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It is quality as much as price that sells today and quality that brings customers back. The main challenge that has arisen from more complex products for the client with greater functions and execution requirements is being faced with increasing efficiency; The quality and safety of the product have therefore become of primary importance to the government and a political force that must be recognized "against the manufacturer." Today the quality of products and services for the client is a fundamental determinant. Quality is the main factor in the development and successful implementation of administrative and engineering programs for the realization of the main business goals.


It is quality as much as price that sells today and quality that brings customers back.

The main challenge that has arisen from more complex products for the client with greater functions and execution requirements is being faced with increasing efficiency; the quality and safety of the product have therefore become of primary importance to the government and a political force that must be recognized "against the manufacturer." Today the quality of products and services for the client is a fundamental determinant.

Quality is the main factor in the development and successful implementation of engineering and administrative programs to achieve the main business goals.


Provide a product or service in which its quality has been designed, produced and sustained at an economic cost and that fully satisfies the consumer.

Total quality control is an effective system of the efforts of various groups in a company for the integration of maintenance development and quality improvement in order to make possible marketing, engineering, manufacturing and service, to total satisfaction. of the consumer and at the cheapest cost.


It is the total result of the product and service characteristics in terms of marketing, engineering, manufacturing and maintenance through which the product or service in use will satisfy customer expectations.


The word "Quality" has the popular meaning of "Better" and Industrially means "Better within certain consumer conditions".

  1. use for which the product is intended its sales price

Important Conditions:

  1. The use to which the product is put Your selling price


  1. Specifications for dimensions and operating characteristics. Objectives for reliability and durability. Safety requirements. Applicable standards. Engineering, manufacturing and quality costs. Production conditions under which the article was manufactured. Installation on site. of use and the objectives of maintenance and service. The factors of energy use and conservation of materials. Environmental considerations and other considerations for side effects. The costs of operation, use and service of the product by the customer.

The purpose of these considerations is to achieve the quality that establishes the appropriate balance on the cost of the product and service and the value to the client, including essential requirements such as security.


  1. ESTABLISHMENT OF STANDARDS: Standards required for product quality, performance, safety and reliability costs. COMPLIANCE ASSESSMENT: Comparison of compliance between the manufactured product or service offered and the standards. EXERCISE ACTION WHEN NECESSARY: correction of problems and their causes across the full range of marketing, design and engineering, production and maintenance factors that influence user satisfaction. MAKING PLANS FOR IMPROVEMENT: Develop a continuous effort to improve cost, behavioral standards of product safety and reliability.


The quality of the entire product has the effect of many of the steps of the industrial cycle:

  • Marketing evaluates the degree of quality the consumer desires and for which they are willing to pay. Engineering translates the marketing evaluation into exact specifications. Purchasing selects, hires and retains suppliers of parts and materials. Manufacturing Engineering selects nuances, tools and production processes. Manufacturing Supervision and plant personnel have a decisive influence during manufacturing and in intermediate and final assemblies. Mechanical Inspection and functional tests check compliance with specifications. Shipments influence needs of shipping and transportation. Installation and service of the product will help to achieve correct operation, installed the product according to the instructions and through maintenance and service.Every improvement in quality and every effort to maintain quality — be a change in the team and workforce. A prototype of total quality control is the quality engineer and manager, with adequate knowledge of technology, modern engineering, and management. of systems, as well as control of statistical methods, approaches to behavior and human motivation, inspection and testing techniques, as well as accounting studies and other tools.inspection and testing techniques as well as accounting studies and other tools.inspection and testing techniques as well as accounting studies and other tools.


Total quality control influences not only the activities of the quality control function, but more importantly multifunctional quality activities.

It involves the administrative and technical implementation and implementation of customer-oriented quality activities as the primary responsibility of general management and major operations in marketing, engineering, production, industrial relations, finance and services.


The breadth and complexity of new quality demands are reflected in the reality of today's market.

User expectations for quality performance have grown at a higher rate for many products and services, which is considered a quality gap, and a complexity because quality objectives are precisely how to reduce these costs. quality.


Buyers, whether they are individual consumers, industrial corporations, or government agencies, increasingly emphasize the TOTAL VALUE concept of quality per unit of price paid, with renewed focus on greater economy, safety, service, and reliability in relation to the product and the service.

Shopping care has improved more than almost any other skill, particularly by industrial companies and increasingly by consumers. So some key causes of pressure are as follows:

  • Higher performance expectations (improvements in goods and services, which provide greater economy, reliable communication, as well as reliable energy supplies) Life cycle and service costs (service and maintenance during the use of the product)


The public interest in energy costs and the availability of energy sources together with the environmental aspects related to energy production have made this a quality factor of increasing importance for buyers of consumer products.

Reliability, security, service and conventional areas of quality represent a relatively small portion of this additional cost.

