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Tax contributions and classification of legal entities in mexico

Table of contents:


Company definition and classification

The company was born to meet the needs of society, creating satisfactory in exchange for a compensation that compensates the risk, efforts and investments of entrepreneurs. The company, being made up of men, reaches the category of a social entity with characteristics and a life of its own, which favors human progress as its main purpose by allowing within itself the self-realization of its members and by directly influencing the economic advancement of the social environment in he who acts.

In the life of any company, the human factor is decisive. The administration lays the foundations for harmonizing the numerous and sometimes divergent interests of its members: shareholders, managers, employees, workers and consumers.

A company is not an easy term to define, since this concept is given various approaches (economic, legal, philosophical, social, etc.). In simple acceptance it means the action of undertaking a thing with an implicit risk.

Isaac Guzmán Valdivia defined the company as the economic-social unit in which capital, work and management coordinate to achieve a production that responds to the requirements of the human environment in which the company operates.

My definition:

The company can be defined as a social entity in which through the administration of goods and / or services are produced with the aim of meeting the satisfaction and needs of the community in general and specifically.

Types of companies

  • Extractive. They are those that are dedicated to the exploitation of natural resources, whether renewable or non-renewable, natural resources being understood as all things in nature that are indispensable for the subsistence of man. Transformation. They are companies that transform raw materials into finished products and they can be of two types: Companies that produce final consumption goods. They produce goods that directly satisfy the consumer's need: These can be durable or non-durable, luxury or basic necessity. Companies that produce production goods. These companies preferably satisfy the demand of the final consumer industries. They are intermediaries between product and consumer: Their primary function is the sale of finished products, they can be classified as: Wholesalers.When they make large-scale sales to another company (retailer) that in turn distributes the product, Retail or Retailer. Those that sell product at retail or small quantities to the consumer. They are dedicated to selling merchandise that producers give them on consignment, receiving for this function a profit or commission. As its name indicates, they are those that provide service to the community and may or may not be for profit, the service company can be classified as:As its name indicates, they are those that provide service to the community and may or may not be for profit, the service company can be classified as:As its name indicates, they are those that provide service to the community and may or may not be for profit, the service company can be classified as:
Transport tourism
Financial institutions (consulting, various accounting, legal, administrative jobs) Public services (communication, energy, water)
Education Health
Finances Associations

Definition of legal entity

Moral person is a group of people who unite for a certain purpose, for example, a commercial company, a civil association. For example, in the case of natural persons there are various regimes according to the activity and the amount of income. In the case of legal entities, the tax regime and the obligations that correspond to them are different in relation to whether or not they are for profit.

Classification of legal entities

For profit

They are those moral persons whose purpose is to obtain profits (utilities) in exchange for a good or service produced or provided, such as industrial, commercial, financial, etc. In turn, this type of person engages in commercial companies, which have the following classification:

Sociedad Anónima (SA)

It is that mercantile company whose holders are by virtue of a participation in the capital stock through titles or shares. Shares can be differentiated from each other by their different nominal value or by the different privileges linked to them, such as the perception of a minimum dividend. The shareholders do not respond with their personal assets to the debts of the company, but only up to the amount of the capital contributed.

Society in Collective Name (SNC)

It is the one that exists under a corporate name, in which all the partners respond jointly, severally and unlimitedly to the social obligations.

Simple Limited Partnership (SCS)

It is a company with a company name and share capital represented by registered shares; subscribed by one or more limited partners, who respond to the social obligations in a subsidiary, solidary and unlimited way and from one or more limited partners, who respond up to the amount of their contribution.

Limited Partnership for Shares (SCA)

It is one in which one or more limited partners are subsidiarily, unlimitedly and jointly and severally liable for social obligations, and one or more limited partners are subsidiarily, unlimitedly and severally liable for social obligations and one or more limited partners have the responsibility limited to the amount of the shares they have subscribed, in the same way as the shareholders of a corporation.

Limited Liability Company (SRL)

It is a mercantile company in which the capital stock is divided into social quotas of different or equal value called social participations and in which the responsibility of the partners is limited exclusively to the capital contributed by each one.

Cooperative Societies (SC)

It is a mercantile company, with denomination, of foundational variable capital, represented by nominative contribution certificates, subscribed by cooperative members who respond in a limited way, except supplemented responsibility, whose activity is carried out for their benefit. It is worth mentioning that the Cooperative Society is governed by its own law.

Non profit

They are those legal entities that do not have the purpose of obtaining direct profits for the service they provide, such as companies dedicated to social work. In turn, this type of person engages in civil societies, which have the following classification:

Civil Society (SC)

As a political science concept, it designates the diversity of people with the category of citizens, who generally act collectively to make decisions in the public sphere of their society outside of government structures.

Civil Association (AC)

It is that private non-profit entity with full legal personality made up of individuals for the fulfillment of cultural, educational, publicity, sports or similar purposes for the purpose of promoting some social activity among its partners and / or third parties.


I can say that moral persons are a group of people who unite for a specific purpose, either to obtain benefits that would be to obtain money or, in that case, to provide benefits without obtaining "nothing in return" only in order to help.

Legal entities seeking a lucrative purpose are also called trading companies. Non-profit moral entities are also called civil societies and provide help and services to the general public in order to improve the human quality of their entity or community. However, these legal entities, whether for profit or not, have a list of rights and obligations with their nation Mexico, among their obligations is to contribute to public spending (pay taxes).


  • Company concept and company classification. Modern Administration Augustine Reyes Ponce. Editorial Limusa. Mexico 1992. Definition of legal entity..Perdomo Moreno, Abraham. Commercial company accounting. 3rd. ECASA Edition. 2010.


Tax contributions and classification of legal entities in mexico