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General considerations about job satisfaction, its measurement and evaluation

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The work that we submit for your consideration aims to show our theoretical and methodological considerations in relation to the issue of job satisfaction, its measurement, evaluation and action consequently with the results, starting from the leading role of man in Organizations in this XXI century, the "Century of Man", the knowledge society cannot have the expected success if it is, it is not really considered in all its dimensions and it feels fully attended to.

Every day there are more "soft" or high impact technologies, which are currently used and these are designed, and are intended to be implemented, with a qualitatively superior human consideration and with requirements for measuring and evaluating the job satisfaction of workers.

There is quite a consensus that job satisfaction as a psychosocial phenomenon is closely linked to a set of attitudes that are of decisive importance in the behavior and results of individuals and groups.

The study of Job Satisfaction as a phenomenon linked to attitudes and their relationship with behavior and results make it a topic of great importance currently recognized by more and more Researchers (Cuesta 1990, 2001 and 2002, Robbíns 2000, Tuban200?…) Just to name a few and to carry out the work we have also taken the experience of the works carried out by our group of researchers (López 1994, Pacheco and Álvarez 1994, Álvarez (2001)).

Finally we must make it clear that we know that this is not the only way to do it, but rather the way in which we do it and the results achieved with it, encourage us to continue improving it, for which it would be very useful to receive all the criticisms and suggestions about.

Numerous points of reference and our own convictions indicate that the 21st century is the "Century of Man", the knowledge society cannot have the expected success if it is, it is not really considered in all its dimensions and it feels fully attended to.

Every day there are more "soft" or high impact technologies, which are currently used and these are designed, and are intended to be implemented, with a qualitatively superior human consideration and with requirements for measuring and evaluating the job satisfaction of workers.

We are convinced of the need to seek the active participation of all workers and truly integrate them into a team with a different conception of the role of the Boss, that of a genuinely accepted and recognized leader who influences, in a different way than previous decades, but which continues having a purpose, clearer, but similar to yesteryear: To ensure that your team, from its position, contributes to the fulfillment of the objectives of the organization. It could not be otherwise, since in the end organizations are "Means… to achieve ends", in which the necessary, dynamic, creative and active participation of Man decides in its Efficacy, Efficiency and Competitiveness in a transcendental way and they make that today Man is recognized as a “resource” to be optimized and the central axis of the competitive advantage of organizations and nations.

Organizations therefore must create conditions and influence in a qualitatively superior way the Men who make it up, they speak of commitments, which imply that a person with the required competencies responsibly accept the challenges imposed by the environment, share values, objectives, Endorse and lead the organization to achieve greater added value than other competitors in the same environment.

From the foregoing derives the importance that organizations and nations give to man and that in order not to be contradictory, we must develop consistent actions that manage to improve the general satisfaction of the people with whom the organization provides benefits; The part of the system of benefits or Rewards that man receives and in which the organization influences in a significant way we will call it, Internal or Concrete.

However, this is not only the system of influence that man receives, he lives in a society and in fact from it emanate benefits that provide or do not satisfy and in the long run influence the former, this system of environmental influence, society, and even further, we will call it Deep or Strategic and it will be a Threat or opportunity in the design of internal or concrete actions that try to make the man who is unique perceive him, have positive attitudes and behavior consistent with them.

The study of Job Satisfaction as a phenomenon linked to attitudes and their relationship with behavior and results make it a topic of great importance currently recognized by more and more Researchers (Cuesta 1990, 2001 and 2002, Robbíns 2000, Tuban200?…) Just to name a few.


We do not like to say that job satisfaction is this to that and define the concept, we all know that this would be scientifically inaccurate, would limit the development of its very essence as Engels teaches us but we agree with him that "it is not easy to do without them" (Engels; 1975); I also know beforehand that others who will read the work will have points of view that do not exactly coincide or even differ greatly and I do not want in any way to insult intelligences, rather to reflect; the above reasons make me try to arrive at the concept from some considerations that I think are shared and accepted by many, among which are the works of Robbins 2000, Stoner 1995; Cuesta 1990, 2001 and 2002, Trista, 1990, Tuban; López 1994 and others.

