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Rabbit rearing. rabbit production and marketing project

Table of contents:


With this project on the production, breeding and commercialization of the rabbit, the objective is to evaluate the technical market, economic and financial feasibility of rabbit production on the northwest line, specifically in the Valverde Mao province.

In the market study, a 28-question questionnaire was used, carried out on six (6) rabbit producers, all of them male with an age range of 30 to 65 years.

Rabbit production is oriented to the national market.



The initial costs for establishing the project amount to RD $ 109,550, here includes infrastructure, production equipment, cages and the purchase of the breeders (rabbit).

For the operation and development of the farm and taking into account the needs of the farm, the production area is commissioned by a person who is responsible for the supervision and care of the animals.

The results of the economic and financial study we can see that the project is viable and profitable for each peso invested 1,427463426 is received

The internal rate of return (IRR) is 11.5, The VPN1 is 924,020,241, The VPN2 is 3, 456,452,939.

Non-probabilistic method: Non-probability sampling (or non-random sampling) is the sampling technique where the elements are chosen in the judgment of the researcher, the probability with which each individual can be selected is not known.

Non-probability sampling is used when it is impossible or very difficult to obtain the sample by probabilistic sampling methods.

The samples selected by non-random sampling methods are representative under the criteria of the researcher, but in no case guarantee representativeness. (Formulas Universe).

Convenience samples

Convenience sampling is a non-probabilistic sampling method, which consists of selecting the individuals that suit the researcher for the sample. This convenience occurs because it is easier for the researcher to examine these subjects, either by geographic proximity, by be your friends etc.

Rabbit Breeding Introduction

Rabbit farming is the process of reproducing, rearing and fattening rabbits economically, to obtain the maximum benefit from the sale of their products and by-products.

The objective of this project is the production and sale of rabbits, with the highest possible quality, within the needs of the clients.

Rabbit meat is the fourth in production after pork, beef and poultry.

The dietary value of meat is very good with a lower fat content than chicken or beef meat, with approximately 21% protein and very little cholesterol content.

Initially people had rabbits for breeding for family self-consumption, but now most use it as a source of making more money, or as a source of work raising rabbits for production and sale.

The success of rabbit breeding depends on the efficiency of the administration, the rabbit farmer must know his animals well and learn about their characteristics and behavior.

Proper equipment, cage and construction arrangement is also essential for efficient handling.

Rabbit meat is a product of high consumption worldwide according to data provided by the FAO.

This type of meat has multiple properties since it is very nutritious, low in fat and free of cholesterol, as well as being abundant in proteins and minerals.

In Mao, the breeding of this animal is relatively recent and space has slowly been opening up in the market.

For this reason, we are doing this project dedicated to rabbit breeding that can serve as a model for the creation of new farms and for the improvement of existing ones.

The project is about a hot dog farm raising rabbits of various breeds such as: California, Mariposa, Flanders Giant.

Using the cellular system in which there are cages with each player allowing with this to be able to control the production.

The project is located in the Barrio pueblo de Dios Mao Monción highway on land 40 feet long and 20 feet wide.

Project general description

The project is aimed at people dedicated to raising rabbits who want to know more about this activity.

This project is intended for the production and sale of rabbits and is located in the Pueblo De Dios neighborhood, Mao highway, Monción house number 1, in the Mao Municipality, Valverde Province .

It started with: RD $ 109,550 , with the rabbit breeds: California, Giant Butterfly of Flanders. The area of ​​the facilities is: 40 feet long and 20 feet wide.

Rationale and justification

Through the development of this project, the aim is to take advantage of a potential economic activity such as rabbit farming, which has diversified due to the nutritional properties it has and because it has lower levels of fat than other types of meat, but above all also because it is a source of acquiring benefits for the consumer and people who are engaged in agriculture, since the manure is sold to be used as fertilizer.

Rabbit Breeding Problem

Identify and analyze rabbit breeding in the country, doing several surveys of rabbit producers and knowing the profitability of this.

Objectives of the project

Overall objective

Determine the profitability of rabbit production, through market, technical and financial studies.

Produce rabbits with high quality standards to provide customer satisfaction.

Specific objectives

  • Analyze the rabbit sector in which the project will be operated. Carry out the technical and financial market study in order to know and understand the different aspects of rabbit production to be dealt with, in order to make the project profitable. the amount of investment necessary, for the creation of a rabbit farm, for the production and sale of the same.Take advantage of the manure, sold for fertilizer and fertilizer, to achieve high levels of production with good quality and low costs.


Rabbit farming in the Dominican Republic has had considerable growth in recent years, going from being practiced by small family and artisan associations to the industrial scale, but this evolution has been affected by the cost of the food used by rabbits.

Now there is talk of industrial rabbit farming, the Dominican government currently has several rabbit breeding projects in different provinces of the country, with which several families benefit and can live on this.

