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Coexistence without racial discrimination in Peru. test


Currently, racial discrimination is a problem that in our society creates many conflicts and avoids building a culture of peace in our country. This problem prevents the relationship between Peruvians and Peruvians from being harmonious, while respecting difference and diversity. It is important to inform on this subject since every day we see that many injustices are committed and the rights of these people are violated, as a result of this many conflicts are generated, hatred between Peruvians, violence, suffering and we generally give a very bad example to the children who observe and imitate our actions. Racial discrimination is an action in which one excludes, humiliates, belittles, restricts, in such a way that people who commit racial discrimination,They consider themselves superior to the others and take preferences based on race characteristics. They are judged in a cruel way, in which the human rights of people are diminished or nullified due to their differences, whether by color, race or some different physical characteristic. Racial discrimination causes exclusion, contempt, prejudice and pain in the people who suffer it. Despite the fact that the authorities seek to eradicate this problem, unfortunately there are very few administrative and judicial processes on racial discrimination, in addition, people do not report being victims of racial discrimination and that would be another point against it.by race or by some different physical characteristic. Racial discrimination causes exclusion, contempt, prejudice and pain in the people who suffer it. Despite the fact that the authorities seek to eradicate this problem, unfortunately there are very few administrative and judicial processes on racial discrimination, in addition, people do not report being victims of racial discrimination and that would be another point against it.by race or by some different physical characteristic. Racial discrimination causes exclusion, contempt, prejudice and pain in the people who suffer it. Despite the fact that the authorities seek to eradicate this problem, unfortunately there are very few administrative and judicial processes on racial discrimination, in addition, people do not report being victims of racial discrimination and that would be another point against it.

This type of discrimination would be the cause of the greater poverty and exclusion of indigenous and Peruvian natives, in addition to the disadvantageous situation of Afro descendants. In this state of affairs, you want to report on the consequences that can be caused, being an aggressor or victim of racial discrimination. In addition, you seek to create awareness in people, in order to create a culture of peace based on respect and equality. This questioning looks for the way to be able to form a society in which we can coexist without racial discrimination, seeking to eliminate little by little this problem in our country, from its roots, evaluating the norms and the actions that the state takes in order to reach a conclusion and possible appropriate solution for good coexistence in our society,without prejudice and without racial discrimination. In addition, it seeks to show the people of our country, that it not only depends on the authorities, to find ways to eradicate racial discrimination, but also from us, sensitizing ourselves and contributing to the formation of a society that lives in harmony and without discrimination racial.

In order to reveal this question, this research will present 3 authors and 2 institutions, which are: Ana Lucia Nettel Díaz, research professor at the UAMN law department; Wilfredo Ardito Vega, Peruvian lawyer, writer, professor and activist specialized in issues of human rights, democracy, community justice and the rights of indigenous peoples, is recognized for his initiative in Peru to eradicate racism and discrimination; Universidad del Pacífico, Private Peruvian Non-profit University; National Council to Prevent Discrimination (CONAPRED), Institution of the Mexican State created by the Federal Law to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination; Cynthia Ann Sanborn, Director of the Center for

Research from the Universidad del Pacífico and Principal Professor of the Academic Department of Social and Political Sciences UP, Doctor (Ph.D) and Master in Government from Harvard University and Bachelor of Political Science from the University of Chicago.

To discriminate means to make distinctions in people, when in reality we are all equal, but on the other hand we do not treat all people equally, therefore we can be treated equally or not equally. But the term discrimination and equality are very different since discrimination means a set of unfavorable and distinctive ways of treating people who are in the same conditions as others. On the other hand, equality says that two or more people are equal before the law in the sense that there is no difference.

Racial discrimination is mostly associated only with indigenous people, but it also affects people whose physical features are related to other races or ethnic origins. We must also bear in mind that racial diversity is a matter of rights, that peoples and communities, which have a plurality of values, must cultivate equality, mutual respect, in order to coexist in a just and peaceful way.

In recent years, our country has shown progress in the problem of racial discrimination, the authorities are taking action on the matter and regulations are being created that punish this type of crime, but unfortunately this is not enough, in our country and in various parts of the world racial discrimination still exists, there are no 100% effective strategies to eradicate it, the authorities focus more on people who commit racial discrimination and do not give much importance to indigenous populations and people living in rural areas, which due to their condition make it very difficult to obtain a quality education and because of that other people exclude them, due to lack of knowledge and studies. The reality is that in our country we do not accept that we are all equal, we are indigenous,Whether we live in rural areas or live in a well-known district, we all have the same capacities and the right to have a quality education, without distinctions or distinctions. Regarding this topic, Ana Lucia Nettel Díaz points out that:

“If we start from the premise that human beings are equal and that to discriminate generally means to make distinctions or distinctions, it would seem that what follows is that there is no place to make distinctions between people. Now, on the one hand, we all know that the question is not so simple, since until the least informed person can observe in many ways that all human beings are different, both physically and psychologically, economically and socially. ”(Nettel 2007: 434)

