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What are the 10 most important positive emotions?

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Positivity is a life choice, people who develop this quality generally have a superior performance in the different spheres of their life. The positive emotions mentioned in this article are the subject of the greatest scientific research by Dr. Barbara Frederickson PH. D - and winner of the '' Highest templeton prize in Positive Psychology ”- after years of studying the emotional experiences of hundreds of people (university students, businessmen and women in mid-life) considers these 10 forms of positivity They are the ones that “color” the most frequently the day to day of most people and that cultivating them has a direct effect on our well-being. Here we describe them:

  • Joy: It happens in an instant, when we find ourselves in a familiar and safe environment. It appears in those "perfect" moments (a Sunday with the family, an unexpected congratulation) where we feel that things are exactly as they should be and we are right where we should be. Gratitude: It is a moment when you realize that someone did much more for you than was necessary, perhaps a neighbor, a teacher, or a mentor. Gratitude opens our hearts and activates in us the button of genuine "'reciprocity" that moves us to do something for that person who did us so much good. Serenity: Like joy, serenity occurs in a family atmosphere and Sure, but it's a much more relaxed, sustained, and subtle version. It is enjoyed when we are fully present and aware of what we are experiencing,from enjoying eating a craving, to being completely immersed in a moment of contemplation.Interest: It is a higher state where something new draws our attention inspiring us and causing us fascination and curiosity. Sometimes it unfolds as a range of new challenges that allows you to keep growing your skills; This keeps us awake, energized and feeling really alive. Hope: Although positivity is generated when you feel safe and familiar, hope is the exception. This is generated when circumstances are difficult or adverse and illuminates us like a beacon of light, reinforcing our belief that everything can change and improve. Pride: It is one of the emotions classified as "self-awareness",and many times it has a negative connotation when associating it with capital sins such as pride. If you keep it balanced with some humility, its positivity is that it allows us to attribute to ourselves the achievements that result from genuine effort and hard work. Fun: You find it in what makes you laugh and allows you to re-create; Sometimes it is an unexpected spark that springs spontaneously and helps you change or “refresh” your perspective. Inspiration: It is like a breath of oxygen that touches your life, your heart and your mind, exalting your imagination, your creativity and your motivation. Feeling inspired by something or someone triggers your attention and warms your heart. Amazement: It originates from recognizing the feeling of being in the presence of something much greater than ourselves. It can happen when contemplating a sunset,When observing the Milky Way or holding the head of a newborn, those moments of magnificence and beauty recharge our energy. Love: It is the most frequent positive emotion and covers all of the above. When we feel love, our bodies have a biological reaction that increases our levels of oxytocin and progesterone, increasing our sense of well-being and reducing our level of stress, which undoubtedly improves our health and quality of life.increasing our sense of well-being and reducing our stress level, which undoubtedly improves our health and quality of life.increasing our sense of well-being and reducing our stress level, which undoubtedly improves our health and quality of life.

How to cultivate these emotions?

A good principle is to analyze what time of thoughts and actions provoke these positive emotions and have them clear to generate them when you need to feel good, excited or calm. Another idea is to create a portfolio on your computer with images that provoke these emotions: photographs of people, experiences or places, music, quotes or readings or any element that allows you to transform your emotional state.

Source: Positivity - Groundbreaking Research to release your inner optimism and thrive-Barbara Frederickson.

What are the 10 most important positive emotions?