Investigation methodology

Type of study

Rabbit farm dedicated to the production and sale of rabbits in the municipality of Mao, Valverde province.

Instruments and techniques

A 23-item questionnaire is used and the results are represented in pie charts.

Taxonomy and classification of the rabbit

Kingdom: Animalia

Subreino: Eumetazoa

Branch: Bilateria

Edge: Chordata

Subphylum: Vertebrata

Superclass: Gnathostomata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Lagomorpha

Family: Leporidae

Genus: Oryctolagos

Species: O. cuniculus

The rabbit is about the size of an adult domestic cat, about 40 to 45 centimeters long from the tip of the snout to the tail.

The head is round, the face slightly elongated, the snout, the nose is small and is inscribed in a small area of ​​bare, hairless skin that is moist and is called rhinarlium.

The optimal temperature for rabbits is 15 - 20 ºC.

Luz needs 11 to 12 hours a day.

Geographic location

Valverde is one of the 31 provinces of the Dominican Republic located to the Northwest, it belongs to the Northwest Region or Western Cibao.

It limits the Northwest with the province of Puerto Plata, the East and the South with the Santiago province and the West with the Montecristi province and Santiago Rodríguez to the Southwest.

The main economic support of this province is agriculture. It has a total area of ​​82,338 KM 2 and is divided into three municipalities:

1) Valverde Mao 2) Hope

3) Laguna Salada.

Plant location and access

In this case we must take into account the sanitary provisions, since a farm cannot be located in the vicinity of an urban area, it would also be advisable to verify that access to it is not too far away, if not as close as possible to save time.

The breeding of rabbits that we choose for our project is located in the Pueblo De Dios neighborhood, Mao road, Monción house number 1, in the Mao Municipality, Valverde Province.

Characteristic of the area

Rabbits need a climate that is ideal for their proper growth, since in extreme conditions their growth may have alterations, such as a change in the color of the skin, of the ears and the back, from white to slightly brown, decrease in the number of flock per litter by reducing the lactic capacity of rabbits and generally poor muscle development.

Furthermore, due to their highly nervous temperament, rabbits cannot develop adequately in places where there are sudden climatic changes and to a greater or lesser extent in areas where there is some type of contamination, not to mention their high sensitivity to light, so that exaggerated lighting can cause disorders that are reflected in their performance or become aggressive behavior.

In our investigated project, the place where the rabbits are raised is very hot, but there are 3 tanks filled with water to keep the rabbits well hydrated and cool to make them more comfortable.

Dimensions and characteristics of the terrain

The hutch has dimensions of 40 feet long and 20 feet wide.

The litters or location of the cages are in dimensions of 5 meters. Long located in the center of the rabbit hutches.

This area has the services of:

  • WaterLightCableTelephoneInternet

Creation process of the Rabbit Breeding project

Initial establishment: the number of animals to start, will depend on the available capital, but it is recommended to start with a small quantity, later, it will be increased according to economic possibilities.


  • Away from strong air currents.Away from noises.Well ventilated.Protected from direct sunlight.LodgingCageNidalesEquipmentPRODUCTION CYCLE PRODUCTIONWarmReplenishment _FeedingHealth.

Rabbit production process

To start the production process, it is necessary to emphasize 4 fundamental aspects:

  • Genetic: this factor is essential since the proper selection of the broodstock (breeding feet) will depend on the quality of the meat of the fattening rabbits.

Therefore, to increase the productive capacity of the animals, a genetic improvement program will be carried out in which the following characteristics are taken into account.

  • Selection of the best animals.Consanguinity.Crossing.
  • Environmental: on the proper construction of the facilities, the success of the production plan largely depends, since rabbits are highly sensitive animals to the environment, the most important are: Humidity, Temperature, Air, Elimination, Space.
  • Food: Food is the raw material that provides animals with everything they need to grow, produce meat, milk, hair and new offspring.

The nutrients that we must include are:

  • Proteins Carbohydrates Fats Vitamins Minerals.

These foods are found in turnips, alfalfa, carrots, oats, among others. In addition, they are supplied with organic organic food that the National Association of Rabbits provides.

For production, it is necessary to have control from fertilization of the female until the day of birth.

4) Sanitary: The prevention of diseases is vital within the farm, since this depends on the success of all production, for this, all the appropriate hygiene measures are taken to assess the proliferation of diseases and poisonings, in addition to monitoring I continue to animals by a veterinary doctor.

Amount of food required per rabbit according to its life stage

Food for growth Daily Ration (GRS)
Gazapo from 1 to 4 weeks 25
Gazapo from 5 to 9 weeks 100
Gazapo from 10 to 14 weeks 160
Broodstock feed Daily Ration (GRS)
Dry female 140
Pregnant female 140
Male 150

Micro-location, machinery and equipment needs

Micro-location: a source for the future market is selected, as well as the availability of space and the low cost of water and electrical energy for the operation of the project.

