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Performance evaluation questionnaire for a drilling engineer. preussag energie ca

Table of contents:



The following instrument is intended to evaluate the performance of the drilling engineer using information provided by the immediate manager, and is also intended to achieve and maintain the quality and excellence of the Preussag energie company.

The idea is to learn to learn and improve the performance of the position to be evaluated. This requires the greatest objectivity and honesty possible when filling out the instrument.

Make only one selection per question, with the highest being 5 (always) and the lowest 1 (never).


Instrument to measure performance

of the drilling engineer.



5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Almost never 1 - Never
Do you have good external relations with contractors?
Do you efficiently assist suppliers in the evaluation of materials or equipment for drilling?
Does it satisfy the requirements of production management in a timely manner?
Do you establish cordial relationships with QHSE management?
Does it fully satisfy relationships to coordinate service contracts?


5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Almost never 1 - Never
Are you willing to take training and development courses in drilling / compilation, etc.?
Do you show tolerance when receiving opinions about the techniques used for your work?
By designing industrial and environmental safety standards, do you contribute to balance in order to determine procedures to follow to comply with the parameters established by the company?
Are you enthusiastic about learning new techniques to do your job?
Do you take actions to expand your knowledge by making graphical representations of the progress of the wells to be drilled?
Do you assume responsibility for the failure to prepare a contingency plan for the drilling process to learn from them?


5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Almost never 1 - Never
Do you assume the needs of the organization as your own when coordinating and supervising the process of foundation and lowering of cladding?
Does it address the organization's priorities by keeping track and logging completion of drilled wells?
Do you demonstrate consistency between your behavior and the company's values ​​in ensuring the execution of the drilling program?


5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Almost never 1 - Never
Do you promote actions that generate benefits for the company in a timely manner and at the same cost in the design of industrial and environmental safety standards, meeting the parameters?
Do you use resources efficiently and effectively taking into account their costs for the company?


5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Almost never 1 - Never
Does it analyze the environment and alert the company to situations that may affect it regarding the existence of materials and equipment according to technical specifications?
Do you anticipate problems and act accordingly to the execution of the drilling program?
Does it pose situations about the daily logs or the summary of the wells in a logical and sequential way?


5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Almost never 1 - Never
Do you demonstrate transparency and an ethical sense in your relationships with suppliers and contractors?
Does it respond to the needs of production management as if it were its own?
Do you establish relationships in a respectful way towards the rest of the staff, personally and professionally?


5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Almost never 1 - Never
Does it ensure safety taking into account the provisions necessary for the design of industrial and environmental standards for the organization?
Do you handle information with reliability criteria in the preparation of the drilling lining records?
Does it preserve the environment to contribute to the balance of the programs?


5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Almost never 1 - Never
Do you easily accept changing guards to coordinate the drilling process?
Do you change your opinion regarding the best options implemented by the organization?
Do you establish high quality standards for the completion of completion programs?
Do you set high quality standards for carrying out drilling programs?
Are you enthusiastically developing the drilling casing logs to completion?


5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Almost never 1 - Never
Are you aware of the importance of your role within the production team?
Do you value and respect the opinions and suggestions of the members of the production management?
Do you deliver requested summaries and schedules on time to avoid delays in production management?
Do you deliver requested summaries and schedules on time to avoid delays in QHSE management?


5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Almost never 1 - Never
Do your opinions and ideas get accepted to improve the way of working?
Are your drilling and foundation program designs supported by QHSE management?
Do you direct your effort and plans toward the desired sense of direction?


≥37 - <66 Terrible

≥66 - <96 Bad

≥96 - <126 Regular

≥126 - <156 Good

≥156 - ≤185 Excellent



The following instrument is intended to evaluate the performance of the Petroleum Development Manager using information provided by the immediate boss, and is also intended to achieve and maintain the quality and excellence of the Preussag energie company.

The idea is to learn to learn and improve the performance of the position to be evaluated. This requires the greatest objectivity and honesty possible when filling out the instrument.

Make only one selection per question, with the highest being 5 (always) and the lowest 1 (never).


Instrument to measure performance

from the Oil Development Manager.



5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Almost never 1 - Never
Do you maintain relations with PDVSA for the provision of information on plans and projects?
Do you maintain cordial and empathetic relationships with contractors to provide the company with good service?
Do you maintain empathetic and cordial relations with the Ministry of the Environment to adapt the plans to the preservation of natural resources?
Do you have good relations with the energy and mines ministry to coordinate permits for oil operations?
Does it meet the requirements of external customers in a timely manner?
Does it respond adequately and effectively to the needs and requirements of external clients in a timely manner?


5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Almost never 1 - Never
Do you have a permanent attitude of personal responsibility for the functions of the company?
Are you willing to improve your training capabilities?
Are you enthusiastic about studying and watching over the development of your knowledge in petroleum and geology?
Looking for feedback on your projects to improve them?
Do you show enthusiasm in knowing new technologies and techniques for the development of your work?
Looking to exceed your own knowledge and standards when presenting your work projects?


5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Almost never 1 - Never
Do you optimize the recovery of reserves to ensure the continuity of operations in the field?
Do you authorize the acquisition of new technologies to carry out forecasting activities?
Are you looking for new oil fields and new locations?


5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Almost never 1 - Never
Do you adequately advise your supervisors?
Do you show a transparent attitude when presenting your requirements and request for information?
Do you provide adequate information to your subordinates?
Does it provide adequate information to contractors?
Do you take into account the advice or suggestions provided by external agents?


5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Almost never 1 - Never
Do you promote actions through the development of petroleum engineering in order to guarantee productive oil fields for the benefit of the company?
Do you plan to maximize potential by developing petroleum engineering and geological studies, coordinating costs and production times?
Are you using the company's financial resources effectively?


5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Almost never 1 - Never
Does it indicate new oil locations ahead of time?
Do you analyze situations managing to foresee possible consequences and proposing courses of action for the projects?
Do you analyze and propose new operations in deposits predicted in a logical and sequential way?


5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Almost never 1 - Never
Do you change your position or opinion regarding better options presented by your superiors?
Do you see obstacles as a challenge and try to solve them?
Do you change your position or opinion regarding better options presented by your supervisees?


5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Almost never 1 - Never
Does it optimize the recovery of reserves and ensure that the continuity of operations in the field is at high levels?
Do you ensure that you give the best results when performing your duties?
Does it maximize efforts to find new deposits?
Do you enthusiastically carry out your responsibilities to completion?
Do you carry out activities other than the main ones with the same effort?


5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Almost never 1 - Never
Do you celebrate the triumph of the team and its members with enthusiasm?
Do you value the needs and opinions of team members?
Are you aware of your role as a team leader?
Do you collaborate with members of teams other than yours?


5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Almost never 1 - Never
Are your views and ideas accepted by your team members?
Do you achieve results by adding the support of other people to your effort?
Do you direct your effort and that of other people or groups in the desired direction?


5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Almost never 1 - Never
Do you take care that the facilities and equipment have the required security conditions?
Do you verify that industrial safety standards are met?
Does it preserve the environment to contribute to the balance of the systems?
Do you ensure the safety of everything including yours?


≥45 - <81 Terrible

≥81 - <117 Bad

≥117 - <153 Regular

≥153 - <189 Good

≥189 - ≤225 Excellent

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Performance evaluation questionnaire for a drilling engineer. preussag energie ca