to understand and quick to consult. We must also keep track of our actions and activities, blog.

- Teamwork, the support of other people, gives us a firm and secure posture in the negotiation.

Practical advice to facilitate negotiation with suppliers