Machinery and equipment needs

  • Cleaning and disinfection equipmentSlaughter toolsDrinking bowlsFeeding troughsMobile phonesComputer equipmentOffice equipmentBasic maintenance tools

Land adaptations and necessary physical works

  • Construction of shed (Barn or Construction) Construction of offices Construction of the slaughter area Construction of waste water tanks Construction of input warehouses Adaptation of electrical and hydraulic circuits Installation of rabbit hutches

Rabbit Cages

Currently the cages used are electro welded and galvanized, with a thickness of 1.5mm, the grids are rectangular 23 / 13mm.

The dimensions of the cage are usually 80 cm deep

30 cm tall.


They consist of common elements, such as the roof, the ventilation skylight, the support posts, the door located at one end of the shed, the structure that supports the roof, the side walls, the water distribution pipe, the rows of cages with their respective corridors all on cement floor.


The space required for rabbits in a linear feeder is 10 cm

Feeders should have some basic characteristics such as:

  • Resistances Durability Easy Supply Easy Handling Easy Cleaning and Disinfection Low Cost.

Drinking fountains

Automatic or pacifier drinkers prevent contamination of the water in the containers and make it possible to easily supply preventive and curative drugs.


  • The nest should be wide, easy to clean, disinfect, fill and monitor.The temperature for the rabbits inside the nest is 30 to 32 · The nest is filled with onion, wheat, cotton husks or straw from abundant and clean dry herbs since these mix with the hair that the rabbits pull out to form a good air chamber and thus provide good heating for the rabbits.

Description of the Rabbit's production process

Females can accept mating by 70 to 90 days of age but without ovulation, as they are not yet fertile.

At 4 months (120 days) they reach fertility, males will be used for the first time at 5 months of age.

The rabbit has a right-handed period or absence of heat, a fertile period that lasts from 12 to 14 days, during which the female is left riding with a high probability of becoming pregnant.

This is because it produces eggs for 12 to 14 days, after this period the eggs disappear 4 days later.

The mounting is done by taking the female to the male's cage and in no case the opposite.

Mating occurs immediately if the female is in heat, when the vulva is red there is a 50_90% chance of fertilization, ending the mating, the female is removed to her cage immediately.

If the mount does not occur in 5 minutes, it is advisable to take it to another male because sometimes he refuses the service of a male but accepts another, if he still does not receive the male it is likely that it is not a respective day and it should be insisted on the following days.

Ovulation is coupling-induced and reproduces for 10-12 hours

The implantation takes place 7 days after the coupling.

70 -80% of the detached ovules give live rabbits at birth.

The gestation in the rabbit lasts on average 31 days.

Mating, pregnancy, delivery of the Rabbit

Birth and lactation: the nest is an indispensable accessory. During the first days the temperature in the nest should be between 30 and 35 degrees Celsius.

At birth, the rabbits are still immature and the rabbit in her lactation and heat will help to mature them as they reach their body development and the appearance of hair.

The temperature and the clean nest are essential.

The nest will be removed by day 20-21 a little before weaning. The nest must be watched every day.

The rabbits begin to be independent around 18 days of age when they must consume the balanced feed on their own and have fresh, clean water available at all times.


Gestation in the rabbit lasts 311 days, the duration of labor is around 30 minutes.

It is important that during the delivery it does not cause any type of stress to the rabbit, all this must be available water and food in order to avoid cannibalism.

Thirty minutes after delivery, the rabbits are counted, those that are dead are removed and donations are made if necessary, since the rabbits generally have 8 teats and when they have large litters (more than 8 rabbits) rabbits must be donated between litters, as long as there is no difference between litters greater than three days.

Donations are made 4 to 5 hours after breastfeeding.

Every third day the litter is checked for dead rabbits and humidity in the nest.

Postpartum breeding

Considering that the rabbit can maintain a pregnancy during lactation and that it is desired to obtain 7 births per year, the rabbit must be covered approximately 20 days after delivery, the color of the vulva must be taken into account.


Process by which the reproductive male fertilizes the female, firstly the females must meet according to their fetal cycle, that is to say in their fertile cycle, to be subsequently taken to the male cages for them to mount and thus carry out the fertilization.


To know the result of mating, you must wait approximately 10 days after mounting to palpate the rabbit's abdomen and check if the embryos are there.


Childbirth is carried out 30 days after the separation and is one of the most dangerous processes since the success or failure of pregnancy depends on it, during the delivery of the female it will have 8 to 10 rabbits, which rabbits will be born regularly one by one, every time one is born the mother licks it to clean it, dry it and breastfeed it immediately, to achieve the greatest success in the number of live rabbits, one must try to maintain a temperature of between 18 and 20 ºC

Rabbit breeding program (weaning, fattening, replacement, slaughter)


It is the period in which the rabbits permanently stop feeding exclusively on breast milk, all the rabbits withdraw at the same time from the mother.

