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Creation of a procedures manual


A procedures manual is the document that contains the description of activities that must be followed in the performance of the functions of an administrative unit, or two or more of them.

The manual also includes the positions or administrative units that intervene, specifying their responsibility and participation.

They usually contain information and examples of forms, authorizations or necessary documents, office machines or equipment to be used and any other data that may help the proper development of activities within the company.

In it is registered and transmitted without distortion the basic information regarding the operation of all administrative units, facilitates the work of auditing, evaluation and internal control and monitoring, awareness in employees and their bosses that the work is is performing properly or not.



It allows to know the internal operation regarding the description of tasks, location, requirements and the positions responsible for their execution.

They help in the induction of the position and the training and qualification of the personnel since they describe in detail the activities of each position.

It is used to analyze or review the procedures of a system.

Involved in the consultation of all staff.

That you want to undertake work simplification tasks such as time analysis, delegation of authority, etc.

To establish an information system or modify the existing one.

To standardize and control compliance with work routines and avoid their arbitrary alteration.

Determine more easily the responsibilities for failures or errors.

It facilitates the tasks of auditing, evaluation of internal control and its evaluation.

Increase employee efficiency by telling them what to do and how to do it.

Helps to coordinate activities and avoid duplication.

Build a foundation for further analysis of work and improvement of systems, procedures, and methods.

  • Conformation of the Manual


This document must incorporate the following information:

  • Logo of the organization Official name of the organization Name and extension. If it corresponds to a particular unit, its name must be noted. Place and date of elaboration. Revision number (if applicable). Units responsible for its elaboration, revision and / or authorization. Key to the form. First, the initials of the organization, secondly the initials of the administrative unit where the form is used and, lastly, the number of the form. Between the initials and the number a hyphen or diagonal must be placed.


List of the corresponding chapters and pages that are part of the document.


Presentation on the document, its content, object, areas of application and importance of its revision and update. It may include a message from the highest authority in the areas covered in the manual.


Explanation of the purpose that is intended to fulfill the procedures.

The objectives are to standardize and control compliance with work routines and avoid their arbitrary alteration; simplify liability for failures or errors; facilitate audit work; facilitate audit work, the evaluation of internal control and its surveillance; that both employees and their bosses know if the work is being done properly; Reduce costs by increasing overall efficiency, plus other additional benefits.


Sphere of action that covers the procedures.

Within the federal public administration, the procedures have been classified, taking into account the scope and their scope, into: macro-administrative procedures and meso-administrative or sectoral procedures.


Administrative units and / or positions that intervene in the procedures in any of its phases


This section includes the criteria or general guidelines for action that are explicitly determined to facilitate the liability coverage of the different entities that participated in the procedures .

In addition, all the operating rules that require the alteration situations that may arise in the operation of the procedures must be considered. Here are some guidelines that should be considered in your approach:

  • The policies and / or norms that circumscribe the general framework of action of the staff will be perfectly defined, in order that they are not incurring failures.The guidelines are clearly and concisely elaborated, so that they are understood even by people unfamiliar with the administrative aspects or with the procedure itself. They must be explicit enough to avoid continuous consultation at higher hierarchical levels.


Words or terms of a technical nature that are used in the procedure, which, due to their meaning or degree of specialization, require more information or a broadening of their meaning, to make it easier for the user to consult the manual.

I) PROCEDURE (description of operations).

Written presentation, in narrative and sequential form, of each one of the operations carried out in a procedure, explaining what they consist of, when, how, where, with what, and how long they are carried out, indicating those responsible for carrying them out. When the description of the procedure is general, and therefore includes several areas, the administrative unit in charge of each operation should be noted. If it is a detailed description within an administrative unit, the position responsible for each operation must be indicated. It is convenient to code the operations to simplify their understanding and identification, even in the case of several options in the same operation.


Printed forms used in a procedure, which are inserted within it or are attached as appendices. In the description of the operations that imply their use, specific reference should be made to them, using indicator numbers to associate them in a specific way. Instructions for filling can also be added.


Graphical representation of the sequence in which the operations of a procedure are carried out and / or the route of forms or materials, where the administrative units are shown (general procedure), or the positions involved (detailed procedure), in each described operation. In addition, they usually mention the equipment or resources used in each case. The diagrams, represented in a simple and accessible way in the manual, provide a clear description of the operations, making them easier to understand. For this purpose, the use of simplified symbols and / or graphics is advisable.


