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Information control in SMEs

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Due to the increasing globalization in our times, SMEs must update themselves through the computerization of data, which is why the mentality of entrepreneurs is essential

Known to all is the acronym SME, as well as the circumstantial differences that this word can generate, determined by the mentality of the entrepreneurs in charge of them. Based on this, we can differentiate two totally different approaches, on the one hand, those leaders who "are SMEs" (resigned, defensive and in a state of "survival"), and those who "are SMEs" but aspire to something more (competitive, with a longer-term vision). And any vision that the owner of the small and medium-sized company may have must be projected into the future, and not focused on conformity, especially in these times of crisis, because if this were not the case, the state of survival would not take long to move to an irrevocable and fatal state of crisis.

The vision for the future involves understanding, understanding and accepting the new forms that monopolize the market: the computerization of information, and therefore, the entry into the new world of the Internet.


It is known that there is great reluctance to change on the part of the entrepreneurs of the different companies and to the modernization of their administrative systems, but consider as an example two organizations, one with a simple management system coupled to the organizational culture. traditional, and another with management systems that adapt to current requirements and needs, practically computerized in all its components. The first considers that computerization is a good tool but that it is not within their objectives to upgrade to the same one that their old systems prefer over a new one; instead, the remaining good part of the information collected is computerized. Now which of the two will be betting on progress?

There is no doubt that an efficient organizational structure is one that has a systematization of the data and information that circulates within it, and efficiency is synonymous with the tasks being carried out correctly.

One of the great advantages of systematizing information is the possibility of improving the information with the data obtained, which is called feedback, a concept that a company that does not accept change will never be able to access.

In addition, the systematization encompasses the maximum use of all the administrative resources that the company may have, reducing their costs, since, for example, by having a systematic ordering of the data, it simplifies the administrative task, being able to take advantage of the human resource for other needs, and saving the supply of their basic supplies.

On the other hand, and as important data, it should be noted that a company, whether small or medium, enters the market with an advantage, surpassing those organizations that do not have their own systematization, since they do not find their data in order and within the reach of any need.

The Internet:

As a consequence of the computerization of the different information systems of a company, the doors are opened for the globalization of companies through the Internet, with a very particular and defined objective, to adapt it for a notable increase in sales.

Although the Internet is a weapon to obtain data and information of the most varied, the maximum use is another, regarding the need to appropriate it to the company. In addition to being a practically free tool and available to everyone.

Basically, for a company, owning a site, a web page, is an access portal to the new way of marketing products and / or services, not to mention the innumerable advantages that exist when exploring this new world that is constantly growing in our days.

The own site will increase the prestige of the company, by improving its image, and the path will soon lead to different invincible concepts when it comes to business, among which we could mention: e-Commerce, e-Business, B2B (Business to Business), B2C (Business to Consumer), B2E (Business to Employee), e-Learning among others.

It should be borne in mind that the dial up market (dial-up by pulse) is heading decisively towards the free model, a fact in which certain barriers will be eliminated for some users, and that free Internet will coexist with paid broadband solutions for intensive users.

Despite this, today in Latin America there are 2 million people doing business online.

The Training:

Without a doubt, it is essential for effective and efficient management in the new era of business to have an open mind and a predisposition to adapt new knowledge, which will make the organization itself adapt to changes.

Training can be used as a management tool with greater added value since information, training and training are planned according to the needs and objectives of the company, which will ensure that learning is best adapted and apprehended by each component of the organization.

By way of conclusion, in order to achieve and obtain the best results, each step must be thoroughly analyzed, planned by specialists, so that each investment made is viable and sustainable over time, leaving no room for any error that could be fatal in our times.

Information control in SMEs