There is quite a consensus that job satisfaction as a psychosocial phenomenon is closely linked to a set of attitudes that are of decisive importance in the behavior and results of individuals and groups.

I want to stop for a moment around the concept of Job Satisfaction; Job satisfaction: it can be considered that it characterizes the level of satisfaction of the needs of the workers and managers of an Organization, as well as their attitude towards the existing reality and the socio-economic and technical-organizational measures or decisions that are adopted and implemented.

It is considered as the emotional tendency (or psychological in general, since it includes cognitive and volitional processes) of the personality to perceive "motivating" the influence of a set of factors present in the work activity and its context, aimed in essence at satisfying certain needs.

Job satisfaction implies an attitude, or rather a set of attitudes and a value trend of individuals and groups in the work context that will significantly influence behaviors and, of course, the results.

Job satisfaction can also be considered as the correspondence between the demands of individuals (expressed in needs and motives) and what the organization perceives that it fosters and grants in one way or another.

The essence of a definition is given by the degree of cognitive depth achieved in the object. If we restrict satisfaction to one sphere of human activity, labor, without considering factors of the external environment (extra-labor), we will of course restrict it, and in fact we must be aware of their existence and influence in one way or another in the concrete personality that responds as a whole to those influences of the objective reality that it perceives.

Researchers, entrepreneurs when studying this aspect, generally restrict it to the (“concrete”) sphere of work, based on the fact that the real possibilities of projecting socio-economic and technical-organizational measures are more internal to each organization, since which is where they really have decision and action power. Only after delimiting this, we consider it advisable that in the analysis of decisions and actions, the prevailing situations in each environment be taken into account and that they will be threats or opportunities, depending on the case.

Returning to the issue of job satisfaction and the set of attitudes it implies, I think that the differences of opinion or consideration (although not very large) that are appreciated, precisely lie in the factors to be considered in general or the groups and variables independent or essential dimensions that are considered in each of the groups in the theoretical conception and its evolution into a methodological procedure to measure, evaluate and act upon them in accordance with the results.

We consider that there is a great approach regarding the factors or groups to be considered and we present the experience of the works carried out by our group of researchers (López 1994, Pacheco and Álvarez 1994, Álvarez (2001)). With this conception, the groups or factors that will be considered are linked to:

1. The nature and content of work.

2. Group work and its managers

3. Working conditions

4. Effort and individual results.

5. The conditions of well-being.

Each group will have associated variables which have been called essential dimensions; those considered by in these works, with a small definition are:

  • Essential dimensions linked to the nature and content of work.

1. Variety of skills (Vh): degree to which the job requires different skills to perform it.

2. Task Identification (I): The degree to which a group requires completion of an ² all² or something identified, visible as a result.

3. Meaning of the task (S): impact of the work on other people inside or outside the organization.

4. Autonomy (A): degree of independence at work, organization, control… other responsibilities and allows for management activities.

5. Feedback (R): degree to which the work provides the individual with information about its effectiveness, its results, essentially given by their own perception of them.

  • Essential dimensions linked to group work and its managers.

1. Cohesion (C): tendency of the group to stay together and in agreement, unity, harmony in relationships for the sake of achieving group goals.

2. Attractiveness (AT): degree to which the group offers satisfaction of being in it, degree of support from the group to its members.

3. Socio-psychological climate (CS): degree to which the leadership of the group is stimulating… and there is an adequate climate.

4. Variety of skills (VHg): degree to which each member can perform all or a large part of the operations and tasks that the group must perform.

5. Task identification (Itg): the group makes an identifiable "whole".

6. Significance of the task (STg): degree to which the work carried out by the group affects other people or groups inside or outside the organization.

7. Feedback (Rg): degree to which the group receives information about the results of their work, properly from third parties, their boss, clients, etc.

8. Autonomy (Ag): degree of independence in group work.

  • Essential dimensions linked to effort and individual results.