Energy is what causes much of the total life cycle cost, since the main element of the total USER costs is the energy consumed. This is causing fundamental changes to some of these products, if appropriate, and a new dimension of quality measurement important to this product.

We are also coming to the need to evaluate the environmental effects of the production processes, as well as the products themselves, so that in the creation of the new product more and more only the value and technical experience are taken into account, but the consumption of raw materials, energy consumption, and other direct and indirect environmental effects.


Buyers remember the quality they have long associated with the high price, and will likely see the higher price as payment for what they expect to be of higher quality.


Today there is no stereotype to be achieved in isolation, the concentrations of buyer quality and total administrative and technological superiority are widespread throughout the world, with a competitive impact that only now begins to be felt.

Today the buyer who did not have a certain merchandise not only wants the merchandise but also that it is good for the money that he is going to invest in it and even makes the CHATARRA merchandise.


Consumer protection is a key to business success in consumer markets as it manifests the ability to understand the nature of consumer expectations, including quality, to respond quickly and effectively to them, and as often as possible, anticipate and act on these expectations, even before the client has expressed them.


Buyers' demands for quality have been growing rapidly for the increasing number of services being purchased in today's market as much as they have been growing for manufactured products.

What has been called service industries represents one of the fastest growing aspects of national economies. Similarly, the satisfaction of service buyers represents one of the most important determinants of quality in the markets.

National and international today, and the degree of this satisfaction has progressively more important cross-effects with quality satisfaction and attitudes towards quality of buyers of manufactured goods.


Long-accepted basic quality rules are changing to basic areas such as:

  • Responsibility for quality (vendor producer assumes their obligation for their product or service and include them in their costs) Quality demands (due to the wide range of products higher quality has been demanded) Progressively higher quality levels (more success of a product higher levels quality)


Two basic principles evolved as characteristics of strict liability:

  1. demanding immediate response to unsatisfactory quality through service to the product or replacement of the same, and second complete, truthful and exact information regarding its life and safety. A complete information base in advertising represents the basic point that So clear and sincere must be the advertisements that mention the product, covering not only its sale characteristics, but its possible life, safety, durability of the material, secondary environmental effects and other qualities, as well as instructions for the proper use of the product.


The main objective of total quality control programs is to strengthen the company's ability to support its guarantees and to reduce its cost, through improved product and service safety and reliability.


These trends highlight for producers the urgent need for quality programs that not only cover the possibility of launching high-quality initial products, but also provide the necessary records and reports and product monitoring mechanisms that are of vital importance in the case. product recall.


Today, the less sophisticated the buyer, the greater the obligation to carry out quality control and safety methods as much as in the industrial and government markets.

Today's shoppers expect consumer products to be among the leaders in the quality show.


Never before has there been a greater demand in the market for always high quality products, never before have there been greater competitive opportunities for the design, production and sale of truly superior quality products, and never before has there been such a deep foundation for quality technology to guide the development of new quality strategies to provide leadership in meeting today's heavy demands for quality that buyers demand.

Productivity. Technology and the internationalization of quality

Areas such as productivity, conservation and safety represent basic forces on quality control similar in importance to those forces such as product responsibility and consumer protection.

The worker

And more and more of us today, whether in a plant or an office, want much more widely to use motivation, our education and our minds as well as to recognize economic, technical and social skills. Furthermore, this social trend has been developing at the same time that economic trends are causing us to re-examine in depth, from the engineering and administrative points of view, the conventional concepts of production.

Total quality and total productivity

"Greater production of the product and services per unit of resource inputs" traditional care, primarily oriented to the plant. Employers are instead gradually moving towards the concept of market-oriented business productivity, measured by "higher volume of product and more salable and good quality service per unit of input."

This is an important part of the new approach that is increasingly being used extensively by major companies around the world, productivity in the industry should focus on the productivity of the input and output in the complete picture of the organization of the company. Economists call the approach "total resource productivity factor" or simply "total productivity."

Total quality and product development.

Until recently, many companies relied heavily on what has been called the sequential or serial method for creating and manufacturing new equipment and products. This approach starts with the initial time to research and develop the new product concept, followed by the production prototype and a complete test series that satisfies everyone. After this, the drawings are produced, the production processes are installed, production begins. Currently, there is often insufficient time in major product development programs to complete this sequential system of operations; the market is moving too fast. Instead we are increasingly looking at what might be called the parallel approach to product development.

Quality, mechanization and automation.

Modern production equipment as well as automatically controlled machine tools in manufacturing; integrated data processors in the office; Computers have a profound impact on the operation of the business. It has been very hard to learn the lesson that major technological changes cannot simply be superimposed on the old foundations of manufacturing or logistics or administration, hoping in advance that it will result in firm and effective improvements.

Quality information processing, computer technologies and software quality control.

One of the main recent forces for improvement in many companies has been the development of good computer-based information programs to provide clear and timely measurements and data.

