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Building the job skills system. a business experience

Table of contents:


This work describes a set of actions carried out within the framework of a business experience, which is related to the implementation of procedures for managing labor competencies, which is part of the complex process of establishing the Integrated Management System of the Human Capital (Cuban Standard of the 3000 family), in an industrial company of food production in Havana City.

The article provides elements of judgments that provide continuity and greater scientific rigor to all consulting work, carried out based on the implementation of the requirements of the labor competencies module of said standard; It tries to transmit the experience developed in this field in a given company, the problems faced and the solutions applied.

Key words: Labor competencies, identification, evaluation and certification of the labor competencies of the positions, interview of critical incidents, hierarchy of generic competences.


A paper was recently published in one of the main Cuban magazines specialized in the subject of human capital management. On that occasion, said article was titled: " Labor Competencies: Procedures for Strategic Management", and the documented procedure for the comprehensive and strategic management of the labor competencies system was described. The document prepared was the result of the process of interaction, learning and exchange with a group of experts from an important Cuban organization; managers and workers of experience and recognized work prestige, who integrated their efforts and knowledge within the framework of a consultancy, carried out with the purpose of creating the necessary conditions for the certification of the Cuban standard of family 3000 (Integrated Capital Management System Human).

No obstante, haber logrado documentar el procedimiento para la identificación, evaluación y certificación de las competencia laborales de los cargos, de manera tal que se satisfizo, en un primer momento, las expectativas, tanto de los consultores externos como de los consultores internos; se decidió un tiempo después darle continuidad al trabajo de consultoría y analizar a posteriori los cambios y las mejoras que ya en la práctica concreta de la implementación de los requisitos para la gestión de las competencias laborales, fueron necesarios introducir por los especialistas, encomendados de llevar el procedimiento descrito al contexto empresarial. Para ello, se realizó un estudio de los perfiles de competencias elaborados, de los procedimientos ejecutados y de los registros, que como evidencia fueron quedando en el transcurso del proceso. Se realizaron además, entrevistas a especialistas, directivos y trabajadores.

The management of labor competencies is a vitally important process, since it guarantees integrated management based on a strategic approach to the entire Human Capital Management system. Taking into account the significance and significance of the process, the company in question dedicated personnel and continued effort in the construction of the labor competencies system, through their identification, evaluation and certification.

Having prepared the competency profiles of the positions, places any company in more favorable conditions to face a process of resizing the workforce and availability of the workforce, with a greater sense of justice, objectivity and transparency, from the application of the principle of proven suitability. The profiles of competencies in these conditions become a source of objective and main information, which serves as the basis for decision-making related to “… the determination of the workers who remain in the labor entity and those available, based on that each position be occupied by the most suitable worker,… ”

The execution of the process of identification, assessment and certification of labor competences constitutes one of the most difficult and complex procedures of all the modules that make up the Integrated Human Capital Management System. This is a strategic and integrative process and the fundamental base on which the other elements of the system are developed.

The complexity of managing this process is further increased, due to the real fact that in most Cuban organizations there is today a deficit of qualified personnel, with the necessary competencies to face with a certain level of quality the implementation of procedures for the management of labor competencies.

The main professions that they could contribute with their knowledge, skills and values, such as psychologists, industrial engineers, specialists in regulation and organization of work, and others, are not always attracted to perform functions related to their specialty in the groups linked to the human capital management in Cuban organizations. In fact, in the company under study, these professionals find it more attractive to be directly linked to production processes, where stimulation in cuc is part of the system of payment for specific results of work, being better paid than workers in any other unit. Organizational functional.


Particularities of the implementation of the procedure of management of the labor competences of the company.

The group of experts at the business level (working group made up of specialists from the Human Capital Department), created in the entity for the organization, execution, advice and control of the entire project of identification, evaluation and certification of the labor competencies of the positions, assumed as the main guide for the development of the work, the documented process prepared for the organization. However, during the march, improvements were introduced with the purpose of correcting the detected deviations and achieving a work much more adjusted to the reality of each Base Business Unit (UEB), as well as each of the organizational units, reaching a closer approximation to the work contexts and the jobs under study.The improvements introduced gradually contributed to the improvement of the existing procedure, as creative and own solutions to each specific problem.

The changes made were also aimed at building procedures that would make it possible to standardize criteria and save time and effort, making the process clearer and simpler based on the particular characteristics of the organization and the level of development of the skills of the personnel involved in the execution of the draft.