The rabbits are removed from the mother after 25 days and at the latest 32 days.

The most frequent is approximately at 28 days.

Lift and Fat

It is the process that goes from weaning to slaughter and the rabbits are placed in a maternity room called "fattening or fattening".

Each litter will be transferred from the maternity room to the fattening room, where they are housed in a group of 6 -8 by cages in an area of ​​approximately half a square meter.

Health prevention and hygiene measures are essential.


The productive life of the breeding rabbits is one to two years, considering a monthly elimination of 3 to 7% and a replacement rate of 4 to 8%.

Animals are eliminated due to leg problems, cannibalism injuries, low productivity, or health problems.

Cross the rabbits, the females must be 5 months old and the males 6 months.

Each of the replacement animals needs to have its cage.

Rabbit Sacrifice

When the rabbits have reached an approximate weight they have reached an approximate weight of between 3 and 3.5 kg, they are ready to be marketed, therefore they will be sacrificed by dislocating the lumbar vertebrae, immediately after separating the skin from the hair and making the cuts meat example:

  • Liver, heart and kidneys Back, arms Ribs Loin Thighs.

Subsequently, the meat is washed with running water to eliminate the accumulated remains of hair and coagulated blood and it is introduced into the refrigeration chamber to freeze it.

The skin is covered with salt to prevent it from decomposing until its commercialization.

Description of the rabbit breeding program

In the farm, the handling of the animals will be taken care of in the most adequate way to provide consumers with a quality product and to manage the rabbits in the most dignified way possible.

1-Breeding rabbits are brought into rabbit cages to mate.

2-The pregnant rabbits are returned to their cages and ten days later they are mated again so that each rabbit has 12 births per year.

3-The rabbits remain in their cages, during the 30-day gestation period and the 14-day lactation period, after which time the rabbits are ready to be separated from their mothers.

4-During the breeding process a careful review is made of the rabbits and from these the ones that have the best genetic qualities for future replacement are selected, such as the female or male breeders, these animals are located in a special area of ​​the ships (Modulo Of reproduction).

5-The selected rabbits continue the process until they reach a weight of 3 to 3.5 kg, during which the rabbits are fed with 100% natural products, in addition to being periodically checked by a veterinary doctor.

6-At the end of the breeding process the rabbits are slaughtered.

7-Once the animals are lifeless, they are carefully highlighted, the meat is already cut into pieces and packed to later store it in the refrigeration chamber at a temperature of not less than 4 degrees Celsius and there it remains until its commercialization.

8-The skin is properly prepared with salt, to avoid decomposition before sale.

9-The visors and all the waste originated at the time of the detachment are sold to the poultry farmers and pig farmers, in addition to commercializing the excrement as fertilizer.

10- The rabbit meat production process takes approximately three months, from mating to marketing, however, with the intensive production process the farm will have animals every month.

Rabbit production process

Production capacity of the plant

The productive capacity of the investigated place is suitable for raising three hundred (300) rabbits.

Plant design and layout

Acquisition of equipment and supplies


The acquisition or purchase of construction equipment for the rabbit farm was carried out at the, Celeste Hardware Store, Calle 1. Esquina 11, Barrio San Antonio, Mao, Valverde, Dominican Republic. Tel: 809-572-6727


The necessary supplies (food and medicine) for raising the rabbits are purchased from a Veterinarian.

Agro Veterinaria San Felipe, 3 ½ Carretera Mao - Santiago Rodríguez, Mao Valverde, Dom. Rep. Tel.: 809-572-7606

Quote or quote for furniture and production equipment

Concept Units cost Value in RD $
Cages 128 500 64,000
Drinking hose for


128 100 12,800
Water supply tank 3 300 900
Zinc roof twenty 450 9,000
Timber for


fifteen 150 2,250
Cement 8 250 2,000
Buy Mother one 300 300
Buy Padrote one 300 300


various 3,000 3,000
Feeders various 5,000 5,000
Mayan, farrowing, others various 10,000 10,000
Total = RD $ 109,550

Environmental impact

We must take into account this aspect that is important, since it has to be practically nil in the natural environment, this is achieved by reusing the waste produced by the farm in other activities.

The excrement becomes organic fertilizer and is very useful in the agriculture of the population where corn and beans are sown mainly, due to its high nitrogen content, which when applied to the soil does not produce burns on the plants, if applied fresh, the Manure almost does not lose its properties and therefore provides optimal results.

Market study for Rabbit Marketing

General aspects of market research

According to Gabriel Baca Urbina, the market study consists of:

  • From the determination and quantification of supply and demand The analysis of prices The study of marketing.

Whose general objective is to verify the real possibility of product penetration in a given market, taking into account the risk.