List of technical concepts related to the content and elaboration techniques of the procedure manuals, which serve as support for their use or consultation. General procedure for the elaboration of administrative manuals


The task of preparing administrative manuals requires great precision, given that the data have to be recorded as accurately as possible so as not to generate confusion in the interpretation of their content by the person who consults them. That is why a lot of attention must be paid in each and every one of its integration stages, outlining a project that achieves all the requirements, phases and procedures that underlie the execution of the work.


To start the work leading to the integration of a manual, it is essential to foresee that the responsibility for the conduct of the actions in various people is not diluted, but rather that a coordinator, assisted by a technical team, should be appointed to the that it should be entrusted with the management of the project in its design, implementation and updating phases. In this way, homogeneity in the content and presentation of the information is achieved.

With regard to the characteristics of the technical team, it is advisable for it to be personal with a good management of human relations and to know the organization regarding its objectives, structure, functions and personnel. For this type of work, an organization may appoint the person who has the knowledge and experience necessary to carry it out. Due to the nature of its functions, it can entrust it to the head of the administrative improvement unit (in case of having this mechanism). You can also hire the services of external consultants.


Those responsible for making the administrative manuals of an organization have to define and define their universe of work to be able to act in it; To do this, they must:


This step is essential to get to know globally the functions and activities that are carried out in the area or areas where it is going to act. Based on it, the global strategy for gathering information can be defined, identifying its sources, activities to be carried out, magnitude and scope of the project, instruments required for the work and, in general, foreseeing the actions and estimating the necessary resources. to carry out the study.

  • Information sources

Reference of the institutions, work areas, documents, people and information mechanisms from which data for research can be obtained. Among the most representative can be mentioned:

* Institutions:

-Organizations that work in coordination or form part of the same group or sector of which it is the object of study.

-Leading organizations in the same field of work.

-Regulatory organizations that dictate mandatory guidelines.

-Organizations that provide services or provide necessary supplies for the operation of the organization under study.

* Files of the organization:


-Of the study areas.

* Executives and employees:

-Management of the managerial level that handles valuable information, since they know if the set of files responds to reality.

-Operational staff whose opinions and comments are of great help, since they are in charge of routine activities, so they can detect limitations or divergences in relation to other points of view or content of documents.

* Work areas:

-Organization levels that reflect the actual operating conditions, resources and personnel.

* Clients and / or users: Recipients of the products and / or services that the organization generates.

* Information mechanisms: Computational resources that allow access to internal or external information to the organization that serve as support for the study.

  • Project Preparation

Once the preliminary elements have been gathered to carry out the manual, the starting document must be prepared to specify it, which must be made up of:

* Technical proposal, (which must include):

-Background: count of all manuals or similar efforts prepared previously.

-Nature: type of manual to be carried out.

-Justification: demonstration of the need to do it based on the advantages that this will bring to the organization.

Objectives: achievements to be achieved.

-Actions: initiatives or activities necessary for its achievement.

-Results: benefits that are expected to be obtained in terms of improving the operation of the organization, its products and / or services, organizational climate and relations with the environment.

-Scope: application area covered by the study in terms of location in the organic and / or territorial structure.

-Resources: human, material and technological requirements necessary to develop it.

-Cost: global and specific estimation of financial resources that its execution demands.

-Strategy: fundamental route necessary to guide action resources and resource allocation.

-Complementary information: material and research that can serve as supporting elements.


-Identification: name of the manual.

-Responsible (s): unit or group that will be in charge of implementing the manual.

-Area (s): universe under study.

-Key: progressive number of estimated activities.

-Activities: specific steps that must be taken to capture the information.

-Phases: definition of the sequential order to carry out the activities.

-Calendar: dates assigned for the start and end of each phase.

-Graphic representation: description of the program in tables and images.

-Format: presentation and safeguarding of the work program.

-Progress reports: monitoring of actions.

-Periodicity: period of time available to report progress.



To refine the content of the project, refine its parameters and determine its operational feasibility, it is recommended to present it to:

* Area (s) that will directly intervene in its application, for which they have the obligation to know the project in detail.