Once the formal consultancy actions within the project conceived and the documented procedure had been completed, the organization's group of experts began a work aimed at introducing the necessary adjustments in the process of implementing work skills management. The references and signals obtained through different channels by external consultants motivated them to carry out actions in order to receive the necessary feedback on what the entity had achieved in the field of designing its own model for the identification, evaluation and certification of the job skills of the positions.

This exercise was also considered an important experience in the practice of consulting, since in general the specialized literature does not frequently deal with the moments linked to the continuity and monitoring of consulting actions.

In the initial research work on the peculiarities of this process in the company subject to the intervention, the following questions were asked:

  • What were the fundamental premises that served as the basis for the execution of the implementation work? How was the work carried out? What were the main tools used in the development of the identification, evaluation and certification of the job competencies of the positions? Which elements of the documented procedure were you comfortable with? What were the changes made to the documented procedure in the implementation process? What have been the main perceived results?

In the development of this article we try to answer each of these questions.

In the execution of the work, the team of experts of the company used as a starting foundation a group of premises, which had already been collegiate in the exercise of shaping the documented procedure, especially attention was paid to the fact that this was a process characterized for the broad participation of workers, leaders and officials. In addition, the broad profile approach in relation to jobs and a rational perspective in the use of the template was taken as the fundamental basis of the same. The consequent and necessary alignment of the job skills of each position with the key skills of the main processes and with the distinctive skills of the organization was also taken into account; just as it was a permanent focus of attention,the essential alignment that must exist on the part of all of these (within the framework of a cause-effect relationship), with the entity's corporate strategy.

The analysis carried out on the labor competencies system of the studied company and the group work carried out from the use of an impact matrix, showed that there was a high relationship between labor competencies at the job level with labor competencies at the process level. key to the main activities and these in turn with the distinctive competences of the organization. Throughout the process, the entity's strategy was maintained as a common thread. Therefore, it was concluded that a correct alignment of the competence system with the corporate strategy had been generally achieved.

The team of experts initially identified the job competencies associated with a group of jobs, which it was decided to classify as key, and later, to define the generic skills of the positions belonging to the company's macro processes (all validated by the organization's Labor Competencies Committee). This analysis allowed internal consultants to maintain the common thread and the cause-effect relationship between each group of organizational competencies.

It was found, in the study carried out on the architecture of the competency system of the analyzed company (Graph No. 1), that the generic competences, which showed a greater presence were the following:

  • Technological knowledge. Interpersonal relations. Analytical skills. Capacity in decision making. Teamwork and collaboration. Concern for order and quality. Customer orientation.

Architecture of the company's competence system. Own elaboration

Subsequently, the group of experts worked on the process of identifying the job competencies of the positions. Here, it was recommended in the aforementioned documented procedure, that starting from the definitions of labor competencies from the list prepared by Professor McClelland of Harvard University, however the group of experts at the central level decided to deepen the work and carry out a much broader analysis of the specialized bibliography: national and foreign, and a significant number of documents published inside and outside the country on the subject of labor competencies. With all this information and taking into account the characteristics of the organization, the activity it carries out, its mission and social responsibility, a unique document was prepared.

In this document (which was called the “Job Skills Package”) a given number of generic job skills were listed that responded to and paid for the organization's distinctive skills and key process competencies in core activities. In this inventory, each of the generic competences collected was conceptualized, and subsequently operationalized through a list of general indicators.

All this work was carried out with the aim of having a battery of generic competences and the corresponding competency indicators, expressed with a higher level of specificity, which in the end could be adapted to different jobs (common or single jobs). family) in the different processes of the entity. The broad and deep knowledge that the group of experts had on the main processes of the organization played a fundamental role in the work carried out. This document was the starting point for the subsequent analysis of each job and the general conceptual framework as a guide in the critical incident interviews (EIC) carried out.

According to the group of experts at the organization level, such a procedure saved them time and effort in the subsequent work of identifying the job competencies of the positions and provided them with a set of indicators of common skills for different jobs, but that were adjusted to the specific characteristics of each activity and its work context.

Added to all this was the fact that, in the process of building the labor competencies of each job, it also started with the study of the functions that appear in the job qualifiers. Therefore, this first approach already made it possible to show the differences between competency profiles of different positions, typical of different work contexts.

After this process, Critical Incident Interviews were carried out, seeking a higher level of specificity per job, based on the criteria and considerations of workers with adequate performance and those who showed superior performance in the position object of study. It was the managers themselves at the operational level who identified the workers who would integrate the two categories, based on systematic evaluations of the performance and daily behavior of each one.