Target Market - Population

The notion of market - goal, target market Target refers to the ideal recipient of a product or service.

The target market, therefore, is the sector of the population to which a good is directed.

It is necessary to analyze the behavior of consumers, only then will it be known what target to target and what type of marketing campaign is convenient to develop product positioning.


The population is a set of groups studied for some of their previously determined characteristics, to be studied. (Wiki-asked)

According to the 2015 census, Mao has a total population of 217,026 inhabitants.

For this research the age of the population is in a range of 30-65 years of age. Sample Selection

It is the sub-group of the population from which the data is collected and must be representative of the population.

The subgroup of the population that matches the characteristics of the project is chosen.


Non-probabilistic method: Non-probability sampling (or non-random sampling) is the sampling technique where the elements are chosen in the judgment of the researcher, the probability with which each individual can be selected is not known.

Non-probability sampling is used when it is impossible or very difficult to obtain the sample by probabilistic sampling methods.

The samples selected by non-random sampling methods are representative under the criteria of the researcher, but in no case guarantee representativeness. (Formulas Universe).

Convenience samples

Convenience sampling is a non-probabilistic sampling method, which consists of selecting the individuals that suit the researcher for the sample. This convenience occurs because it is easier for the researcher to examine these subjects, either by geographic proximity, by be your friends etc.

Product Definition (Rabbit Meat)

Rabbit meat, is the white meat that contains less fat and cholesterol, offers more salts, minerals and a higher percentage of protein than any other meat offered on the market today, due to its low level of saturated fat, its low content of Sodium and a notable potassium, is the healthiest meat that currently exists for human consumption, not to mention its excellent flavor and its great culinary versatility, which allows it to adapt to any type of diet.

Nature and use of the product

Rabbits are mammals, easily domesticable rodents that without being ruminants, can grow and reproduce using only food of plant origin.

There are approximately 40 breeds of rabbit, which can be classified by their size:

  • SmallMediumGreatGiantBecause of its quality of skin, meat or both.

The project only works with races:



Flanders Giant

Substitute products

Due to its characteristics, currently on the market, rabbit meat has chicken meat as its main competitor, as it is white, lean, easy to digest and low-priced meat, however rabbit meat has a number of advantages regarding chicken meat.

Advantages of rabbit meat

  • Higher nutritional value than other meats Proteins Vitamins Sodium

This is a dietary meat par excellence and low in cholesterol, it does not admit drugs or growth hormones, it feeds only on foods of plant origin, among others.

Analysis and presentation of results

The analysis and presentation of the results is by means of which we order, classify and represent the results of the information to demonstrate whether our project is feasible or not.

The data represented are obtained from a 28-question questionnaire.

The same was applied to 6 people all of the male gender, between an age range of 30-65 years.

How long have you been in the rabbit business?

Answers Frequency %
Much 4 40%
Little bit two twenty%
Nothing 0 0%
Total 6


40% of those surveyed have a lot of time in the rabbit business and 20% have little time.

What other productive activities are they engaged in?

Reply Frequency %
Raising rabbits 4 40%
Other activities 6 twenty%
Total two


40% of those surveyed are only dedicated to the production and breeding of rabbits, 20% apart from that they are dedicated to raising rabbits have another occupation.

Where do I buy rabbits for the first time?

Reply Frequency %
In parts of the country 3 30%
To people two twenty%
To an association one 10%
Veterinary two twenty%
Total 8


30% of the respondents bought rabbits for the first time in places in the country such as:

  • San CristóbalBarahonaNavarrete

20% bought them from friends and other people, 10% from associations in their community and the other 20% from veterinarians.

Who do you buy from?

Answers Frequency %
Elías Piña one 10%
Association 3 30%
The Seíbo one 10%
Veterinary one 10%
Total 6 60%

30% of those surveyed buy them from the Community Association, 10% from Elías Piña, another 10% from Seíbo and another 10% from veterinarians in their community.

How many do you buy?

Reply Frequency %
700-900 two twenty%
5-10 rabbits


to the 4 40%
Total 6 60%

20% of respondents buy between 700-900 rabbits AND 40% buy only the first time between 5 and 10 rabbits.

Why do you buy them?

Reply Frequency %
Productive benefits easy work to do two twenty%
Raise them, sell them for higher income 4 40%
Total 6 60%

20% of the respondents buy rabbits, because it is a beneficial, productive and easy activity to carry out, and 40% buy them to raise them, sell them and earn more income.

What days do you buy?

Reply Frequency %
Monday and Wednesday one 10%
Tuesday and Thursday one 10%
They only bought at first and they did it

several days

4 40%
Total 6 60%

40% of the respondents only bought rabbits at the beginning and they did it several days, 10% buy on Mondays and Wednesdays and another 10% on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Who do you sell to?