9. Sufficiency (Sf): degree to which the salary and incentives are sufficient to satisfy personal needs.

10. Correspondence (Cd): degree to which the salary and the incentives earned correspond to the knowledge, skills, individual abilities and their job competencies.

11. Linkage (V): degree to which the salary and incentives correspond to the results of the work.

12. Perception (P): degree to which the stimulating system is dominated, is understood by the individual.

13. Coherence (C): degree of correspondence between moral and material stimulation.

14. Fairness (J): degree to which the stimulating system is perceived as fair.

  • Dimensions linked to working conditions.

15. Safe (Cg): degree to which everyone perceives safety for the work environment.

16. Aesthetics (E): degree to which everyone perceives cleanliness, internal order, aesthetics, etc., in their work environment.

17. Hygiene (H): degree to which everyone perceives the existence of environmental conditions in relation to temperature, humidity, noise, etc., that affect their health and / or hinder concentration and work activity in general.

18. Ergonomic (Eg): degree to which the design of the working means and their location are adjusted to the psychological requirements, etc., of the worker.

  • Essential dimensions linked to welfare conditions.

19. Hours (Ho): degree to which the work and rest regime adjust to the expectations and needs of the worker.

20. Maintenance (Mt): degree to which the feeding conditions, health care, transportation, etc., are adjusted to the needs of the worker.

21. Attention to life (Av): degree to which everyone perceives that the organization meets the needs of its workers and their families.

22. Cultural and social development (Dcs): degree to which everyone perceives that their needs for cultural, sports, social development, etc. are being met.

23. Personal and professional development (PPD): degree to which everyone perceives that their expectations of development of their personal and professional growth and guarantee of security and employment are met.


It is known that job satisfaction can be measured from a single global classification and, in fact, according to Robbins (2000), the results of this single question are superior, "they are a more inclusive measure" in that we agree.

If our objective was only to measure job satisfaction (even not with yes / no nuances, it could be on a scale of 1 (MM) to 5 (E) or another, as usual), we would not hesitate to do just this. Taking into account that in addition to the comprehensive evaluation of job satisfaction, it is vital to investigate the causes that cause dissatisfaction, that is, to know what are the essential variables or dimensions that are critical or affected, since (ultimately) the actions of improvement will have to be directed towards them is that the analysis of the factors or groups with their associated variables or essential dimensions is also carried out and in the procedure we include both approaches, the global and the analysis of factors.

The improvement actions in this sense seen in a comprehensive and coherent way are integrated as actions of the Organization's Rewards or Stimulation System.

It is our criterion that if it starts from a theoretical conception and a consequent methodological procedure that orders the Groups or General Factors and the variables or essential Dimensions, it will be easier to understand and transmit the idea, as well as measure job satisfaction and most importantly, in our opinion, act accordingly and obtain favorable changes in the attitudes, behaviors and results of the Organizations.

As stated, Job Satisfaction is considered as a dependent variable of 5 major integrating factors or groups, containing 28 independent variables or essential dimensions.

The basic technique for obtaining information is a survey (example 1)


















Do your own work, supervisors, or others tell you how well you are doing and your results?


Is the result of your work easily visible in the final product?


Does your job require performing different operations and using a large number of skills and knowledge?


Does your workplace provide favorable conditions for food, transportation, health, etc.?
* OTHER. (Name it).


Do you receive support to solve your personal and family problems (housing, children's circle, promotion, etc.)?
29 Fully assess your job satisfaction.
30 How do you consider yourself committed to the organization to which you belong ?

The survey is made up of 30 questions, 28 that cover the essential Dimensions for each group and inquire into the appreciation about the satisfaction of each person with respect to each Essential Dimension, the scale used is from 1 (Very Bad) to 5 (Excellent), in such a way that after processing the surveys, it enables the researcher or Entrepreneur to have a reading by factor and essential dimension.

Question 29 aims to measure satisfaction and question 30 both in a global way., which for each group or factor, inquires into the person's appreciation of each variable or Essential Dimension and therefore will have 28 questions, the scale used is from 1 (MM) to 5 (E), so that after After the surveys are processed, it allows the researcher or Entrepreneur to have a reading by factor and essential dimension. (example 3).