Quality control programs have encouraged steps to structure these administrative information programs so that they can also provide accurate and important quality data, as essential as guides to administrative and technical actions.

Software quality control.

The quality of the software that powers the computer and the programming that is in the software has also become a top quality concern. In very high proportion of computer crashes, that is malfunctions, can be caused today by unsatisfactory software quality.

Software quality control has therefore become an essential part of the company's quality control programs. Addressing the specific requirements for software quality is an activity that is integrated through the quality information processing program.

Total quality, norms (standards) and specifications.

One of the main complexities of the evolution and application of modern and effective standards for quality control has been the need to consider in them the pertinent aspects of certain new technologies and methodologies oriented to quality that have evolved throughout from the last decade, such as reliability techniques, statistical sampling and modern testing practices. The formalization of standard and specific concepts and the organizational process for their determination had crystallized long before the appearance of these new techniques. Consequently, achieving its integration of modern standards and specifications has represented an important aspect for quality control care.

Total quality and safety

The safety of cars, drugs, power plants, household items, etc. Emphasis is placed on the prevention of accidents induced by products or services that may threaten the well-being or property of human life. Attention is due both to the direct effect of the product or service in terms of use, accident-free operation and to the indirect impact on safety, the so-called collateral effect.

One of the primary goals of quality programs should be to ensure complete confidence in product safety before the first production goes on the market. The total warm dynamic system will be structured in such a way that it explores all reasonable design alternatives that question whether product design can contribute to its misuse or abuse in some respects.

Total quality and loss prevention due to the use of lawsuits.

Due to the importance of product safety and the large amounts of non-compliance in ensuring the safe operation of the product, lawsuit loss control programs are currently an important requirement for products, distributors and sellers, and companies. insurance. The primary need is for that loss control program to be permanent.

The thoroughness and effectiveness of the prevention of losses due to product lawsuits are fully linked to the integration of the activities of prevention of lawsuits at each stage of the industrial cycle of the product. Likewise, robust product lawsuit prevention programs are a sum not a difference. A good modern quality control program is also a good lawsuit prevention program.

Total quality and internationalism.

Three trends now make internationalization an increasingly important dimension of quality practices.

  1. growing global reach and character of industrial operations and government programs. the new importance of quality demonstrating for success in international markets. establishing the meaning of quality in government policy and negotiations in international trade.

The impact of all this on quality control is very great. When a company designs a product in one country, sources materials from another, and also manufactures the product in another country, then sells and services that product worldwide, establishing truly strong national and intentional quality systems. it becomes essential for operating profits. Therefore, there is a need for global systems of reliability and quality that ensure customer satisfaction with products in use. Anywhere in the world where these products are compared and sold. These areas comprise what economists call a company's global infrastructure, and effectively internationalizing it is critical to success in today's quality-oriented markets.

Total quality and internationalism: the role of government.

Today's competitive world is a very important factor in government economic policy is the maintenance of patterns of international trade that are as free as possible under the restrictions of unfair practices such as the "dumping" unrealistic operation of Comparable products in the market are only comparable in the international and national markets. However, products are only comparable if their quality is comparable, and they require clear quality and measurable quality practices. The growing and intense government interest in fair practices of importance and export will inevitably place an equally growing interest in control programs that will maintain these requirements.

THE 9 M's

• Fundamental factors that influence quality

  • MarketsMoneyPersonal AdministrationMotivationMaterialsMachines and MechanismsModern Information MethodsRising Product Requirements.


It is related to the wide administrative and technical field of development, conservation and improvement of the quality of a product. It does not mean a unique technical method used to achieve a certain isolated purpose, because such a definition would be entirely restrictive.

The answer to the question where are quality methods used ?, naturally depends on the circumstances. The different methods at hand are not all satisfactory for any case, each method must be selected according to the needs of the job.

Quality control tasks

  • Newly designed control Control of purchased raw material Product control Special process studies


It comprises the establishment and specification of the desirable cost quality, performance quality, safety quality and reliability quality of the product, to the satisfaction of the customer expected satisfaction, including the elimination or location of causes of quality deficiencies, before starting formal production.


It involves the receipt and storage at the cheapest quality costs of only those parts whose quality meets the specified requirements, with attention to the most complete practical responsibility of the seller.


  1. establishment of supplier-oriented surveys, accountability and monitoring control over materials and parts received from external sources control over materials and parts processed by other plants in the same company or in other plant divisions.


It includes control at the manufacturing site itself and continues to the receipt area, so that the discrepancy can be corrected, avoiding the manufacture of defective products.

Product control phases

  1. Control of the machining or process of component parts Control of assembly and packaging of batches Control of service of the product to the client


Special process studies include investigations and tests, in order to locate the reasons why the product does not meet its specifications and determine the possibility of improving quality characteristics, and to ensure that improvements and corrective actions are permanent. and complex.


  • Control of new designs Control of purchased materials Product control Process studies.