* Areas affected by the implementation of the project, since they will have to change or adapt.

* Area responsible for managing economic resources, to quantify the cost of the project more specifically.


Likewise, the project must be submitted to the head of the organization or administrative unit responsible for its execution, for approval.

Once authorized, the person responsible must make the organization's intention to prepare the manual known to all hierarchical levels, highlighting the benefits that will be obtained from this effort, so that everyone provides their support during the development of the work. Without this requirement, the work of integrating the manual would be seriously hindered.


As a first step in this stage, a list of the personnel who will participate in its collection must be obtained, considering the magnitude and specifications of the work.

a) Training of personnel

Once the working group has been integrated, it must be trained, not only with regard to the management of investigative means that will be used to collect the information, but also throughout the process that will be followed to prepare the manual.

For this reason, participants should be made aware of the objective pursued, as well as the working methods adopted, scheduling of activities, documents to be used (questionnaires, formats, etc.), project managers, involved administrative units, inventory of information to capture and distribution of work to each person.

When the working group is large, it may be convenient to form subgroups, each coordinated by a person in charge, who should be in charge of reviewing and standardizing the information.

It is recommended to carry out a study in a pilot area, to then compare and evaluate the results obtained.

b) Information

gathering The collection efforts should focus on the recording of events that allow knowing and analyzing specific and truly useful information for the manual, since otherwise it may incur erroneous interpretations, which generates delay and waste of resources.. Likewise, a discrimination criterion must be applied, based on the objective of the study, and it must be continuously reviewed and evaluated to maintain a uniform line of action.

This activity requires maintaining a constant relationship with the internal sources that issue the information, as well as with areas or organizations with other physical locations.

In order to collect information in an agile and orderly manner, one or a combination of the following collection techniques can be used:

Documentary research:

This technique allows the selection and analysis of those writings that contain data of interest related to the manual. For this, documents such as legal-administrative bases, official diaries, meeting minutes, circulars, offices and all those that contain relevant information for the study are studied.

Consultation of information systems

Access to computer systems that contain information and support resources to structure the manual. This mechanism allows to collect internal information and / or external systems to the organization linked through networks.


This method involves conducting personal interviews based on a guide to questions prepared in advance. A questionnaire can also be used, so that the interviews have a homogeneous content.

This technique is considered very useful to gather preliminary information to the analysis or to effect changes or modifications to the current structure of the information. The survey can be carried out individually or by bringing together managers and employees from the same area or who are involved in the same kind of tasks.

You can also collect information from customers and / or users, service providers and suppliers that interact with the organization.

The questionnaires used in the survey, and which serve to obtain the desired information, are made up of series of written, predefined, sequenced questions separated by specific chapters or themes.

This means saves resources and time; however, the quality of the information obtained depends on its

structure and form of presentation.

In general terms, every questionnaire should express the reason for its preparation, ensure that the questions are clear and concise, with a logical order, understandable wording, easy response and avoid too many questions. Also, you can include a filling instructions to indicate how to answer it.

The interview basically consists of holding individual or group meetings in which the participants are questioned in order to obtain information. This medium is possibly the most used and the one that can provide the most complete and accurate information, since the interviewer, by having contact with the interviewee, in addition to obtaining answers, can perceive attitudes and receive comments.

In order for an interview to be carried out positively, it is convenient to observe these aspects:

Be clear about the objective: to cover this aspect, it is recommended to previously prepare an interview questionnaire or guide that contains the main points you want to capture. This guide can operate as a framework so that, at the end of it, it can be verified if the required information has been obtained.

Establish the distribution of work in advance: this stage consists of assigning responsibilities and determining the areas to be investigated.

Make the appointment in advance: it is important that the interviewee is prepared to provide the information with the time and tranquility necessary to reduce the margin of error and avoid interruptions.

Classify the information obtained: this phase involves differentiating the real situation from that relating to suggestions for improving it, trying not to confuse the two aspects.

To support and / or expedite the capture of information, sampling can be used, which is an auxiliary statistical technique used to infer information about the universe being investigated, based on its partial study.

When the universe of study is of great magnitude, but the information is homogeneous by virtue of operating rules and uniform requirements, the possibility of knowing its characteristics is established without the need to survey or investigate all the units, nor to interview each one of employees.

