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Cultivate the value of being social


My dear readers, in the previous article I spoke to you about the importance of conscious self-observation, as a skillful means to familiarize ourselves with what we are and as an effective tool to cultivate our own emotional balance.

All this with a purpose that even goes beyond our own personal borders, that seeks above all our happiness, that which is reflected in a coherent image of ourselves, capable of transforming ourselves and thus positively influencing our most immediate environment, our children, students, coworkers, our community and why not? of the world.

We are not shipwrecked inhabitants of a solitary island, in short, we are social beings who share and inhabit the same planet.

Just by observing what surrounds us or listening to the news, we can realize that in one way or another what we do, what happens in a place, what a government does or the inhabitants of a particular nation, ends up affecting the rest of nations and even a single action manages to have scope that goes far beyond the borders where it was generated.

Starting from this idea, today I want to write to you about Cultivating the Value of Social Being, but not from the angle in which we always stand and we certainly conclude, that indeed, we are beings who belong to a society and therefore we are social beings. This would be a truism in our world today that is simplistic.

The thing is that, although it seems a space already conquered by us human beings, sometimes we are petulant when we are prone to think that the position is won and already, something like the dialogue that we could have with our children after a heated discussion, when we reply: “Respect me! Because I am your father or I am your mother ”.

Yes, certainly in that relationship "there should be a tacit respect", but it turns out that this is not always the case, many times parents in general, we lose that respect, just because we are inconsistent, sometimes we send confusing signals and then we want to reclaim what is supposed to be a space already conquered.

The parallelism comes right, because cultivating the value of being social starts exactly from there, respect and solidarity, but what is the use of belonging to a society?

Think about it!

Hasn't it happened to you that you live in a society and belong to it, but still feel lonely?

Beyond our mistakes or emotional conflicts, how different it would be for many to overcome that feeling if they lived in a more supportive environment.

Solidarity is one of the greatest gifts that life can give us.

Believe me, I have lived through three very extreme episodes in my life and in all three I certainly got people who were not very supportive and even not very respectful, I felt as if I was already part of the wood of the bonfire.

But, on those same three occasions I got people who were not only extremely respectful of the moment, but above all in solidarity, I had the immense fortune to experience receiving that gift.

Gift that, by the way, the only way to give back is just trying to sow that seed that one day I received, trying to cultivate the value of being social.

A being that starts above all from respect and solidarity, because they are definitely pillars of the well-being of man, his community and his society.

Perhaps in the world in which we live where what prevails is the individual and the social need to be successful in business, that sense of solidarity and respect for the dignity of the human being has been abandoned.

The true value of being social has been abandoned, the one that allows you to share and cooperate, grow together, that allows you to identify with that society, be part of it and its development, but, above all, that allows you to feel proud of the quality and warmth of its people.

And again here, I don't mean the quality of a product or a brand for sale, I mean quality as pride in a job well done, that quality that fills you with joy and gives you a well-understood sense of belonging, without selfishness, the one that draws a smile on your mouth and gives warmth of home to your heart, because you know that you belong to a society where its people feel proud of what they do day by day, which can even feel ashamed if one of your compatriots harms or disrespects another, be it from the same land or a foreigner...

When each one of us is concerned with cultivating the value of being social and we are in charge of sowing in our path the culture of respect and solidarity, we can truly live with quality, that quality that only gives a job done from the heart.

That is the kind of society that I want for my son, for my brothers, for my parents, my teachers, my neighbors, for my life partner, for me, for my society and for you, for your society, let's cultivate it and rescue the true value of being social, from respect and solidarity.


Fanny Ramírez V.

Cultivate the value of being social