In the documented procedure for the management of human capital that this organization has, several instruments necessary to execute the processes of identification and certification of the job competencies of the positions are described. The company's expert group decided to use the Critical Incident Interview (EIC) as the main instrument for the identification of competencies, as recommended in the procedure for managing labor competencies, however this was not the only medium used by the organization.

The protagonists and organizers of the process themselves stated in the interviews carried out, as well as applying the EIC tool, the job qualifiers of each position under study were studied. The analysis here started from a broad perspective, intended to encompass not only the functions (what to do?) Established for each work context, but also to delve into the " how " it should be and the actions of the person who occupies said position, to achieve better results. Therefore, one or more behaviors, necessary to successfully fulfill the responsibilities assumed, were presented to each function.

The fact of maintaining the functional analysis present in the study of labor competencies in the company, allowed its analysts to advance in the declaration of competency indicators and evidence of the performance of each profile, much more measurable, accurate and understandable, closely related with the expected results to be achieved by each worker, in the work activity in which he performs.

In the development of the process, interviews were conducted with a significant number of managers from different organizational areas, to whom each of the positions studied was subordinated. This procedure provided additional information of vital importance for the identification and operationalization of the job competencies of the positions, depending on the needs of the given organizational area.

Throughout this process, an attempt was made to link labor competencies with the organization's own shared value system, and an attempt was made to maintain this at all times as a frame of reference. Each one of the steps taken up to now by the specialists (experts) of the company, were carried out with the purpose of seeking an approach between the behavioral, functional and constructivist approach in the identification and evaluation of labor competences from nature of the analyzed activity.

One of the main modifications that were introduced had to do with the questions that had been included in the Critical Incident Interview (EIC) guide, which were simplified, specified and adjusted to the specific conditions of each worker interviewed, according to the job title and the organizational unit to which it belonged. The main purpose to be achieved with the questions included in the interview guide for critical incidents, was to identify the job skills necessary to mobilize to carry out the functions defined for the job analyzed .

Table No. 1 shows the differences between the battery of questions proposed in the documented procedure for executing the critical incident interview (EIC) and the simplification that this undergoes, already in the process of executing them, to achieve a greater approach and communication with the managers, officials and workers interviewed. In addition, the fact of not being able to count on psychologists to carry out this work, conditioned that it was necessary to simplify the instrument to make its application as easy, fast and understandable as possible for both the interviewees and the interviewers.

Table No. 1. Interview Battery Comparison for Critical Incident Interview (EIC)

Battery of questions proposed in the documented procedure for the EIC Battery of questions modified by the company's experts in the execution of the EIC
1. Describe in detail the functions that you carry out in your current job.

2. Describe in detail how you do to fulfill the functions in your job.

3. Could the ways you do your work be improved? How?

4. What would you like to do, to feel fulfilled in your work?

5. What actions would you add, remove, and / or combine in your current position that could ensure higher quality, higher performing work?

6. Do you know what new processes are expected to be incorporated and what new actions will be required to develop them?

7. Do you know what new technologies are expected to be incorporated and what new capabilities will be required to use them effectively?

8. What functions do you consider would be convenient to work in teams?

9. Are you of the criterion that the job under analysis should incorporate new responsibilities? Which?

10. What other actions do you consider should be carried out to increase the motivation and satisfaction of the occupant of the job?

11. What are the main results that you think should be achieved in that job?

12. To fill this position, do you need some period of adaptation, of learning under direction and of practical job training? How long should it last?

Closing question

o What are the performance criteria that we should use to evaluate the occupant of the job, in order to determine whether or not he achieves superior performance?

o What are the aspects of job performance that are most valued by the organization?

Linked to the identification of personal qualities

o What are the personal qualities necessary for the organization to meet its objectives?

Obs. Organize and order the information and data collected for transcription as objective codeable definitions.

1. What do you have to do at your job?

2. How do you do it well?

3. How do you think the person who occupies that job should be and what should he do to make the job go well and feel more motivated and satisfied?

Closing question

o What are the performance criteria that we should use to evaluate the occupant of the job, in order to determine whether or not he achieves superior performance?

o What are the aspects of job performance that are most valued by the organization?

Linked to the identification of personal qualities

o What are the personal qualities necessary for the organization to meet its objectives?

Source: self made.