There are sampling tables that, according to the characteristics and volume of the information, establish what is the minimum amount of information representative of the whole -sample- that must be collected for the results obtained from it to be valid.

Direct observation

This resource can be used by technicians or analysts in the physical area where the organization's work is carried out. From the analysis of the information collected, discussions should be held with some of the people who provide their services in these areas to complement or refine it.

Another way is for the head of the work area to make the direct observation, comment and discuss some of the points with his subordinates and present the results of his analysis to the researcher. The advantage of this procedure is that due to the familiarity between boss and subordinates, the information may be more complete, but there will be occasions when the results will not be as desired, due to inhibitions or internal problems, or a situation may arise that does not correspond to operational reality.

D) Integration of information

Once the information of the areas involved in the study is available, the data must be ordered and systematized in order to prepare its analysis.

a) How to classify the information

To facilitate the integration task, it is recommended that the information obtained be accessed by computer equipment to safeguard and facilitate its management. For this purpose you can:

  • Create directories, subdirectories and files to disaggregate it according to the division of labor. Create specific databases or programs. Use packages according to the specific needs of the project. Combine the previous points to optimize results.

In parallel, folders with specific sections should be opened with the source documents of the study, in which the information should be summarized by area, system, procedure, teams, policies, etc. It is convenient that the documents that are collected contain the approval of the person who provides the information.

It is also recommended that as data is collected on some aspect, they focus on a working document that can serve as a memory in the subsequent design of the project.


The legal-administrative regulations that regulate the performance of the work must be taken into account, as it has been attended by the units responsible for doing it and what effect it has had on other units, organizations, clients and / or or users.

It is also appropriate, where appropriate, to consider the evolution or development of previous organizational structures and the results that were obtained, which allows for a historical frame of reference to better understand the current situation.

Current situation.

The following aspects are taken into account:

  • Objectives Organic structure Administrative norms and policies Functions Procedures Legal-administrative instruments Team Work conditions Labor environment


At this stage, a critical study or examination of each of the information elements or data groups that were integrated in order to know their nature, characteristics and behavior, without losing sight of their relationship, must be carried out., interdependence or internal interaction and with the environment, to obtain a diagnosis that reflects the operational reality.

This study mechanic can follow the following sequence:

  • Knowing Describing Decomposing Critically examining Sorting each element Defining relationships Identifying and explaining their behavior

A very effective approach when analyzing the data is to adopt an interrogative attitude and systematically formulate six fundamental questionnaires:

  • What work is done? What is it done for? Who does it? How is it done? What is it done with? When is it done?

After obtaining clear and precise answers for each of the above questions, they must be submitted, in turn, to a new questioning asking the question why? The new responses obtained will guide the formulation of the manual and the measures for administrative improvement.


In this phase, it includes the technical resources used to study the information obtained in order to know it in detail and determine specific action alternatives that allow deriving optimal solutions to achieve the desired results.

The analysis techniques that can be used in this phase are directly related to the origin of the project, as well as the technical information of the leader or person in charge depending on the type of manual, feasibility for its application, availability of time, allocation of resources and technical level of the working group.

This type of instrument can be used as support for the project or in reverse, following the implementation of a process of organizational change that must culminate in the publication of an administrative manual.

Among the techniques that are generally used to aid administrative analysis in this field are the following:

  • Management by ObjectivesSystem AnalysisCost-Benefit AnalysisStructure AnalysisDecision TreeAdministrative AuditSelf-AssessmentTotal Quality ControlFasibility StudyFeasibility StudyBenchmarkingOrganizational DevelopmentOrganizational ReengineeringReorganization


  • Time Series Analysis Correlation Inventory Models Integrated Production Models Sampling Numbers Index Numbers Dynamic Programming Linear Programming Simulation Queuing Theory or Line Theory Graph Theory Decision


Once all the information in the manual is available, it will be integrated; for such activity it is required to summon all the participants in the presentation of the manual, to review the content and presentation of each section.

a) Validation

The verified information of each area or administrative unit must be presented to the interviewed person to sign in accordance in a specific space for this purpose; You must verify that the information is complete and understandable.


Once the information reviewed and signed by each area is gathered, those involved in the presentation of the manual must meet to compile and integrate the final draft of the manual.