Moment application 1


Moment 2

Nr System Element and Essential Dimension HALF EVAL HALF EVAL


Feedback 4.46 B 4.5 B


ID 4.13 B 4.15 B


Variety of Skills 3.66 R 3.7 R


Autonomy 3.6 R 3.63 R


Meaning 2.3 M 3.12 R

The survey is, of course, anonymous, but if you wish to proceed to the action as a last purpose, it is convenient to collect some additional information, we recommend in this case at least the position or occupation and group to which each respondent responds. When doing a study, it is proposed to survey all active workers, but of course sampling can be used if so decided. The results of the survey will be combined with “background or support interviews” to verify possible doubtful aspects, interact with bosses, union leaders and other previously selected workers, and the use of observation or other support techniques is recommended.

EXAMPLE 2 Support Interviews; Guide of ideas for your leaders' preparation (individual or collective)

  • Specify the objectives of the exchange and what is expected of them to reach a higher level of approximation of the problem and its causes, which have been revealed in the collection of opinions made from the surveys, as well as enrich it with their perceptions and the information they possess in this regard. Show a summary of the results of the area, their meaning and inquire about the most doubtful aspects; (essential dimensions) or any result that appears to be contradictory. Ask for criteria on the results achieved and collect opinions on it. TO WORKERS (individual or group)The three previous aspects are included, but should focus more on the doubtful aspects, seeking the individual and collective perceptions, points of view… of the people surveyed.

Regarding Temporary Terms to carry out the studies, these must be defined by the organization in question, but its systematization is recommended, the framework in which they oscillate is from 1 to 4 times a year; In Cuba, the organizations in Business Improvement that we are aware of generally do it twice a year.


The ideas collected in this material are based on 15 years of work by researchers and consultants in Cuban and some Mexican organizations and have as their initial and obligatory reference the works of López (1994), Pacheco and Álvarez (1994) and finally appear as an integral part of the procedure for the design of stimulation systems for this author's organizations (Álvarez 2001), which of course have been influenced by the results of studies by prestigious researchers that appear in the aforementioned works and in the references of this work.

What ultimately moves us is action on those groups and essential dimensions that can significantly influence changes in attitudes and behaviors that will indirectly have a positive effect on the final results, and for this it is recommended to have a theoretical / methodological foundation. to do it and that's what the job is about.

"Stimulation", (includes the consequent and directed actions) in its generic form is a very complex subject and is related to the system of influences that man receives which is external and internal to the organization where that individual works.

Man's needs are individual, growing and changing over time, as well as with previous experiences, levels of satisfaction achieved and other aspects of his life (personal, family and professional), which makes it a matter of personalizing actions. in the context in question as the best way to achieve the objectives set.

If we measure, evaluate and act accordingly taking into account Man as an individual, in his "work" (individual, group) and environment (external and internal) we will have more possibilities of using effectively and efficiently the possibilities (P) that are (which as a general rule have limits or are few) to achieve with the action on all or some groups and dimensions, a greater effect on the satisfaction of needs (N) and the improvement of man as worker and human being, that is; their values ​​and therefore the attitudes, behaviors and results, these last 2 aspects we are also obliged to measure and evaluate to feed back on the effect that the actions have had.

The truly fair thing with the human being is to distribute according to the rational needs that are considered in a given social context, but we cannot yet raise this flag, not only for material possibilities, but also for ideas that conceptually stop and derive, in wrong action, or inaction and that others emanate from the leaders, but there is no doubt that little by little in a continuous process of improvement we will get closer to this vision and those who achieve it or get closer will be the most successful, another serious demagogic thing, paradoxical regarding the "Human Capital" "Most valuable asset of the organization" and other terms today normally used to call man in organizations, so that if we do not act accordingly,We will not gain the necessary trust from increasingly competent people (therefore intelligent, analytical, thoughtful…) that imply substantial changes in their attitudes and behaviors that lead to favorable results.


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General considerations about job satisfaction, its measurement and evaluation