As can be seen from the table above, the organization's experts decided to decrease the number of questions, because for them, the ideas are repeated in the initial proposal, and according to their experiences, when workers are asked about various questions at a time and for a long time, they begin to reject the interview and answer what they think.

The simplified battery of questions proposed by the company's experts, based on their own experiences, can be considered as a very useful tool, capable of addressing all aspects of a given job, in a more concrete and understandable way, translating every moment of your work on measurable performance indicators. By proposing to reduce the number of questions, he gained agility, and the worker stopped feeling burdened with so many questions, began to cooperate more and feel like a true protagonist of what was happening.

Once the critical incident interviews were carried out with workers with adequate performance and workers with superior performance for each of the positions analyzed, in a ratio of 1 to 3; It was found that there were competences that, due to their definition and operationalization through competency indicators, could be adjusted to various jobs, even in different work contexts. It was through the definition of the evidence of performance that the expert group was able to achieve the exact resource to clarify, specify and differentiate the competencies of different jobs, from the same organizational area. In this, it played an essential role to include as part of the analysis their own functions, and the specific activities that each interviewed worker had assigned in correspondence with the position.

In this way, the general outline of the job competencies system for the positions was structured as follows (Graph No. 2): generic competencies per job, competency indicators and evidence called to show the performance achieved: adequate or superior.

Graph No. 2. General diagram of the job skills system of the positions.

General scheme of the job skills system of the positions. Own elaboration

Ranking of generic skills by job.

For the analysis of each of the families of positions or jobs, groups of experts were formed, where their members were selected based on the following criteria:

  • High degree of experience, linked to the processes under study. Knowledge of the contents of the positions. Maintain a balance between managers and employees in the team.

For the identification of generic competencies, the Work Competencies Package was started, made up of the organization's specialists. Using the freewheel method, each expert in the group section proposed the generic competences that they considered should be included in the profile of the position under analysis, subsequently an activity was carried out to clarify ideas and reduce the list, and by the consensus key competencies were defined.

Example No. 1. Generic competence system of the position profile: Brigade leader.

For this position, 6 generic competences were identified, which are:

  • Motivation for achievement (1) Commitment to the organization (2) Leadership (3) Teamwork (4) Interpersonal relationships (5) Concern with order and quality (6)

Once the key competencies were defined, a hierarchy was made for each competency profile. The hierarchical action of the key generic competencies identified by job position was given as a result of a proposal made by the workers and managers themselves, who pointed out about the need for the performance verification and evaluation process itself., it was possible to identify different levels of priority among the competences, in correspondence with their role and importance within the organization. The procedure is introduced with the purpose of creating the necessary bases, to correctly define those workers and managers capable of adding more value to the organization based on the corporate strategy,as an expression resulting from the competences that they were capable of mobilizing.

To achieve the hierarchy of the generic competencies for positions, group work techniques were used and the method of analysis of agreement between experts was applied by calculating the Kendall's Coefficient of Concordance. In the case that serves as an example, it was the responsibility of the 5 experts who participated in the study to grant an evaluation for each generic competence identified according to the profile of the positions analyzed (See example No. 2).

Example No. 2. Experts' assessment of the priority and importance of the generic competencies identified for the analyzed position (position: Chief of Brigade).









E1 two 5 7 6 4 3
E2 two 4 6 5 one 3
E3 two 4 6 7 5 3
E4 one two 6 3 5 4
E5 one two 5 6 3 4
Total 8 17 30 twenty-one 24 17

Source: Elaboration of the company's group of experts.

In the example no. 2 shows how each expert's assessment of the priority and importance of each of the key generic competencies identified for the position of Chief of Brigade was. The results obtained favored determining the priority level of each competence evaluated, within the system that makes up the aforementioned position, using the Kendall's Coefficient of Concordance as a technique.

Example No. 3. List of generic labor competencies of the position of Chief of Brigade, according to order of priority.

  1. Leadership. Interpersonal Relations. Teamwork. Commitment to the Organization. Concern for Order and Quality. Motivation for Achievement.

Following this procedure, the organization's experts developed a model for evaluating labor competencies based on the certification process by the Expert Committees. One more tool to gain reliability, transparency and fairness in these processes.

The procedure allowed establishing the competencies by hierarchical level and matching the value categories with a previously determined number of points, starting from the level at which the worker was able to mobilize the competencies identified for the position occupied by him. The proposal was as follows:

  • When the score obtained in the evaluation is less than 75 points, the worker is qualified as not suitable for that position. When the score obtained in the evaluation is from 75 to 90 points, the performance is considered adequate. When the score obtained in the evaluation performance is greater than 90 points is rated superior.