In order to select the most viable recommendations, their cost, the resources necessary to implement them, and their advantages and limitations are taken into account.


Maintenance: general preservation of the same organic structure, functions, systems, procedures, personnel and forms.

Of elimination: suppression of systems, replacement of forms, records and reports, total or partial elimination of procedures, loss of personnel, disappearance of areas or administrative units, etc.

Addition: introduction of a new system, increase in the number of operations in a certain procedure, increase in personnel or programs, etc.

Combination: insert the order of application of work programs, combine the order of operations of a procedure, combine the use of forms of general use with new forms, etc.

Merger: grouping of areas, administrative units or people under the same command, unification of forms, records and reports, etc.

Modification: changes in procedures or operations, physical relocation of personnel, equipment or facilities, redistribution of workloads, modification of forms, records, reports and programs, etc.

Simplification: reduction of steps in a procedure, introduction of improvements in working methods, simplification of forms, reports, records, programs, etc.

Exchange: redirection of functions, procedures, resources, personnel or work flow between areas or organizations of the same group or sector.


In order to deliver the results of the study, it is necessary to write a report, in which in addition to stating the reasons that led to obtaining them, incorporate the strategic information of the project that allows senior management to make timely and correct decisions.

The report consists of the following elements, generally:

Introduction: it is the summary of the purpose, focus, limitations and the work plan.

Main part or body: section where the facts, arguments and justifications are noted.

Conclusions and recommendations.

Appendices or annexes: inclusion of graphs, tables and other administrative analysis instruments that are considered auxiliary elements to support the proposal and recommendations.


Once the manual has been properly structured, the project manager must submit it to the appropriate bodies for approval; It will convene its working group for the last revision of the documentation to be presented.

a) At the management levels

It is recommended that this presentation starts in a synthesis document derived from the report, the length of which does not exceed thirty pages, so that if it is analyzed, it requires a minimum amount of time to leave an additional period for explanations., as well as for exchanging opinions.

If the time available is very short, the synthesis document can be delivered to the corresponding authorities and the presentation of the manual exclusively with the support of computer equipment, sheets or audiovisuals, where the most relevant elements for the process are highlighted. decision-making.

The synthesis document can be subdivided into the following chapter:

  • Introduction: brief description of the causes that generated the need to prepare the manual, the coordination mechanisms and employee participation for its development, as well as the purposes and general explanation of its content. Analysis of the organizational structure: exposition of the genesis and development of the organization, that is, the most relevant changes, events and vicissitudes that it has faced in whole or in part and that influenced the decision to prepare the manual. Diagnosis of the current situation: definition of causes and / or problems that originated the study and that justify the changes or modifications proposed in the manual. Proposals for improvement: presentation of action alternatives for the organization, advantages and disadvantages that may arise, implications of the changes,as well as the results that are expected to be obtained with the manual. Implementation strategy: explanation of the successive steps or planned stages to implement the manual and the administrative improvement measures derived from it. Likewise, the way in which the changes would be made, foreseeing the outstanding factors of action of the areas, units, mechanisms and officials involved in the effort. Follow-up, control and evaluation: precision of the information mechanisms, process of control and evaluation, as well such as the criteria and measures that could be taken in each case.the way in which the changes would be made, foreseeing the outstanding factors of action of the areas, units, mechanisms and officials involved in the effort. Follow-up, control and evaluation: precision of the information mechanisms, control and evaluation process, as well as the criteria and measures that could be taken in each case.the way in which the changes would be made, foreseeing the outstanding factors of action of the areas, units, mechanisms and officials involved in the effort. Follow-up, control and evaluation: precision of the information mechanisms, control and evaluation process, as well as the criteria and measures that could be taken in each case.

b) To the Governing Body In

accordance with current regulations and / or the policies dictated by the head of the organization, once the proposed manual has been reviewed and analyzed by higher levels, it must be submitted to the board of directors or its equivalent for final approval.


Exposure to the departmental, office or area levels can also be based on the summary document, but always trying to do it in the most accessible way possible to facilitate its understanding. It will also serve to strengthen the commitment between all the parties involved, a fundamental element for the subsequent monitoring and evaluation of activities.