Answers Frequency %
Bani one 10%
Bavarian one 10%
To people 4 40%
Total 6 60%

40% sell it to people who want it, 10% of those surveyed sell rabbits to Bani and another 10% to Bávaro.

At what price do they sell it?

Answers Frequency %
80-90-100 depending on the weight of the animal two twenty%
60-65 pound heavy dead one 10%
Live Heavy Rabbit 400 3 30%
Total 6 60%

30% sell it live large and large at RD $ 400 per unit, 20% of respondents sell it at a price of 80-90-100 depending on the weight of the animal and 10% sell it at 60-65 a pound heavy live already 120 a pound heavy dead.

Highest volume month?

Answers Frequency %
January 3 30%
March two twenty%
February one 10%
Total 6 60%

30% of those surveyed consider that the month with the highest volume is January, 20% say it was March and 10% say it is February.

Lower volume month?

Reply Frequency %
February one 10%
January one 10%
April one 10%
July-June-August 3 30%
Total 6 60%

30% of those surveyed consider that the months with the lowest volume were July-June-August, 10% in February and 10% in January and another 10% in April.

Lower priced month?

Reply Frequency %
April two twenty%
January two twenty%
February two twenty%
Total 6 60%

20% say that the month with the lowest price is in April, another 20% say it is in January, another 20% say February.

Highest priced month?

these Frequency %
March 3 30%
January two twenty%
February one 10%
Total 6 60%

30% say that March is the month with the highest price, 20% that is January and another 10% in February.

Do you sell it dead or alive?

Answers Frequency %
Alive 4 40%
Dead one 10%
The two dead ways alive- one 10%
Total 6 60%

40% of the respondents sell their rabbits alive, another 10% sell them dead and another 10% sell them both ways, dead-alive.

Do you sell it with the skin or without the skin?

Answers Frequency %
With the skin 4 40%
Without the skin two twenty%
Total 6 60%

40% of the respondents sell rabbits with their fur and 20% sell them without their fur.

Do you sell it wholesale or retail?

Answers Frequency %
Wholesale one 10%
Retail one 10%
The two wholesale - the


4 40%
Total 6 60%

40% of respondents sell rabbits wholesale and retail, 10% sell them wholesale and the other 10% retail.

Do you sell it chopped or whole?

Reply Frequency %
Chopped 0 0%
Whole 5 fifty%
The two chopped-whole one 10%
Total 6 60%

50% of the respondents sell whole rabbits and 10% sell it both ways.

Do you sell it washed or unwashed?

Reply Frequency %
Washed two twenty%
Unwashed one 10%
Total 3 30%

20% sell them washed and 10% sell them unwashed.

In what type of presentation do they sell it?

Answers Frequency %
Fresh- whole two twenty%
Fresh-sliced one 10%
Total 3 30%

20% of the respondents sell their fresh-whole product and 10% sell it in the fresh-cut presentation.


Answers Frequency %
Between 25-40 years 3 30%
Between 40-55 years two twenty%
Between 55-70 years one 10%
Total 6 60%

30% of the respondents are between 25-40 years old, 20% are between 40-55 years old and 10% are between 55-70 years old.


Answers Frequency %
Male 6 60%
Female 0 0%
Total 6 60%

Of those surveyed, 60% are male . Social class?

Answers Frequency %
Low 0 0%
Half 6 60%
high 0 0%
Total 6 60%

60% of the respondents say that their social class is average.

Civil status?

Answers frequency %
Married two twenty%
Single two twenty%
Free Union two twenty%
Total 6 60%

20% of the respondents are married, another 20% single and another 20% are united free.

How many people live with you?

Answers Frequency %
Between 3-6 5 fifty%
Between 6-9 one 10%
Between 9-12 0 0%
Total 6 60%

50% of the respondents live with 3-6 people and the other 10% live with 6-9 people.

How much do you spend

Answers Frequency %
$ 10,000-$ 15,000 4 40%
$ 15,000-$ 20,000 two twenty%
$ 20,000-$ 30,000 0 0%
Total 6 60%

40% of respondents spend between $ 10,000-$ 15,000 and 20% spend between $ 15,000-$ 20,000.

What is your income?

Answers Frequency %
$ 10,000-$ 12,000 4 40%
$ 15,000-$ 20,000 or 0%
$ 20,000-$ 30,000 two twenty%
Total 6 60%

40% of the respondents have an income between $ 10,000 -15,000 $ and 20% between $ 20,000 -30,000 $.

What are the obstacles to selling a rabbit and what are the advantages?

Answers Frequency %
Producers do not have support 3 30%
There is no control of


one 10%
High production price one 10%
Lack of training one 10%
Total 6 60%

30% say that their obstacles to the sale of rabbits is that they do not have the help of the Associations, 10% say that the control of diseases is very difficult, another 10% say that it is the high price of production and another 10% say there is a lack of training.


