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The seasons of the year and the stages of life

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Many times the states of mind, the humor more than anything of a person receive a strong and marked influence of the external natural environment. Likewise, the internal environment reflects these same signals in our mind, body and inner being. For this reason, and very close to entering Puerto Rico at the most emotional, sensitive and most significant time "Christmas" we could establish some similarities with our stages of life with the emotions and seasons of the year.

Teresa Duran, a woman whose specialty is the study of eastern cultures and their influence on human behavior tells us that: Starting from the Chinese cosmological concept of yin and yang as a principle of understanding for any structure and its environment (from micro cellular to the microcosmic) and understanding it as a dialogue of balance and complementarity between the different parts of a whole, we can appreciate the wisdom contained in Chinese bioenergetics.

According to this oriental culture, they divide the course of the annual cycle into 5 seasons and not 4, like us: spring summer, late summer (the time between late summer and early autumn, finally December that begins with a autumn winter, before a total winter.

Each of them corresponds to an Element, a Color, a Sense, an external Organ, a Flavor, a Direction, a Sound, an Emotion, a Climate and two internal Organs (one Yin and another Yang).

So we can understand the influence of the Climate, for example, on our physical body through the organs that belong to each season. Or the parallelism that represents the constant flow of the seasons and our physical, mental, emotional and psychic growth.

Spring our childhood. Summer adolescence. Late summer maturity. Autumn our adulthood and winter our old age and death.

With the following table we will be able to understand it better:

Station Spring Summer Late summer Fall Winter
Element Wood Fire land Metal Water
Color Green Red Yellow White Black / Blue
Sense View Language Taste Odor Hearing
Organ Ext. Eyes Language Mouth nose Nose Ears
Taste Sour sour Bitter Sweet Hot spicy Salty
Address This South Center West North
Sound Scream Laughter Singing Crying Groan
Emotion Anger / Wrath Joy Obsession Sadness Fear
Weather Wind Warm Damp Dry Cold
Yin organ Liver Heart Spleen / Pan. Lungs Kidneys
Yang organ You see. Bile Int. Slim Stomach Int.Thick Bladder

The Five Elements are related to each other in two different ways: One Creative and the other Control.

In Creative, each of the Elements feeds and energizes, clockwise, the next element.

In Control, each of the Elements has the power to control, govern or transmute others. Eg: fire makes liquid metal earth can contain water… So, everything is interacting with you: The weather can induce us to a certain state of mind; The vision of a Color can stimulate an organ or on the contrary, the imbalance in an internal organ can affect any of our senses.

Global Health is a balance between all these concepts.

Spring and childhood

It is the moment where the physical, mental and spiritual life is born from the innocence, the naivety of the Being. The visual and auditory senses are developed. In addition, according to this specialist, the emotion that governs spring is anger and anger.

There is really no insight into internal analysis at this stage of life. Each act flourishes and transforms into a wonderful new learning opportunity. It is a time of rose, beautiful, pretty and marks the basis of what that being as a young adult will be like. In the spring, without a doubt, everything shines, the illusions, the dreams, the fantasies, the visions of what I will be when I grow up. Well channeled and directed goals we would learn to change courage and anger into a Force of Power and personal Self-realization. Otherwise, it would mark the beginning of a life in violence and without the visualization of a positive existential health.

Summer and adolescence

A stage where what is expected to prevail is "joy". Where a life in absolute illusion and creation of the concretization of his dreams and youthful ambitions is observed. The organ strongly influenced here is the heart and the most heard and expected sound is laughter. !!! How much beauty is this hot and burning summer of hopes that we want to achieve !!!. There could be in the adolescent who is ruled by the influence of this station a lot of ardor, a lot of energy of Internal light, which is reflected in everything around him. When this joy turns into sadness, and this in turn into anger, and the language learned is no longer, neither loving nor warm to the ears, a retrospection of this stage has occurred to a childhood frustrated, suffered and destroyed by the child. change of what by nature,the stage itself would have produced us under normal and acceptable circumstances within the moral and ethics of today's society.