Once the group responsible for preparing the manual has collected and integrated the observations arising at the different decision levels, it must coordinate with the unit or area that manages the economic resources so that it can be reproduced for distribution. and implantation. To this end, the project leader must supply the technical parameters for the print design. Although there are several options to do it, but the most accepted units of measurement for this type of document are:

  • Use interchangeable formats, in order to facilitate its revision and update. That the formats are 28 × 21 cm (letter size). Graphs or tables that by necessity exceed letter size, will be folded until achieving this dimension. Use the method of Single-sided reproduction of the sheets. Make sure that the division into sections, chapters, areas and / or sections is separated by divisions, which have this name printed. That the entire document is made up of a cover, cover, index or content, introduction and body.


It is the cover or outer face of the document, which aims to identify it through the following elements:

  • Official name of the organization Official logo Generic name of the manual in relation to its content Name of the administrative unit responsible for its preparation and / or application.


The implementation of the manual represents the crucial moment to tangibly translate the proposals and recommendations into specific actions to increase productivity, improve coordination, streamline work and standardize knowledge of organizational dynamics and components.


The selection of the method to implement administrative procedures is closely related to structural elements such as:

Type of manual


Resources assigned

Technical level of personnel

Organizational climate


Depending on these variables, the alternatives for implementing them are:

  • Instant method. It is generally the most used, since the decision to prepare administrative manuals -in most cases- comes from the highest levels of the structure of an organization, which gives them an almost obligatory nature or validity. It is also adopted when the organization is new, if it does not involve a large number of administrative units, if it is relatively simple, if it does not involve a large volume of functions, systems or operations, or if the organization has a solid administrative infrastructure. Pilot project method. This form of implementation involves applying the content of the manual in only one part of the organization, in order to measure the results it generates.

The benefit it can bring is that it allows changes to be made on a reduced scale, carrying out as many tests as necessary to determine the feasibility of the proposal.

A probable disadvantage of this method is that it is not always possible to ensure that what is valid for the pilot projects allocates resources and special attention that cannot be given to the entire organization.

-Parallel implantation method. When it comes to manuals with wide coverage, which involve the handling of a lot of information or of a strategic nature, a considerable volume of resources or to guarantee the security of an entire work system, this method is used, which involves simultaneous operation, by a determined period, both of the work environment or traditional conditions and those to be implemented. This allows changes to be made without creating problems, since the new conditions operate freely before the old ones are suspended.

  • Method of partial implantation or by successive approximations. This method, which is very useful for implementing manuals that involve substantial modifications to normal operations, consists of selecting part of its content or specific areas to introduce changes without causing major alterations, and take the next step only when the previous one has been consolidated., allowing a gradual and controlled change. Combination of methods. It is the use of more than one method to implement a manual depending on the technical requirements of its content.


In order to make the manual known, it is convenient to define a program for its presentation and, based on the actions established for this purpose, proceed to hold talks, seminars, decision forums and any other type of event of this nature.

Awareness-raising meetings can also be held, through which the trust and collaboration of the staff can be increased, since through them they communicate the proposed objectives and the benefits that can result.

In parallel, dissemination campaigns should be undertaken through magazines, newsletters, brochures, panels and any other information resource that reinforces acceptance, particularly when improvement measures may affect an organization radically or at a group or sector level.


  • The usefulness of administrative manuals lies in the veracity of the information they contain, which is why it is necessary to keep them permanently updated through periodic reviews. For this, it is convenient to: Systematically evaluate the administrative improvement measures derived from the implementation of the manual, as well as the operational changes made in the organization, establish a calendar for updating the manual, designate a person in charge of attending to this function.


Are those that are put into practice with the aim of establishing the appropriate flows so that administrative information, both regarding the implementation of improvements and responses to deviations, can reach the areas and levels that need them with agility and clarity.

For this effect, the installed infrastructure must be used, using the services of the technical group responsible for preparing the manual.

Once the parameters have been defined to evaluate the behavior of the manual, operationally, the organization must monitor the actions through the unit (s) responsible for its application, supported by a commission, group or subgroup. designated for that purpose.


  • Business organization, design and structure analysisFranklin fincowsky enrique benjamín México, fca - unam «administrative manuals: a guide to its development» Franklin fincowsky enrique Benjamín México, fca - unamGistez ceja administrative systems, Mexico, Mc Graw Hill 1997
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Creation of a procedures manual