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Ethical planning criteria


At present the demands of the human being involve a series of processes, the unilateral purpose of which is to supply them, in addition to this with the rise of science and technology, these demands have increased dramatically; Man in his hard work to achieve his full satisfaction has managed to develop and implement new techniques that allow him to better mitigate these inescapable basic demands. That is why, in the present we speak of organization, planning, objectives, goals, among other aspects. These items have allowed man to generate a persuasive character that has gradually provided answers to his concerns and demands.

For these reasons, we are currently talking about ORGANIZATION, to achieve a better understanding about it Barzelay (2001), indicates that this term "is used in the usual sense, which refers to a bureaucratic entity or of another nature, as in a broad sense, which refers to a network of entities involved in the provision of a public service. ” The study of this theory suggests that the organization should be carried out through various departments that are linked, thus weaving a large network made up of knuckles (entities involved) that allow a better disposition of resources for a public service. While the organizational system is the organizational structure of a company and this in turn is the way in which the company is going to be managed.

In addition to this, STRATEGIC PLANNING arises where Chiavenato (2011) states that it is the deliberate and systematic making of decisions that include purposes that affect or should affect the entire company for long periods. In planning that includes longer terms, it is broader and takes place at the highest hierarchical levels of the company, that is, at the institutional level. It is an ongoing process of strategic decision making that is not concerned with anticipating decisions to be made in the future, but with considering the future implications of decisions to be made in the present.

The strategies allow us to create the necessary maneuvers to be able to reach, understand and / or achieve the mechanisms to materialize an idea, that is, the method used to get the individual to do what we want, for Mintzberg (et al.) (1997):

A strategy is the pattern or plan that integrates the main goals and policies of an organization and, at the same time, establishes the coherent sequence of actions to be carried out. A properly formulated strategy helps to put order and allocate, based on both its attributes and its internal deficiencies, the resources of an organization, in order to achieve a viable and original situation, as well as anticipate possible changes in the environment and the unforeseen actions of smart opponents.

Mintzberg (et al.) (1997) continues: "THE GOALS (or objectives) establish what is to be achieved and when the results will be achieved, but do not establish how they will be achieved." While "STRATEGIC DECISIONS are those that establish the general orientation of a company and its maximum viability in light of both predictable and unpredictable changes that, in due course, may occur in areas that are of interest or competition."

Likewise, any organization is governed by a series of rules, statutes or regulations, which must be observed by both senior management and other hierarchical levels, as well as by the operational units, which allows maintaining a margin in decision-making., evaluate the judgments made, and then issue a decisive opinion that will inevitably affect the entire organizational process. On the other hand, we have that ETHICS allows us to modify the character of human action, from the philosophical point of view it is the one that studies the right or wrong of human behavior, delineates its customs under actions considered as good. (Jonas, 1995: 398); These are the parameters that every manager should focus on when planning.

When we do not consider the aforementioned factors, a series of weaknesses unfold that create serious deficiencies in management and therefore in planning, which directly affects the quality of the services it provides, generating a puzzled image of the public organization and instilling mistrust in the face of a town that sowed its hopes in this management when it chose them, however:

The public bureaucratic apparatus is depleted due to ineffective and ritualistic strategic planning and poor quality and delinquent operational routines… For the most part, public services are routine-driven and not geared toward achieving the results they consider important from the political point of view… These focus almost exclusively on the administration of daily problems without being able to attend to strategic aspects. (Makón, 2000: 2).

It should be noted that the bureaucracy has limited the manager in decision making, preventing him from executing strategic planning and restricting his creative and innovative capacity. One of the most important aspects of public management is that officials must have the capacity to plan, organize, execute and control (supervise) each and every administrative process, but public servants have been burdened by the demands of the bureaucratic apparatus, who in turn impose on them situations that prevent them from carrying out and executing this strategic planning, resulting in ineffectiveness, negligence, incompetence and low quality results in each of the phases of administrative processes.

When the bureaucracy represents the highest levels within the hierarchical scale, it comes to disturb this strategic planning and, as a consequence, results-based management focused on the fulfillment of strategic actions defined in the government plan in a determined period of time., generates a more negative than productive impact on public management, causing chaos, in some cases irreparable. That is why “It becomes essential, then, to lay the foundations for a management model that recreates the productive link between senior management and operational managers, assigning clear responsibilities to one and the other, in order to focus the action of public organizations. towards achieving concrete and important results in society. ” (Makón, 2000: 2).

For this, it will be necessary that the administrative processes within the public management are directed by qualified and competent people (competent / professional profile), in order to be able to carry out that vital role for the development of a municipality and therefore of the nation. Permanently focused on the same sentiment, that is, focused on joint work to achieve a common goal, satisfy the collective demands and demands framed within a strategic planning, duly organized, ready to achieve the proposed objectives through its execution and continuous evaluation of each one of the processes involved through control, in order to obtain concrete results with a positive impact on the community, as stated by Weber (2007); this is,of rational and deliberately oriented actions to achieve specific objectives.

It is worth mentioning that it is not enough that all officials, from the top hierarchy to the operational units, have the professional profile to carry out their functions within the organization and that they are highly competent, but they must also have the formation of a managerial character, for making decisions in a timely and accurate way, knowing how to discern between a good and bad sentence, unequivocally making judgments, opinions and / or decisions effectively, as this will affect the entire production process of the organization.

Despite academic training, expertise, among others, sometimes we do not have the slightest notion of how to make an effective decision, this vulnerability creates an unbalanced management environment, contributing to the formation of conflicts, that's when the manager plays a fundamental role, because in order to carry out and execute strategic planning, the personnel involved must place the decisions prior to their execution on a scale, and given the dilemmas presented, we must assume an ethical criterion that will undoubtedly allow us to turn the helm of organizational management towards In the direction of effective measures, without a doubt, ethical prescriptions must be the foundations that must prevail in the face of organizational dualism.

For these reasons, it is that ethical principles and values ​​within organizational systems become essential, in order to foster the confidence of the collective and, therefore, favor institutional survival and progress. That is why all public officials must act with civic, professional and organizational ethics, since they are essential to achieve the sustained success of any business structure.

Summarizing, the ethical criteria that must be considered when planning are:

  • Establish tangible and executable activities, establish execution periods consistent with performance, plan ahead and adjust the available budget in advance, flexibility in parameters in the event of unforeseen events.

If the above described is fully complied with, it will increase the probability of achieving the proposed objectives in the scheduled time. In order to fulfill the premise: "With good planning, effective execution."

Ethical planning criteria