Answers Frequency %
Advantage ------ ------
Low price one 10%
Easy to transport one 10%
Nutritious meat one 10%
Easy to breed 3 30%
Total 6 60%

30% of those surveyed say that the advantage of rabbits is that they are easy to breed, 10% say they have low prices, another 10% say they are easy to transport and another 10% say that their meat is healthy and nutritious.

Legal organization study

Organizational culture

Organizational culture is an idea in the field of organizational and management studies that describes the psychology, attitudes, experiences, beliefs, and personal and cultural values ​​of an organization.

It has been defined as the specific edition of the norms and values ​​that are shared by people and groups in an organization and that control the way they interact with each other within the organization and with the outside (Financial Encyclopedia).


Promote and meet the demand of the rabbit meat market, in the most profitable way, seeking the highest customer satisfaction.


To be in the future a competitive farm in the processes, in the production that it uses, excellence and innovation as a management and efficiency model.


  • Punctuality Respect Kindness Responsibility Efficiency and Efficacy


Provide a food alternative that meets the nutritional needs of the region's population.

Offer affordable prices and taking advantage of all the products derived from this activity.

Achieve high production levels with good quality and low cost.

Organizational structure

The organizational structure is an intentional disposition of roles, in which each person assumes a role that is expected to fulfill the highest possible performance.

Strategor (1988) defines it as the set of functions and relationships that formally determine the functions that each unit must fulfill and the mode of communication between each unit.

Organization chart

The correct use of the organization chart within the farm employees will help determine the levels of the hierarchy within the farm.


When creating a company dedicated to the production of rabbits, you should think about training, since this is essential to obtain the best performance from employees, tools and production in general.

It is important to mention that the training is carried out focused on the position that each employee performs within the farm, this is done with the aim of minimizing production losses caused by the mishandling of live or dead animals.

Legal aspects

In this regard it is important to consider the following:

Tax regulations: The farm must comply with the obligation to pay its contributions.

Sanitary regulations: For the installation of the company, several sanitary permits are necessary due to the type of product it handles and which are essential for the start of operations on the farm.

An operating notice is needed, a sanitary license that is requested from the secretary of health.

Rabbits destined for human consumption are inspected by certified veterinary doctors.

Labor regulations: The employees will sign with the company, a service provision contract in which they agree to provide their services to the company, in said work contract it is specified according to the labor law.

Working hours

Monthly salary

Since it occupied

Contract period

Rest day Etc.

Specific regulations: For rabbit breeding and production there are standards and techniques 4.02 05.

Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007 of rabbit of June 28, 2007 on production and labeling.

Accounting aspects

This part should take into account everything related to the guidelines, rules and principles necessary for the preparation of the company's financial statements, in order to carry out production.

The recognition of income and income taxes are taken into account.

Economic and financial study

We can consider financial analysis as a complement to both finance theory and accounting practice. In reality, it is difficult to evaluate or judge the accounting process without knowing the possible uses that may be given to the information it generates. Financial analysis is part of an information system or process whose mission is to provide data that allows knowing the current situation of the company and forecasting its future, which is of great interest to much of today's society since individuals they are employed by companies.


Description Unit Quantity Value $
Ground Task (Ta) two 100,000
Edification You. -–
Ranch You. one 80,000
Near You. -– 20,000
Warehouse You. one 30,000
Cages You. 5 rows of 10 64,000
Hoses Foot 128 12,800
Water tanks You. 3 900
feeders You. fifty 5,000
P roducts and Materials
Foods QQ 10 8,000
Medicines various various 5,000
Mother You. 150 120,000
Pimps You. 8 7,200
Breed to sell You. 142 49,700
Cash --- --- 40,000
Receivable --- --- 30,000
Bill to pay - - 15,000

Statement of financial position

Current assets Unit Quantity Value $ Current liabilities Unit Quantity Value $
Cash -– -– 40,000 Debts to pay -– -– 15,000
Accounts receivable -– -– 30,000 Loan payment -– -– 10,000
Breed to sell -– 142 49,700 -– -– -– -–
Foods QQ Various 8,000 -– -– -– -–
Medicines -– -– 5,000 -– -– -– -–
Subtotal 132,700 Subtotal 25,000
Intermediate assets Unit Quantity Value $ Intermediate liabilities Unit Quantity Value $
Cages -– 5 64.00 -– -– -– -–
Hoses Foot 128 12,800 -– -– -– -–
Feeders -– fifty 5,000 -– -– -– -–
Mothers -– 150 120,000 -– -– -– -–
Pimp -– 8 7,200 -– -– -– -–
Subtotal 209,000 -
Fixed assets Unit quantity Value $ Fixed liabilities Unit Quantity Value $
Ground Ta two 100,000 -– -– -– -–
Ranch -– one 80,000 -– -– -– -–
Warehouse -– one 30,000 -– -– -– -–
Near -– one 20,000 -– -– -– -–
Subtotal 230,000 -

