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Criticism of today's labor world in mexico


Work has become an adventure in every sense, as the markets get smaller and smaller Companies demand and demand more every day, if you are soon on top the next step for the professional is the street, such a situation it is very common today in Mexico; Given this situation, employees are not faithful to their companies, they do not wear the shirt we commonly say, they do not know the principles, values ​​or norms with which they work according to the policies of their companies.

Given my work experience and according to conversations I have had with friends in different branches, the working world in Mexico is very complicated, first it should be noted that given the pressures it is common for professionals to work from 10 to 14 hours a day, so the quality in Service companies have fallen dramatically because we are talking about people living tired trying to survive the avalanche of layoffs, several companies have as their motto "better results with a better quality of life for our employees" it is sad to note that it is only reflected on paper because in real life nobody takes it into practice, by the way I remember something that left us speechless, recently a high-level Executive who, needless to say, exercised, had a healthy diet,Without vices and young man died from the pressure he was being subjected to, a couple of years ago a close friend died of a stroke due to so much stress and especially because it is common to threaten employees with throwing them out into the street (speaking from executive and managerial levels), I think it is important that companies value their workers even when we know that they are cold and unforgiving because the only important thing is to win, win and win, it is important to build a solid organization, and to continue reporting profits to long-term partners and not only in the short term; subhuman conditions in the XXI century are not possible, cheap labor does not guarantee quality neither in services nor in products; Due to these conditions we have seen how every year there is a brain drain,People with the preparation and talent necessary to make Mexico a different country have had to leave their homes, their families, their friends and, in short, their entire environment because in other countries they are recognized and valued; I have met people with a great vision, enthusiasm and a true sense of commitment and passion for their work who are fired for changes that are made in the structure of the Company or because the son of a young man is going to take his position, it is unfortunate that given the greatness and the values ​​of Mexicans let us continue to be a country that does not take off, that remains in the middle of any project, that we have an economic stagnation because there is no political maturity to reach agreements and that foreign entrepreneurs take advantage of this situation to exploit us,An ideological revolution is important on the part of both Mexicans and foreigners who, by the way, are taking our land (they have the most beautiful properties and in exclusive areas of the country); the greatness of a human being consists in recognizing their mistakes, learning from their failures and from there starting again with the intelligence of not making the same mistakes, but it is also necessary a new opportunity on the part of these organizations, Mexico is a peaceful people And the only thing we ask is to be able to work with respect, in harmony and with a true quality of life for us and our families. Not all micro markets are the same, some take off slower than others, and businessmen forget that.

On TV I heard a phrase that I really liked and that we must apply in all areas of life "No matter how slowly you progress as long as you do not stop", the learning curve makes us make mistakes and perhaps not achieve the results that employers want but if we build together true greatness will undoubtedly be achieved, solid companies will be achieved, but above all staff with a true vocation for service and loyalty, happy employees make a real difference because when quality is motivated in services and products increases and in this way there will be no deterioration in the image of the organization.

Without a doubt, in Mexico we have a huge challenge. We are living through a very complex historical moment. We have a divided country in a political sense where the reforms to the law are stopped because the legislators are faithful to their parties but not to their country. Money is scarce to invest in infrastructure and renew the image of Mexico. Account adjustments by drug traffickers are the order of the day; but something that is noteworthy is that the current President of Mexico did not allow himself to be overcome by threats, nor did he fall into provocations, and even though many believed that it was impossible to enter the San Lázaro compound and gave protest, which is a signal for each of us that everything we want can be achieved if we work hard to achieve it and if we commit ourselves and our causes,Competition between companies means that there is a better service, but this is achieved with highly trained, motivated personnel who believe in your company; so we have to give ourselves and our organizations a chance, entrepreneurs value their people they are the most valuable asset if they go to the competition they will probably be treated better and achieve better results, so better train your organizations and you are without they will certainly grow and be among the most recognized brands worldwideEntrepreneurs value their people are the most valuable asset if they go to the competition they will probably be treated better and achieve better results, so better train their organizations and they will undoubtedly grow and be among the most recognized brands worldwideEntrepreneurs value their people are the most valuable asset if they go to the competition they will probably be treated better and achieve better results, so better train their organizations and they will undoubtedly grow and be among the most recognized brands worldwide

Criticism of today's labor world in mexico