In all cases the quantitative evaluation is accompanied by a well-founded qualitative evaluation that emphasizes the conduct, values ​​and qualities of the evaluated and that takes into account the criteria of the union organization.

The evaluation by point and range has the purpose of linking the management system by competencies with the systems of payment for the results of the work, which could very well be done through the labor participation coefficient (CPL), in order to generate the bases to achieve a much fairer and more equitable collective social and moral recognition.

In the proposal of this procedure, the particularities of the company under study, its culture, main processes and the technology used as a tailored suit were taken into account.

Another objective taken into account to achieve with the proposed procedure was to work on a tool capable of contributing to greater objectivity in the performance evaluation process, which sometimes becomes very complex and difficult for the manager, since he does not know how to proceed as objectively as possible. Establishing the different degrees of value makes the evaluation more objective, aimed at differentiating and individualized care.

One of the main demands made by workers to the entity's group of experts was that the definition of tools capable of differentiating workers from performance should be achieved in the process of implementing the requirements related to job competencies. suitable for those who demonstrate superior performance, not only for productive results, but for their behavior in general, their ability to work as a team, to collaborate, to contribute to the learning and development of others, and also for their interpersonal relationships.

The temporary labor competencies committees of each organizational area analyzed and validated each competence profile of the subordinate jobs. Where the staff had more training, this process reached a higher level of precision and quality.

The process of certification of the labor competences of each worker was organized as follows:

  • This task was entrusted to the Expert Committees formed in each of the organizational areas, which are responsible for providing the criteria for the declaration of the suitability of all company personnel (except for cadres and personnel designated by the general director of the company) and advise bosses in decisions related to entering employment, permanence, promotion, selection to training courses or terminating the employment relationship with a worker, as established by Decree 281 of the Executive Committee of the Council of Minister for companies in business improvement. These Expert Committees relied on the following sources of information to rule: Study the results of the evidence obtained through evaluations of worker performance in previous periods.Interviews with immediate superior managers and workers. Direct observation in the workplace. Group work with the labor collective.

Impact of the application of the procedure for the identification, evaluation and certification of labor competencies

The main specialists in the field of human resources management in the company agree in affirming that the most relevant results obtained as part of the actions for the implementation of the labor competency requirements are linked to the improvements generated towards the remaining modules that make up the SGICH such as:

  • Improvement of the fundamental bases to improve the procedures related to the selection of personnel.
  • Achieving significant improvements in the performance of workers who were part of the process. Greater rationality in the use of the workforce, in almost all organizational areas of the company. Increased motivation for training and recognition of their importance on the part of workers and managers. Strengthening of communication and interpersonal relationships between managers and workers, in a context of permanent listening and participation ("… workers really felt like protagonists of the process"). Integration of organizational values, especially those of professionalism, teamwork and ethical conduct, which is expressed in a behavior of high commitment to work. Interpersonal relationships and teamwork are significantly improved,due to the emphasis placed on this throughout the implementation process of the labor competencies module. Significant advances that have resulted in greater objectivity in performance evaluations. Attention and work are prioritized over the identified gaps (job position -worker) in the process of evaluation and certification of labor competencies. Progress is made in establishing the points of contact between the process of competency management and that of moral and material stimulation. The integration mechanisms of the brigade are strengthened by Through its actions, the competency profile for 111 different job designations was prepared and certified (in the process it is planned to identify and evaluate the competencies of all positions in the organization).

The process of identifying, evaluating, and certifying job skills was not without concerns from workers, which were resolved to the extent that information was gained and communication about the process improved.

However, despite the progress made in this area, there are still pending issues, such as:

  • There is insufficient linkage that should exist between competency management and payment systems for work results, as well as with material and moral stimulation in general. No progress has been made in involving trained personnel: psychologists, industrial engineers, specialties linked to the organization of work and wages, etc., to the activity of human capital management.


The process of identifying, evaluating and certifying labor competencies is, above all, a process of conscious construction, which necessarily starts from the organizational analysis, and takes into account the particularities, culture and way in which people think and behave in each organization.

Although in the implementation of this important module of the Integrated Human Capital Management System, it is based on a unique model tempered to our conditions, the system of procedures adopted by each company must function as a tailored suit, which requires of a high degree of initiative and innovation of the managers, specialists and officials involved in this process.

