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Administration chronology, 1900-1998

  • 1900 - 1911 1900 F. Taylor • “Early” scientific management 1900 Frank Gilbreth • Studies of “therbligs” movements 1911 John C. Duncan • College-level text in management

1915 - 1927

1915 Henry Fayol

• General principles of administration

• Four functions

1918 Carls Parsons

• Administration applied to the office

1927 Elton Mayo

•Work groups

1930 - 1947

1930 Mary Follet

• Individual motivation

1938 Chester Barnard Carls Parsons

• Need for communication

1947 Max Weber Rensis Likert Chris Argyris

•Human relations

• Open system in organizational theory

1951 - 1954

1951 Kurt Lewin

• Focus human relations

• Group dynamics

1954 Peter Drucker

• Management practice, APO

1954 Abraham Maslow



1955 - 1957

1955 Herbert Simon Harold Leavitt

• Human behavior and decision making

1956 Ludwin von Bertalanffy

•General theory of the systems

1957 C. North Parkinson

• Parkinson's law

1959 - 1960

1959 Frederick Herzberg


“Two-factor model”

1960 Douglas McGregor

• Theory X and Y

1960 William E Deming

• Quality Fourteen principles

1961 - 1964

1961 R. Tannenbaum

• Leadership and authority

1961 D. McClelland


Power, Achievement and Affiliation

1964 Blake and Mouton

• Management grid

1965 - 1967

1965 Herbert Simon

• Mathematical models decisions

1965 Joan Woodward

• Contingency focus, Impact technology in organizations

1967 Fred Fielder Talcott Pearsons

•Situational leadership

1969 - 1971

1969 Peter and Hull

• Peter's principle

1970 Katz and Kahn

• Systems theory to organizations

1971 Ichak Adizes

• Styles of managerial incompetence

• Model for change

1975 - 1981

1975 Henry Mintzberg

• Management work: three roles

1977 Hersey and Blanchard

•Situational leadership

1980 Edgar Schein

• Entrepreneurial Culture and Leadership

1981 William Ouchi

• Theory Z

1982 - 1985

1982 Peters and Waterman

•In Search of Excellence.

• Traits of successful companies

1985 Kaoru Ishikawa

• Total quality control: managerial mental revolution

1985 - 1986

1985 Michael E. Porter

• Strategic thinking for competitive advantages

1986 Harold J. Leavitt

• Rediscover vision, mission and organizational purpose

• Values ​​and beliefs

1987 - 1990

1987 Philip Crosby

• Organizational quality philosophy

1990 Peter M. Senge

• Organizational complexity

• Work + learning

•Competitive advantage

• "5th Discipline"

1991 - 19

1991 Stephen Covey

• Leadership focused on principles

1997 H James Harrington

• Merger methodologies: Total administration of continuous improvement

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Administration chronology, 1900-1998