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What is your energy level at work?


We all want to do well at work. And for that there are many factors that count. For example: generate clear and quantifiable achievements, generate measurable results well aligned with what the organization proposes and needs, show a clear commitment, have solid and unwavering values, be very loyal, have current, diverse and updated contacts and relationships, develop a clear personal brand; in short, the list is very long. But there is also something much more subjective - but determining for the success of our careers and of life in general, I think - and that is the energy level with which we work.

It is worth asking ourselves: am I a person who really gives all his energy to the team or organization? That leaves everything on the court? Does my positive energy contribute to the achievement of goals? Do you energize others? Do they recognize me as someone with a lot of energy, passion or enthusiasm? Do you feel my energy?

Imagine that I want to work in your business or company and you interview me. You see that I am half crestfallen, dull, tired, distant and I respond with indifference or distance to the questions you ask me. I do not feel any enthusiasm, strength or energy to face the challenges or opportunities, nor do you feel much desire to work in that position or be part of the team of that company. So, would you have a desire to join your team? To hire me? Probably not, right? You would not hire someone who does not like what they do, who has a bad face and a bad vibe for more academic degrees or experience, right? Definitely those attitudes or that lack of energy damage any personal presentation and, therefore, the personal brand.

We all want to be able to work with people who put strength and passion to work, with people whose eyes shine because they are part of the team or the challenge. People who give themselves completely to work and put a lot of force into their day to day work. People who have the ability to inspire and energize others. That make them vibrate high.

I know that having or always showing a lot of energy is not an easy task, especially when one is not happy at work, or when we have other more enriching interests, or perhaps when we have to study at night or have young children, or, in usually when we don't have much energy left to bring to work.

But it is key to bring energy to work. It comes with the territory and is necessary especially when one is a leader and others need it from us. We have to give our best and get that energy out, and that that energy be felt, perceived and positively impacted on others.

Something that can work to help us bring out and share our strength is asking ourselves many questions about it and trying to understand each other better: What do I have to do differently to give more of myself? What do I have to do better in terms of "getting the batteries"? What should I stop doing? What is taking away my energy and strength? What should I start doing to show my commitment to the job, the team, the organization, the goals, or the challenges? Is it stress that is affecting me? Is it my organizational skills or the lack of it? What motivates me and what stops me from wanting to work well? And many more…

Giving your best and working with enthusiasm and energy are clear signs of that commitment that inspires and motivates others. Let us propose to work on it and make a difference for our career and work happiness.

Posted by Inés Temple on 11/23/2016 in América Economía.

What is your energy level at work?