Late summer and maturity

Really, all human beings will reach this stage ??? It is very likely that physically Yes! Mentally and spiritually No !!! We know that in the first two stages of childhood and adolescence the personality of a human being was marked and developed. If an individual has not been able, for whatever reasons to have a happy childhood and childhood, it is very possible that the traces of the evil that occurred will appear at this moment. Here the radical decisions of a young adult are already beginning to take action. What study ?, What job do I want? How is my real partner? What person am I? How am I? etc..etc… An adult physically, mentally and spiritually strengthened will not emerge from a childhood and adolescence traumatized or destroyed by mistreatment, violence, abuse and wickedness. For this reason, possibly, the emotion that governs this stage is obsession.This is precisely where our senses become obsessed with being able to be someone valuable, useful and profitable. It is, without a doubt, an opportunity to evaluate both our childhood and adolescence and draw again an Action Plan for Life that I want and want to have with others and with myself as a human being.

Autumn adulthood

This is a decisive and very important stage in the development and growth of a person and a society. When there are no adults with rational, mature and conscious adult behaviors, there are many problems.

Each stage lays the foundation for the other. Nothing is detached, separated or distant.

If there was not a solid base in childhood with the family, the home, the values ​​and moral principles, it will also be the adult. Many of the terrible social, psychological and emotional wars of this millennium come from behind. Its base, trunk or roots, which gave way to a dysfunctional human being, with disastrous and pathological interpersonal relationships are in the three previous stages. A being who did not know spring, does not recognize the beauty of flowers, destroys them, the harmony of a landscape of the Sun, does not make sense to him because there was no heat and love, the late summer was colder, and desolation than joy and happiness. That is why, even at this stage, an adult with knowledge of cause could live in an existential context what he did not know due to the circumstances, which I previously faced.It will only depend on your own internal strength and the support of your highest supreme entity and him as an agent of change with your interior and the healing of the wounds experienced.

Winter, old age and death

This would not have to be a stage where the predominant emotion is fear, and the dominant color is black. On the contrary, it is one of much meditation, reflection, spirituality, serenity, wisdom and peace. What wonderful feelings !!!! Here there is already the feeling of the loss of the unattainable, the renunciation of the useless and the unnecessary. In this winter, although it is true, one feels nostalgia, melancholy, longing for the past that is gone, it is here where we truly are born to another life, to another more harmonious, happy existence and detachment from everything that it did not have, nor does it have. real sense. The Encounter with the Supreme, Superior, God and the Acceptance of rebirth to what I really am… a divine being living a human experience. At this moment you as a spiritual being grow, you see the fruits of your harvests,You see your life in retrospect with the courage and courage that comes from knowing that you were, did, and created the best you could, and that is your legacy and gift to life. When death comes, you already know that the transformation of your human person ceased to have value, to be and enter into absolute communion with your soul, heart and spirit. What really answers you, that you will return to your origin and find yourself with your real self and God. Almost certainly, that we live each and every one of these stages when we want to. Each of these emotions we have when we want to have them… However, the important thing is to learn the beautiful, beautiful and dogmatic of each one. Accept nature and originality, which represents accepting that We are more than seasons of the year, and more than stages of Life.We are a Whole with the Whole and We are what we want to be… both in spring, summer, autumn or winter. That is the only true, and the only real thing. At any time of the year, but especially at Christmas we feel all seasons and enjoy our emotions in love and peace. anda E. Soto Vázquez is a specialist in labor, sexual and moral harassment "Mobbing". His educational research studies are related to human behavior, social behavior and human rights.His educational research studies are related to human behavior, social behavior and human rights.His educational research studies are related to human behavior, social behavior and human rights.


Teresa Durán - Acupuncturist, Quiromasajista and Teacher of Tai-Chi Chuan and Chi Kung Articulista of Enbuenasmanoshttp: //www.fotorecerca.com/teresaduran

The seasons of the year and the stages of life