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Consulting from the teleological point of view


What is consulting?

For the consultancy it is a service provided by an independent and qualified person or persons in the identification and investigation of problems related to policy, organizations, procedures and methods; it is a recommendation of appropriate measures and provision of such assistance in the implementation of those recommendations.

Business or organization consulting is a service that company managers can turn to if they need help solving problems. The consultant's work begins when some situation deemed unsatisfactory and susceptible of improvement for said organization arises.

Consulting is an independent service

At the same time, this independence means a very complex relationship with client organizations and with the people who work in them. For the consultant, he has no direct authority to make decisions and execute them.

For this reason it should not be considered a weakness if the consultant knows how to act as a promoter of change and dedicate himself to his role, and therefore cease to be independent.

Consulting is essentially a consultative service

Consultants are not hired to lead organizations or to make decisions on behalf of troubled directors. Their role is to act as advisors, with responsibility for the quality and integrity of their advice; for the clients they assume their responsibilities that result from the acceptance of said advice. It's not just about giving the right advice, but giving it in the right way and at the right time. What can be the fundamental quality of the consultant. For the client, for her part, she must be able to accept and use this help from the consultant. Consultancy is a service that provides professional knowledge and skills to solve practical problems.

A person becomes a business consultant in the full sense of the term after having accumulated a considerable mass of knowledge about the various problems and situations that affect companies and acquired the necessary capacity to identify them, find relevant information, analyze and synthesize., choose between possible solutions, communicate with people, etc.

Business leaders also need to have these capabilities. What sets consultants apart is that they go through many organizations and that the experience gained from past tasks may apply to companies where new tasks are performed. In addition, professional consultants are kept abreast of progress, in methods and techniques, signal this progress to their clients and contribute to its implementation.

The consultancy does not provide miracle solutions

It would be a mistake to suppose that, once the consultant is hired, the difficulties disappear. Consulting is a difficult job based on the analysis of concrete facts and the search for original but feasible solutions. The firm commitment of the company management to solve the company's problems and the cooperation between client and consultant are at least as important for the final result as the quality of the consultant's advice.

Why are consultants employed?

To provide special knowledge and skills.

To provide intensive help on a temporary basis.

So that they give an impartial point of view.

So that they give the management arguments that justify predetermined decisions.

What is teleological?

For living beings it is the tendency to grow and develop until reaching their telos, their end and perfection. This coincides with the idea of ​​good: good is that which is convenient for each thing because it brings it to its fullness. Good has the character of an end, which means perfection.

Man seeks perfection, if there is a longing in him, a desire to be more, it is precisely because by nature he is made for this growth. For this reason, in the classical world, nature has also been called the principle of operations. In this way, the nature of all beings, and especially of man, has a final, teleological character.

Teleology has been widely criticized from rationalism and vitalism because it has been interpreted as an external imposition on beings that prevents them from being "spontaneous" and free. It is interpreted in these positions that "teleology" is something foreign to things, imposed or introduced into them, violating them. But it is not so. There is a teleology in beings for the unfolding and development of their own tendencies until they are perfected. The teleology of a being is its direction towards the fullness of which it is capable. It starts from the fact that there is an order in the universe.

That order is a dynamic order. This is especially clear in the case of living beings: their fullness is reached after growth. Order means harmony and beauty, fullness and perfection of things. That is why it can be said that the most important thing in man are the ends, that is, those objectives towards which he tends and leans. Man, by nature, was born for the excellent. And that is not given at the starting point other than as a natural inclination. To account for this inclination is a task for which each one is ultimately responsible.


From my point of view, as I have been mentioning throughout this work, the business world has become highly globalized, companies can now explore their local market and that of all the countries in the world; All this has led organizations and their staff to search for new tools and practices that allow them to remain at the forefront.

For consultants, it is a tool that is currently becoming necessary for organizations that seek to be competitive and have their executives trained in best practices and managerial skills.


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Professional consulting by Jack Fleitma.




Consulting from the teleological point of view