Total assets = 571,700 Total liabilities = 25,000 Net equity = 546,700

Liquidity = Current assets / Current liabilities

L = 132,700 / 25,000 = 5,308

Solvency = Total assets / Total liabilities

S = 571,700 / 25,000 = 22,868

Acid test = Current assets-Breeding to sell / Current liabilities

PA = 132,700-49,700 / 25,000 = 3.32

Calculation of financial indicators

Discount factor

Σ BC / (1 + r) t = VAN = BC

The discount factor is 19% = r

19/100 = 0.19

Discounted Annual Total Cost

Cost Per Discount Factor

Year Annual cost Annual income Discount factor


Total discounted annual cost Total annual discounted income
one 653,000 467,000 0.840336134 548,739.4955 392,436.9746
two 353,200 914,000 0.706164818 249,417.4137 645,434.6437
3 521,420 537,500 0.593415814 309,418.8737 318,961
4 389,403 901,200 0.498668751 194,183.1076 449,400.2784
5 432,173.16 695,200 0.41904937 181,101.8904 291,323,122
6 569,554.83 718,145 0.352142328 200,564.3638 252,889.2521
7 450,782.68 604,764 0.295917923 133,394.6744 178,960,5068
8 473,321.83 965,640 0.248670523 117,701,187 240,126,2038
9 524,587.93 749,350 0.208966826 109,621.4747 156,589.2911
10 669,087.24 908,500 0.175602375 117,493,3084 159,534.7577

Total = 2,161,635,789 3, 085,656.03

Total Annual Discounted Income / Total Annual Discounted Cost

3, 085,656. 03 / 2,161,635,789 = 1.427463426

This amount is that you receive for each peso invested.

Total annual income-Total discounted annual cost = NPV 3, 085,656.03-2, 161,635,789 = NPV1 = 924,020,241

Year Net income Discount factor 19% Discounted net income
one -186,000 0.840336134 -156,302.5209
two 374,800 0.706164818 264,670.5738
3 358,720 0.593415814 212,870.1208
4 870,517 0.498668751 434,099.6251
5 1,133,543.84 0.41904937 475,010,832
6 1,282,132.01 0.352142328 451,493.6551
7 1,436,115.33 0.295917923 424,972.2656
8 1,928,433.5 0.248670523 479,544,567
9 2,153,195.57 0.208966826 449,946,444
10 2,392,608.33 0.175602375 420,147.3762

IRR = 10 + ((VPN1 / (VPN1 + VPN2)) x5) =

IRR = 10 + ((924,020,241 / 924,020,241) +3,456,939)) x5) = IRR 11.05 Results

The results of the studies of the analysis and evaluation of the project can be evaluated as follows:

According to the market study we see that there are different responses in the data obtained from the respondents on rabbit production.

Regarding the economic and financial study, the project can be considered viable, because for each peso invested, it receives:

  1. 427463426 And the internal rate of return (IRR) is 11.5

Although rabbit breeding is a highly productive activity, it is important to mention that its main disadvantage is the introduction of some diseases, among which we can mention: giardiasis, myxomatosis, ringworm, pneumonia, worm, and scabies, among others.


All over the world the demand for food and especially for animal proteins is growing. It is urgent to produce food in the smallest space, as soon as possible, at the lowest cost and with the highest yield; All this is achieved by the rabbit, possessor of a white meat with a rich flavor and high protein value.

Rabbit farming can take place in the countryside or in the surroundings of large cities, without forgetting that a small calf can be kept in the patios, gardens and roofs of town houses, intensifying cleaning, since the rabbit is an animal that occupies little space, it is not noisy and with little care it is very clean and healthy.


The rabbit raised with the appropriate techniques for each environment, can contribute considerably to better the diet of rural families among the most disadvantaged, providing them with a fixed source of income.

A suggestion for those who are just starting with the rearing of rabbits and in the first purchase of breeding stock, is that they do not buy first-time mothers, that is to say calving, since in most cases this generates great mortality of young rabbits. experience.

It is also not recommended to buy mothers over 10 months old.


  • Introduction to Financial Analysis (Ana Gil Álvarez) General Zootechnics Chair Professor: Carlos Ariel G. Castillo Vicioso, MV, MSc. Investments and Financiamiento.docx www.agricultores net work.Org/Magazine Wipidalia.Org Encyclopedia Definition Virtual Encyclopedia Financial Gestiopolis Gerencie.com www.inversion -es.com www.ajeanturias.com Project cunicultura Maryis Celín _Academia.edu Olivares. Monografias.com Project of Rabbit in the state of Oaxaca www.BuenasTareas.com Repository.la salle.edu.co Diario Libre
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Rabbit rearing. rabbit production and marketing project