As the researcher points out, we are human beings, we are equal in capabilities, but not in physical, psychological, economic and social aspects. Each person has their own abilities and talents, these must be polished to gradually take advantage of them, but in our country and in various parts of the world this is almost impossible, since there are no initiatives to provide quality education. to people who are low-income, who live in rural areas or who are of a different race. This causes these people to be left uneducated and to be branded as ignorant, because of this comes racial discrimination, since in our country they mostly brand people who come from the province, or who are of a different race as ignorant people,when in some cases it is not so and there comes the cause of the problem, since we should not judge people by their appearance or their origin, we should see the virtues that the person has and thus avoid the suffering of this person when racially discriminated. In this sense, Ana Lucia Nettel Díaz highlights the following:

“If all human beings matter to us, then one of the values ​​that should guide both public and individual actions is to avoid the suffering of the other. Discrimination consists of giving a different treatment to a person or group of people that results in a feeling of devaluation, in a decrease in self-esteem, due to being treated as inferior or making them feel that they are inferior. There are multiple ways in which a feeling of inferiority is provoked in a society ”. (Nettel 2007: 433)

As the researcher points out, in our society what values ​​are lacking, since at present people care little about how the other feels. We must cultivate values ​​in our society and thus be able to avoid the suffering of others for our bad acts. At the moment of committing racial discrimination, we make the person feel inferior, giving her a different treatment, making her feel inferior and that causes suffering in the person who is the victim of racial discrimination, causing her to lower her self-esteem.

In the course of 2009, the municipalities of our country and 3 regional governments decided to present ordinances against discrimination. These ordinances appeared, in order to face a reality that was denied in our country, discrimination. In addition, people who suffer from discrimination do not usually report being victims of it, due to fear, mistrust and because they are not aware of the consequences that this can bring over time.As regards racial discrimination in our country and in many parts of the world, it is taken seriously, taking measures in which the main purpose is to eradicate racial discrimination, since this impedes the development of the country and that of people for impediments, obstacles, exclusions for different physical characteristics and for being from another source, for not having the necessary means to have a quality education, this somehow makes our country not advance socially or economically and this generates an increase in poverty in our country. Despite the fact that our country has growth in several aspects, we live in a society in which the place of origin and the physical characteristics are above the capacities and aptitudes of the person. Regarding this,Cynthia Ann Sanborn notes the following:

“Despite these advances, in Peru, as in most of Latin America, social inequalities remain profound. For the indigenous population, and especially for those residing in rural areas, the obstacles to acquiring a quality education, an adequate family income and the full exercise of citizens' rights are particularly great. But they are also significant for many poor mestizos, for members of the Afro-descendant minority, and for the majority of Peruvian women. For their part, the majority of Peruvians today perceive that inequality of opportunity and treatment before the law prevails in this country. ” (A.Sanborn 2010: 3)

As this source indicates, the society of our country is aware that there are inequalities in opportunities and in dealing with the law. Furthermore, indigenous people and those who reside in rural areas are mostly unable to obtain quality studies, their rights are not respected and they do not have adequate income. This gives us to understand that in our country there is still the problem in which the aforementioned people are not taken into account and are forgotten, as a consequence, they cannot progress due to the problems and obstacles that arise.

Our authorities seek to eradicate racial discrimination by carrying out actions with which they can face this problem, seeking in this way to change the way of thinking of people, showing that the acts they commit are not good and that they are against the law. Thanks to this strategy, little progress is being made and little by little new ordinances are being enacted against this problem that causes many conflicts. Regarding the above, Wilfredo Ardito Vega indicates the following:

“In this context, the actions against discrimination carried out by the Municipalities are especially important, since they are much closer to the citizens and have the necessary infrastructure and personnel to face this problem in an integral way. Similarly, some Regional Governments are taking this problem into account in the public policies available to their jurisdiction. For this reason, it seems to us that more and more Municipalities and Regional Governments have assumed as part of their functions the fight against discrimination and, surely, in the coming months new Ordinances will be promulgated (…) ”(Ardito Vega 2009: 4)

In this sense, according to this statement, the municipalities, together with the regional governments, are taking the initiative with important measures, since they are much closer to the citizens, creating ordinances in order to eradicate this problem little by little. But it is not only the government's job to face this problem, but it is also our job, we must reflect on our actions, becoming aware and assuming the laws that are established, in order to live in a society where a culture of peace is cultivated, with values ​​and equality. In addition, a way is being sought to sensitize people who commit this act of racial discrimination, creating activities, norms, informing and encouraging people to join the cause of eradicating racial discrimination in our country, making people see that They commit racial discrimination as people without values, ignorant, without culture, thus seeking that these people reconsider their actions, inform themselves and become aware. Wilfredo Ardito Vega, points out the following related to the issue of discrimination in our country:

“The awareness raising activities on discrimination that we promote from various organizations currently have as one of their main components the dissemination of local and national regulations. In this way, effective changes have been more easily achieved to reduce discrimination in our society.