Each action carried out in this area must permanently serve to improve not only the economic and organizational conditions of the workers, and to increase their contribution to the institution, but also respond to their psycho-social needs.

In the case at hand, it is evident that the consulting process developed in the company under analysis, constituted a serious learning action, which served as a starting point to initiate and promote important actions to improve and improve capital management. human, based on their own capabilities and possibilities.


  1. Chiavenato, I. (2004): "Management of Human Talent". McGRAW-HILL Publishing. Bogotá.Cuestas Santos, Armando (2005): “Human Resources Management Technology”. Editorial Academia, Havana. Cuestas Santos, Armando (2000): “Management of Competences”. Editorial Academia, Havana. Collective of authors (2002): "The competences: key to an integrated management of Human Resources". Hay Group. Deusto editions. Bilbao.McClelland, C. (1973): "Testing for competence rather than for intelligence". American Psychologist (photocopy). Morales Cartaya, A. (2009) “Human Capital: towards a management system in the Cuban company. Political Editorial, Havana.Human Capital Management. Magazine of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. No.1. December, 2009. Decree 281 of the Minister Council.Regulation for the Implementation and Consolidation of the State Business Management System. Official Gazette of the Republic of Cuba. Extraordinary. No. 41. Havana, August 17, 2007. Cuban Standards 3000, 3001, 3002: 2007. Integrated Human Capital Management System. National Standardization Office, Cuba. Official Gazette of the Republic of Cuba. Ext. Special. No. 12. Havana, Friday, October 8, 2010. MTSS Resolution No. 35/2010. Consulting Report. Human Capital Approach applied to the Cuban company: Introduction of NC 3000 in the food-producing company of Regla-Prodal. Annex No.9. Procedure: Management of Labor Competencies. (The competence system for these personnel is described).Havana, August 17, 2007. Cuban Standards 3000, 3001, 3002: 2007. Integrated Human Capital Management System. National Standardization Office, Cuba. Official Gazette of the Republic of Cuba. Ext. Special. No. 12. Havana, Friday, October 8, 2010. MTSS Resolution No. 35/2010. Consulting Report. Human Capital Approach applied to the Cuban company: Introduction of NC 3000 in the food-producing company of Regla-Prodal. Annex No.9. Procedure: Management of Labor Competencies. (The competence system for these personnel is described).Havana, August 17, 2007. Cuban Standards 3000, 3001, 3002: 2007. Integrated Human Capital Management System. National Standardization Office, Cuba. Official Gazette of the Republic of Cuba. Ext. Special. No. 12. Havana, Friday, October 8, 2010. MTSS Resolution No. 35/2010. Consulting Report. Human Capital Approach applied to the Cuban company: Introduction of NC 3000 in the food-producing company of Regla-Prodal. Annex No.9. Procedure: Management of Labor Competencies. (The system of competencies for these personnel is described).35/2010 of the MTSS. Consulting Report. Human Capital Approach applied to the Cuban company: Introduction of NC 3000 in the food-producing company of Regla-Prodal. Annex No.9. Procedure: Management of Labor Competencies. (The competence system for these personnel is described).35/2010 of the MTSS. Consulting Report. Human Capital Approach applied to the Cuban company: Introduction of NC 3000 in the food-producing company of Regla-Prodal. Annex No.9. Procedure: Management of Labor Competencies. (The competence system for these personnel is described).

Human Capital Management. Magazine of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. No.1. December, 2009. Pages. 53-58.

Official Gazette of the Republic of Cuba. Ext. Special. No. 12. Havana, Friday, October 8, 2010. Resolution No. 35/2010 of the MTSS. Second Section. Article 7. Page 90.

This does not deny the high degree of complexity of the implementation process of the Work Organization module.

Consulting Report. Human Capital Approach applied to the Cuban company: Introduction of NC 3000 in the food-producing company of Regla-Prodal. Annex No.9. Procedure: Management of Labor Competencies. (The competence system for these personnel is described).

freely convertible Cuban cuc-peso with internal circulation. For the current official course for sale, 1 cuc is equivalent to 25 cup (Cuban pesos).

Consulting Report. Human Capital Approach applied to the Cuban company: Introduction of NC 3000 in the food-producing company of Regla-Prodal. Annex No.9. Procedure: Management of Labor Competencies.

Consulting Report. Human Capital Approach applied to the Cuban company: Introduction of NC 3000 in the food-producing company of Regla-Prodal. Annex No.9. Procedure: Management of Labor Competencies.

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Building the job skills system. a business experience