Probably, within a few years, the fight against discrimination will be considered a fundamental part of all municipal management ”. (Ardito Vega 2009: 45)

In accordance with the aforementioned, racial discrimination in our society has been fought little by little, but not in its entirety. Local and national regulations are created in order to achieve some changes in our society and thus be able to reduce racial discrimination In our country. In addition, it was mentioned that probably in a few years the fight against discrimination will be a fundamental part of all municipal management, which would be a great strategy, since in this way there would be a little more direct contact with the problem and with society., and thus the problem could be studied and investigated, creating more effective measures to be able to combat it.

In short, racial discrimination is a problem that in our society currently creates many conflicts, it does not allow cultivating a culture of peace in our country, as a result of this people suffer from exclusion, contempt, their rights are not respected and this generates that in our country does not exist respect, equality and harmony. In addition, mestizo people and people living in rural areas see many obstacles to obtaining a decent and quality education, due to this people do not obtain an average education degree and as a consequence, they are victims of verbal aggressions, the victims they are branded as ignorant, they belittle them, they humiliate them, they do not fulfill their rights and exclude them. The problem is that there are people who, when they see another of a different race, label them as ignorant,They humiliate and exclude her without really knowing what is the level of education and abilities of the person they are discriminating against because of their race and place of origin, thus generating racial discrimination. Likewise, racial discrimination in our country is generated by lack of information from people, since Peru is a multiracial country that is home to various ethnic groups, races and cultural groups due to the influence of Spain at the time of conquest and colonization.since Peru is a multiracial country that is home to various ethnic groups, races and cultural groups due to the influence of Spain at the time of conquest and colonization.since Peru is a multiracial country that is home to various ethnic groups, races and cultural groups due to the influence of Spain at the time of conquest and colonization.

Our society is aware that there is differentiated treatment in our country, that inequality of opportunity and treatment prevails before the law, on the grounds of race or place of origin. In most cases, people who commit racial discrimination in our country often say that they do not commit this act, when in fact they do, in some cases unconsciously and in others if they are aware of their acts, in the case of victims, people do not go to the corresponding authorities to report being victims of racial discrimination out of shame or fear of retaliation.

The authorities are taking action on the matter, creating norms and laws to diminish racial discrimination in our country. The municipalities seek to consider the fight against discrimination as a fundamental part of all municipal management, creating norms, laws and strategies. In addition, it seeks to sensitize people who commit the act of discrimination by showing that the victims suffer, their self-esteem declines and that the change depends on us, avoiding the suffering of the other, showing that we are all the same, that we should not judge by appearances and that we all have the same capabilities.

Likewise, it seeks to create campaigns against discrimination, educating from a young age in schools and informing, sanctioning the causes of this problem, so that the little ones have an idea about what racial discrimination means and thus change the thinking of the little ones and make them see that we are all equal and that we should not judge people by their physical differences or by their place of origin, this also depends on parents when it comes to educating their children and making them see how bad it is to be racist so that the way of thinking of the little ones is different, correcting them and that thanks to that our society changes for the good of all. Likewise,It seeks to encourage everyone to join the cause of fighting against racial discrimination in our country and thus imply that we all have different physical characteristics, but on the other hand the same capacities, we must accept people as and as they are.

In conclusion, we can all live in harmony, it is up to us to change our way of thinking and work little by little together with the authorities to end this problem that causes us many conflicts and suffering. In this way we ask ourselves the following questions: From what time does racial discrimination originate and how has it evolved to the present day in our country?; How can the corresponding authorities put an end to racial discrimination in our country today?; How to create awareness in people so that there is no racial discrimination in our country?


  • ARDITO VEGA, Wilfredo (2009) Ordinances against discrimination. Lima: Legal Deposit in the National Library of Peru NATIONAL COUNCIL TO PREVENT DISCRIMINATION (2011). (https://www.conapred.org.mx/documentos_cedoc/Dossier%20DISC-RACIAL.pdf).Informative document on racial discrimination in Mexico.Mexico: National Council to prevent discrimination (consulted: June 21, 2014). NETTEL DIAZ, Ana Lucia (2007) Equality and discrimination. Reflections on the Federal Law to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination. Mexico: Allegations. UNIVERSIDAD DEL PACÍFICO (2010) Discrimination in Peru: Research and reflection. Lima: University of the Pacific.

Cfr. Nettel Díaz, Ana Lucia (2007) Equality and discrimination. Reflections on the Federal Law to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination. Mexico: Allegations.

Cfr. Universidad pacifico (http://www.up.edu.pe) (accessed: August 3, 2014)

Cf. NATIONAL COUNCIL TO PREVENT DISCRIMINATION (2011) (https://www.conapred.org.mx/documentos_cedoc/Dossier%20DISC-RACIAL.pdf).Informative document on racial discrimination in Mexico.Mexico: National Council to prevent discrimination (accessed: June 21, 2014).

Cfr. Universidad del Pacífico (http://www.up.edu.pe) (accessed: August 3, 2014)

Cfr. Nettel Díaz 2007: 434-435

Cf. Informative document on racial discrimination in Mexico 2011: 2

Cfr. Nettel 2007: 434

Cfr. Nettel 2007: 433

Cf. Ardito Vega 2009: 3

Cf. Ardito Vega 2009: 4

Cf. Ardito Vega 2009: 45

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Coexistence without racial discrimination in Peru. test